A Favor

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Ventress walked in "my lord we've lost Lorrd I suggest a counterassault" she said, Maul replied "unless your only suggestion is for us to lose more ships I cannot do that my lady" in a disdainful tone. "The Jedi were on the planet and escaped we must hunt them down" Ventress said crossing her arms, "I'm afraid we cannot do that at the moment as their whereabouts are unknown" Maul replied "well then my followers will make them known" Ventress reassured "your followers have proven incapable fighters Lord Snoke has ordered me to dispose of them and start over Maul said walking out "please Lord Maul I will drill them harder until they rival even the Sith" Ventress almost pleaded, "then try that with the next ones" Maul stated, "if you kill them do you have other Force-sensitives in mind they're the only ones in all our territories" Ventress argued. Maul stopped "hm you do have a point until them drill them hard" Maul said walking back in his office,

Senate Building, Coruscant
"The chair recognizes the Princess of the royal house of Alderaan" Mas Amedda stated and Leia's platform floated down, "esteemed member so the Senate it has come to my attention the Empire has begun to be viewed as a nusicene by outlying systems such as Earth-" Leia said but was interrupted my the Senator Lott Dod from Cato Nemoidia "I reject this is treason Lord Amedda, we recommend a commission overlook this at once" Lott Dod argued, "Princess Leia will you defer for such a action?" Mas Amedda asked "I will not, the planet we've unjustly forced ourselves onto is crumbling, the Emperors recent decree to sanction financial trade with cities under our control is destroying their fragile post war economy" Leia argued not censoring herself, "strong words coming from a traitors daughter" Lott Dod snapped mockingly.

Leia glared at him but continued "please Senators wake up will you stand idly by while a primitive planet is crumbled by the Empires efforts" she said, "such words are treason!" Lott Dod argued but Leia turned to him "at least I'm not a traitor to my conscience Senator" and there were hushed murmurs throughout the chambers "wake up Senators we must use our powers to help people not make them more miserable, the ordinary citizens I've had words with compare us to a dictatorial regime that murdered millions of people" Leia stated, "those subjects should hold their tongues or find themselves in a cell" Lott Dod said, "Senator these people fear us like a plague, as do our own people" Leia said and more murmurs echoed "Princess Leia will no longer speak, this session is over"" Mas Amedda ordered and her platform returned to its dock.

Moscow,Russia, the Kremlin
Facing odds the world had never faced President Johnson traveled to Moscow to meet her greatest enemy and adversary for a private meeting to hope for a agreement of cooperation. She sat across from Riosovsky her head held high confidence across her face while Riosovsky had disdain and rage in his eyes, they said nothing for five seconds before Riosovsky spoke up "did you fight in Afghanistan? Madam President", "I did and in 91' for Desert Storm" Johnson responded calmly "I did as well it was an honor to fight for my country" Riosovsky said "it was an honor for me too" Johnson replied nodding a little, Riosovsky said "I'm assuming you've come all this way to ask something of me?".

"Yes I did, I was hoping we could cooperate against the invader manners of the Empire" Johnson said, Riosovsky gave a slight chuckle "the war ended only two months ago and you want us to be friends again?" He asked, "let's not let petty issues dictate our decisions" Johnson replied, "was that the case when that Organa girl and her Emperor negotiated a Versailles like treaty, my own home city St Petersburg is under the control of a fascist regime because of her"Riosovsky said. "Four of my countries cites with twenty million people total are under occupation Mr President I understand your point very clearly" Johnson said with slight anger, Riosovsky smiled "of course you do, but how will you combat the Empire if twenty million of your citizens are being held hostage" he asked.

Johnson rubbed her hands "we have the means to and people are actively resisting them" she said, "you'd risk war with a enemy how could return with a fleet of starships and wipe civilization off the map" Riosovsky said. Johnson knew how mentally probing Riosovsky was but she was just as sharp "there's a slight catch to that, have you heard the rumors of this Rebellion against the Empire" she said, "I have yes" Riosovsky said. "We have a communication device in the UN our tech people are working on, if they're successful we could contact these rebels and get their help" Johnson said, "how can you be sure they'd help us?" Riosovsky asked.

"I've heard they seek to overthrow the Empire and restore this Republic, the US can understand this" Johnson said, "hm, you can what of my allies Xi is a hardline Maoist he will not agree with this neither will the Iranians" Riosovsky said. "He must understand that the West and East not just NATO and the Moscow Pact have to work the together unless they want a totalitarian regime holding their people hostage without consequence" Johnson said. Riosovsky chuckled "hm you're a very strong woman Madam President unlike your predecessor he would've kissed the Empires foot like France did in 1940" he said, "I will consider this offer Ms Johnson and present it to my allies tomorrow at the summit in Astana" Riosovsky said "they will consider it most likely of not there's not much I can do after that" he added,

"Thank you Mr President" Johnson said. "On a side note what will you do with the Canadian boy?" Riosovsky asked moving his hand around in a circle motion, confused Johnson asked "what do you mean?" A look of confusion on her face " well you see he's one of them a threat to us whose to say the Emperor wouldn't have him walk into the White House because of this" Riosovsky said. Johnson didn't know what his point was "what does that have to do with the situation?" She asked, Riosovsky smirked and reached until his jacket pulling out a white handkerchief with blood on it and setting it on the table in front of her "that is why" he said. Johnson looked at it and was about to speak "I had it analyzed by SVR agent in Ottawa it was him" Riosovsky said, "he isn't under my jurisdiction you'd have to ask Thomason this" Johnson said. "I don't talk to cowards" Riosovsky responded,

"This here is another reason why we must do this" Riosovsky said "if you want me to arrest him it won't happen, what would we hold him for he's done nothing wrong" Johnson argued back, "I didn't want to arrest him, an armed agent of mine went missing in Toronto a couple weeks ago his orders from me did not mention anything about arresting him" Riosovsky said with a sly smirk, Johnson was uneasy now why he'd hit at having a spy kill one boy no older than her own daughter. "I hope this doesn't ruin our little alliance" Riosovsky said, "of course not" Johnson said with a fake smile, she had known this and hoped the undercover CIA agent "Marcus" had kept a sharp eye out.

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