Undercover Again

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Imperial Palace, April 5th,2016
Palpatine's secret Prophets Of The Dark Side journeyed from Ziost and Dromund Kaas under his orders for "a word" with the Emperor. Hooded figures slowly and eerily glided through the halls entering the throne room, "welcome gentlemen" Palpatine said his figure shrouded by shadow. "My Emperor we caught this one trying to spy on us" the lead Prophet said and a Shadow Guard shoved an adolescent girl forward "she refuses to talk of who sent her", Palpatine smiled "perhaps we will remedy that, escort her to the dungeon" and the royal guards shoved her away out of the room.

"Now back to the matter at hand, I've summoned you all here because you've failed me" Palpatine said, "it is your duties to find any lead on possible Force-sensitives specifically any Jedi left alive and inform me, instead a powerful figure summoned a demon under your nose even Kadann couldn't find him", "where is Kadann?" Another asked. "Dead by Lord Vader's hand" Palpatine replied, "I've tolerated your failures long enough you all are not Inquisitors or Hands mere scholars is all" standing up not taking his cane however. "And now you must all die",

Palpatine thrust his hands forward lighting flying from his fingertips and bluish purple light flashed as one by one the Prophets fell dead. He rolled his wrist catching his saber hilt igniting it with a hiss and lunged screaming loudly cutting down the wounded and incapacitated while laughing manically a murderous look on his face as he cut them down with glee, "wait don't!" The last Prophet pleaded. Palpatine closed his hand choking the man with a whooosh who began gasping for air, "I will only wait for your death" Palpatine said coldly pulling the man in stabbing him in the gut. Palpatine pulled the saber blade from the corpse retracting it tossing the limp body aside, Shawn was having the strangest dream hearing sounds of terrorized screams mixed with the hum of a lightsaber and electricity, Palpatine's cackling also echoed.

The next day the palace was just as quiet like any other day due to its vast size and massive hallways, "ok this says what?" Mara said holding up the datapad "the prisoners are on Hosnian Prime heading for Jelucan signed Admiral Ozzel" Shawn replied reading it off. "Good" Mara said "are those classified transmissions you're making him read?" Maarek said looking up from the droid arm he was repairing a screwdriver like tool in his hand "no, yes" Mara admitted looking at the ground a little "not very smart" Jallar commented "thank you Baneslayer" Mara said back. Jallar scoffed "don't call me that" rolling his eyes slightly. "Yeah just let Tarkin catch you" Maarek said,

"Or he'd reprimand you in his you know "I'm so important" tone" Maarek said mockingly imitating Tarkins accent walking around looking at the droid arm, everyone chuckled even Vess who rarely showed any emotion, "work hard everyone and someday you'll get a rank badge that covers your whole coat" Maarek said in a fake seriousness. Shawn laughed but noticed Jallar wasn't and had a look of fear glancing at something behind Maarek, "what?" Maarek asked visibly confused chuckling a little, Jallar pointed and glanced. Maarek turned around to see Tarkin glaring at him, "oh sir I'm sorry" he sincerely said and everyone stood up

"You find something funny everyday our solders risk themselves for the Empire and here you act like children" Tarkin said in angered disappointment narrowing by his gaze slightly, "well we meant no disrespect sir" Mara responded. "Oh I'm sure you did Lady Jade I'm sure you did" Tarkin mocked, "I require a word with all of you not regarding your unfunny quips however it is on another matter" he said further. A woman in an white ISB uniform standing behind Tarkin walked forward, she appeared middle aged with striking blue eyes and gray streaks in her hair "this is Director Adrihana Ulsan" Tarkin said walking away, " greetings, I've a mission for you all but will require a journey to the Outer Rim" Ulsan explained. "I'm told you're the Emperor's finest assassins is that correct?" She asked, "yea and only the Emperor or Lord Vader commands us" Vess spoke up. "Well Governor Tarkin gave me command over you for this mission now please follow me" Ulsan said walking way, everyone had confused looks but followed her nonetheless.

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