The Inquisitors

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Shawn nearly dropped his phone and the figure got closer with that laser sword thing in hand and Austin said "run!" And they took off running and some of the lights came back on and they began making their way back to the room when another taller ...

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Shawn nearly dropped his phone and the figure got closer with that laser sword thing in hand and Austin said "run!" And they took off running and some of the lights came back on and they began making their way back to the room when another taller figure stood there. He had an alien humanoid face and silver gray eyes and dark greenish skin, he held another one of those half sphere things and ignited it and a bright red blade extended out with a weird sound also and smirked
"What are these guys?!" Austin yelled and Shawn turned around and the female one turned the corner and saw they were trapped. He saw the door was right there and ran over but heard some weird sound in the air and felt a hand choking him and reached down to grab it but there was no hand instead he saw the one with the mask had extended her hand and was making a choking gesture.

Austin yelled out "ah let go of me!" And Shawn still tugged at his neck fanatically and began seeing stars but saw the alien looking one held Austin by his shoulder and held their laser sword around his throat and smirked that creepy smile still. Shawn then felt a hand grab him by his arm and pushed him into the wall "you are coming with me" the figure said and pulled on him but Shawn pulled the other way hitting her hand and kicking her shin but it didn't seem to phase her and she said "or your friend dies" turning his head to the other Inquisitor who pushed the blade closer to Austin's neck.

Then something beeped and the figure sighed and let go with one hand and pressed something on her wrist and said "yes captain what is it?" A hint of irritation in her voice and a mans voice relied "we're tracking a ship came out of hyperspace not too long ago and is in the air above you I suggest you hurry up or Lord Vader will leave you" then something hit the roof and the inquisitor looked up and said "make your choice now or I'll make it for you" and ignited her blade and held it to his face and Shawn felt the intense heat coming off of it and then a voice from the end of the hall yelled "let him go!"

Shawn saw a alien humanoid thing that looked like a young woman in her early thirties and had feminine features and a moderately red skin but her white ears or tails on her head that stood out the most "I'm not asking again Inqusitor slemo let him go" the Inqusitor laughed and said "I was wondering when you'd show up Jedi" then the woman held up her hands and the Inquistors were pushed back and she yelled "come on this way!" And Shawn and Austin ran in her direction and made it to her and she lowered her hands,

The Inquistors stood up and the female one held up her sword thing and another ring came down and another red blade went out the end and she began running towards them, Shawn and Austin shut the doors and locked them, "ok who are you  and what's going on?!" Shawn said and the alien woman said "I'll explain later right now I've gotta get you outta here" suddenly a red blade cut through the door and began moving around and she said "run!".

They ran down the hall as the sound of the door clattering echoed and footsteps following, then the alien woman hit the lights and the hall went dark and said "hide in there I'll distract them" and they hid behind some boxes as she ran off with the Seventh Sister following, then a probe droid floated in the doorway and Shawn just barely peeked out and saw the Fifth Brother standing there scanning the room he froze and moved back and made a quiet gesture at Austin and pointed at the door and he heard.

"your fear betrays you" looking around he saw another door and said "go there" and slowly backed up and saw a large barrel over where the Inquisitor was standing and held his hand up at it and concentrated very hard on it, he imagined it moving and said "move move" and then it fell off the shelf.

The inquisitor looked up and held his hand up and the barrel slowed until just floating there and he smirked and said "you'll have to try harder than that boy" Shawn sprinted the other way and closed and locked the door behind him , a red blade went through and Austin yelled "Shawn come on!" And he ran after him "where's that alien lady?" Austin replied "she said to get out of here" and they ran outside,

Suddenly a man turned the corner and said "come on this way!" Shawn said "who are you?" The man replied "my names Kanan now come on!" And they followed him. Then the Seventh Sister turned the corner and ran after them, a robotic hand grabbed Shawn by the ankle and he fell down and was pulled towards her, he saw the robot thing was pulling him and he kicked it and it let go. Then the inquisitor landed behind him and said "bad choice" and raised her blade and prepared to strike.

Then the man landed nearby and a ignition type sound went in the air and a blue blade contacted and stopped the red one and he said "go!"

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