Halls Of Castamere

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A:N all credits of this cover go to Kareline on YouTube thanks for this cover

April 2nd, 2016

News broadcast- President Johnson welcomed her Russian counterpart to the White House this afternoon in what seems to be a closed doors meeting of some sort, this has been met with criticism the administration three months after the two countries were at war, the White House issued a statement that their meetings are to "better relations between our two countries in a time of crisis for the whole world" and declined any further info regarding the meeting.

"I must say we might as well sign our own death warrants" Riosovsky said reading over the drafts of the attack plans issued by The Pentagon and Ministry Of Defense. "I want this to be quick Viktor I don't wanna turn Los Angeles into a second Stalingrad or Aleppo" Johnson riposted in a serious tone. Riosovsky smirked closing the file "And I do not want to turn mu hometown into Grozny that is something I've witnessed firsthand, the smell of gunpowder mixed with rubble and dust not to mention the well-being of ordinary civilians.

"There wont be a constant barrage of shells or bombs, the jets will go in low and fast hitting their military installations and minimal destruction of property" Johnson responded. "And what of these armed guerrilla fighters you've sent small arms will they coordinate with the attack?' Riosovsky inquired, "most likely agents of the CIA are in the leadership of these groups are there any in St Petersburg?" Johnson asked, "yes as in Shanghai and Hong Kong Xi grows weary of the Empire and wants them gone before China collapses" Riosovsky said. "Well we still have a month until the attack Xi will be pleased to know" Johnson replied, "and perfect timing I want those solders back in Moscow for the victory day parade" Riosovsky said.

Shawn hadn't seen the spirit in a couple days and in that time managed to catch up on sleep practically sleeping all day, his mom had grown worrisome though but he knew saying being haunted by a dark spirit would sound crazy. Then again it was the same with the Force,this day Shawn came home from school to find the holoprojecter beeping wildly, quickly he answered it and there was a very upset looking Palpatine "why did you not respond?" He demanded, "sorry sir I was at school" Shawn replied. "I do not tolerate excuses Mendes remember that, I've called you for an assignment", Shawn was about to respond when his mom walked in with an angry look "he isn't going anywhere I've had enough of you meddling with our lives" she said pointing at the hologram. Palpatine smirked with mockery "madam I can summon whomever I please I am your Emperor not an ordinary man", "I don't give a damn! He's not going that's final-" suddenly she stopped mid-sentence followed by a pained gasp.

Shawn saw Palpatine had his fingers curled in slightly and was choking her all the way from Coruscant!, he panicked as she gagged "please let her sir please! I'll go" he pleaded. Palpatine had a narrow glare even through the blue hologram his eyes seemed to glow, he released his grip and she coughed storming out "good return to Coruscant tomorrow" Palpatine said before the transmission ended. Shawn went after his mom who sat on the couch crying "h-how'd he do that? That was so scary" she said wiping her eyes, "I just hate being so helpless, I don't wanna see you leave anymore but you said he'd destroy the world if you don't". She looked at him "when're you gonna have to leave?", Shawn felt sad, angry and afraid all at the same time of Palpatine could literally reach out across the stars and choke the life from his mom who's to say he wouldn't try it on someone else. "Tomorrow" he replied, she nodded sniffling and wiping her eyes "ok" she said quietly standing up and walking away.

City Hall,
Vader strolled into the office area activating the hologram and kneeling "yes Lord Vader?" Palpatine asked, "I've encountered a mysterious spirit on this world master but have vanquished it at my own hand" Vader said, "and so it would seem but where is Kadann?" Palpatine inquired, "dead at my hand" Vader replied "and why?" Palpatine sternly asked "the spirit haunted Mendes and the other Hands, Kadann summoned it before it said one powerful in the dark side had released it" Vader said, "was this Maul?" Palpatine annotated . "No one far more powerful" Vader retorted, "such an interesting discovery, accompany Mendes to Coruscant tomorrow do not let him out of your sight, Tarkin will return as well Moff Panaka will remain as planetary governor" Palpatine said "yes my master" Vader reposted bowing.

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