Part 132

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Oval Office, April 18th 2016
Johnson read the report given to her by the United Republic which had been translated the day before. Surprisingly it was written in traditional Chinese and the translator found this astonishing as did Johnson. It simply said "young man of about sixteen to seventeen  years of age found by city police ascribed affiliation with unknown interstellar Empire" Johnson set it down and looked out the window. She wondered what they should do with this Shawn when Toronto was retaken, should they leave him alone or take him into custody but there was the chance the Imperials would whisk him away with them. That was a difficult choice Johnson knew either she or Thomason would make depending on whose troops got to him first, she then picked up her daily briefing taking the report from the CIA on this new Imperial official this Governor Kaine he was called.

There was no picture of him but there was one of that mysterious Lord Vader standing outside. Johnson remembered what she saw when she first set foot in the Oval Office seeing that Vader somehow strangle Walker and the Vice President to death without laying a hand on either one. Johnson decided to get to the bottom of what she'd seen and picked up the phone dialing the Pentagon "get me General Mitchell".
The one thing that seemed different this time was how dark it felt even at home. But now that Shawn knew Aaliyah was Force-sensitive it put her at risk especially with the Fourth Brother around he hoped she wouldn't somehow be discovered or that Vader had sensed it when he saw her. "What'd you mean she's like you?" His mom asked "I'm saying she can do the things I can but doesn't know how to use her power yet" Shawn replied, "is she in danger?" His dad asked "only if they find out" Shawn replied. His parents looked at each other with looks of concern "okay don't and I mean don't teach her whatever it is you can do" his dad said a little sternly "ok" Shawn replied then felt his phone buzz in his pocket as they went back to watching the TV and pulled it out seeing a text from an unknown number

Unknown number: meet me outside the city at these coordinates (assorted latitude and longitude numbers)
Shawn: who is this how'd you get my number? The he put them with a caller ID
Possible Clown: there's something I've found and it's Clara Shawn
Shawn: ok I'm on my way
Then he went up stairs getting his keys and this time took his lightsaber with him. "I'm uh heading to a friends house" he said "ok don't be late" his mom replied. Shawn walked outside got into his car started it then put the coordinates into maps then began driving off.Traffic was a little jammed and he saw why, the Empire had deployed AT-ST walkers in the city to up their security and it had caused disruptions to commuters.

Once he reached the city outskirts there was a large checkpoint that had a large fence expanding all around the city to keep residents from leaving. Shawn pulled up as a trooper approached "lemme see you identification" the trooper asked, Shawn reached into his wallet handing his drivers license which the trooper ran through a machine next to him. "Lemme see your number"the trooper said handing back Shawn's license then held a scanner looking device up, Shawn held his wrist out and the trooper scanned the bar coded number tattooed on the underside of his lower arm "checks out move along"the trooper said backing up waving him forward. After leaving the city Shawn felt a great relief knowing the Empire was far behind now.

********** City Hall,Toronto
"Very interesting to know" Kaine said reading the report of the raid last night "I see Lord Vader personally killed ten or more insurgents", "and prisoners?". "We captured one Governor Kaine" Agent Kallus replied "bring him in" Kaine said setting the datapad down on his desk. The doors opened and a young man in handcuffs was shoved in by stormtroopers, he looked determined yet scared at the same time "hello there" Kaine said rising from his chair that creaked as he stood up and walked over "do you know who I am?", "nope" the young man replied "well I know who you are Adam Smith" Kaine said "I am Grand Moff Kaine Governor of the Expansion Region and I'm here to eradicate your lot to ensure peace and order here". Adam scoffed "I wish that guy with the laser sword killed me rather be dead, you killed my uncle I'm not gunna quit till you're all gone". Kaine stepped closer "that can be arranged" he said in a quiet serious tone

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