Part 196

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July 7th 2016, Imperial Palace

To his surprise Shawn hadn't been summoned for quite some time, and he enjoyed it, though not when Mara was unexpectedly called home after the passing of a family member, one that had now led to her father inheriting a dukedom. On top of that he was all alone with everyone else out on their own assignments. One of which was Roganda being sent to spy on Senator Bonteri due to suspicions of him being a rebel sympathizer. Though today was different, as he would be receiving his own foreboding assignment. The realization hit him when his comlink beeped while he was watching the mid-morning skyline.

"Ah, Mendes come in" the Emperor called out while Shawn walked in. Immediately Shawn noticed that Colonel Yularen was sitting in front of the Emperor, and to his further surprise Vader was standing tall right next to him. "Forgive this intrusion Colonel, you may proceed" the Emperor said at him as Shawn stopped right before the Emperors desk, all the while feeling Vader's gaze searing into his soul but did his best not to show any hesitation. "As I was saying Your Highness, Sloane has been relaying communications between the leader of the nation which calls itself the United States and a military facility in a remote desert", "the communications between this President Johnson and an unknown man concern two survivors of Order 66 in their custody, at that very facility" Yularen explained.

Shawn wondered if one of the "survivors" was the girl that he was shown. It could have been the only explanation. "Survivors Of Order 66" the Emperor said with a sinister intent while Vader's breathing sounded loudly. "If I may inquire, is that why you summoned Lord Vader and Mendes here?" Yularen asked. "Yes it was Colonel, I simply needed your confirmation on that matter", "though bring me more information when you have it" the Emperor responded. "Of course sir" Yularen said with deference while he nodded and stood up then walked out of the room, leaving Shawn the only other one with the two Sith Lords.

"So Mendes, I have a new assignment for you", "one that shall require you to be accompanied by Lord Vader" the Emperor said while he tapped the side of his throne slightly. Shawn instantly felt tense at hearing that, "why does he have to go with me?" He asked but could tell they both sensed his uneasiness. "Because it involves your home planet, and the girl that was shown in the ritual" the Emperor explained, "I have seen where she and her companion are being held, and Colonel Yularen has just confirmed where that is", "and that due to your 'mysterious' disappearance you are being searched for, at least that is what the scans of communications tells us".

He then pointed at Shawn slightly, "therefore, I believe it would be best if you were to be dropped near the facility and taken into custody of the personnel", "and then when the time is right, Lord Vader will begin his task" the Emperor further explained. "If you know where they are why do you want me to go there anyway?" Shawn asked. "Because, this matter requires a little of your delicate methods before the hammer comes crashing down". Shawn knew that meant destroying whatever that facility was and killing everyone inside. "No, I'm not doing that" he forcefully protested.

   The Emperor glared at him for a few seconds then chuckled. "You're certainly an unlimited source of defiance Mendes, which is the other reason why Lord Vader is accompanying you". "Go now, and keep in mind Mendes, I am always watching" the Emperor said sinisterly. Shawn simply stared back and walked to the door while Vader did the same. "If you defy me Mendes, I will not hesitate to kill you" Vader warned him.

*******, Gettysburg bunker

Johnson was reading a document that was of great concern to the Congress. The document was a statement from the Treasury Department, asking how would the war be financed if the both the nations and the global economy had virtually ground to a halt. The document explained that with the amount of gold the government had stored across the country, they could only finance the war for another two years if it was still going on then. Even though 2018 sounded far off Johnson knew that time always felt faster than slower during a crisis. After finishing it she picked up another document, this one was a bill from Congress, except it was about the election and how would it be able to still be carried out if the people and electors were unable to vote.

What the document proposed was either suspending the election or have both houses of Congress decide it. Johnson was troubled by it. The people had already been separated from their representatives for two months, and never before had an election been suspended or had its outcome voted on by Congress. Johnson would not allow the people's voice to be brushed aside so recklessly . Though before Johnson was about to call the Speaker of the House to say she was vetoing it an aide walked in. "Madam President, the Secretary Of Energy wants to see you" the aide said. "Ok, send her in" Johnson said while setting the bill down and standing up.

      The Secretary Of Energy was a woman named Michelle Watkins, a former atomic physicist and had served as Governor of Tennessee. "Michelle" Johnson said with a smile and shook Watkins hand, "Hello ma'am, sorry for the unscheduled visit" Watkins said apologetically. "No no, it's fine, that's not uncommon these days anyway", "please sit" Johnson said in a polite tone while sitting behind her desk as Watkins sat in one of the two chairs on front of it. "Ma'am, the reason I came by without notice today is because my staff brought up an important issue today" Watkins explained. "And what is this issue that they brought up?" Johnson asked.

"Well, I think that given the unpredictability of the Empire, we should consider shutting down all of our nuclear power plants within the next two weeks" Watkins said with hesitation, "now yes it will lead to tens of millions being without power, but if one or three of these plants is destroyed the fallout could kill hundreds of thousands, if not millions". Johnson nodded and deduced the idea in her mind, "it sounds like an idea that could be considered, but I don't want millions of people to be without power in the middle of summer either, frozen foods can't really be stored and air conditioning would be nonexistent, besides we have to be able to maintain communications with the states too".

"Given how practically all the major cities are evacuated or destroyed, it would still affect those evacuees in the countryside, and the residents" Johnson continued. "But ma'am, we would be looking at five million dead from just three plants being destroyed, it's be Chernobyl and Fukushima on steroids" Watkins said and Johnson felt a lump in her throat at the thought. "I see, in that case we should consider it, but I want you to find alternatives to the nuclear power, find out if natural gas usage could be increased" Johnson suggested.

"Ma'am, the production of natural gas was down seventy five percent last month, with the current reserves it could only be sustainable for two months" Watkins explained, "and solar power might not be enough for the whole nation, it would be patchy". "But you'll find out other solutions, won't you?" Johnson asked with a polite inflection. "Of course ma'am" Watkins said and stood up as Johnson did the same, "thank you Michelle" and Watkins walked out. Johnson was torn, either leave millions of people in the dark or risk nuclear fallout worse than anything in history. She also figured that the Empire would likely not attack one the plants anyway, because the radiation would kill their soldiers too. Either way, Johnson knew it would not be a decision made without regrets either way.

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