Hunt For The Plans (Final)

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Imperial Palace,
Shawn had been practicing his saber skills for about an hour deflecting laser bolts but now droids attacked, he dodged the first one slicing off the arm and Force pushing it into another one before ducking as a electrostaff swooped overhead. Shawn turned around defending against a maelstrom of attacks before he was hit in the arm by another staff which made him grunt in pain dropping his saber which clattered across the floor, Shawn caught the droids arm and shoved it into another causing it to spark and hit the floor.

Stretching his hand out he called his saber back, however it flew right past him into the shadows where a familiar mechanical breathing sounded "most impressive,you've learned much young one" Vader said emerging, "do you remember what I taught you?" Vader asked Shawn. "Uh to never give up always look for a way to outdo your opponent" Shawn replied, "excellent" Vader said handing Shawn his saber back. A thought crossed Shawn's mind, Anakin Skywalker, that name didn't seem to fit Vader yet he was curious to know if it were true or not, "sir who was Anakin Skywalker?" Shawn asked. Vader didn't speak for about five seconds before sternly responding "don't speak that name again", Shawn slightly looked at the floor "sorry Lord Vader" fearing some sort of reprisal.

Vader then said "come your form requires some work" standing in the center of the room, Shawn stood beside Vader as they ignited their sabers. As he copied Vader's move set the memories of the three months of perfecting his skills flooded into his mind though it seemed to have only lasted a couple weeks at first, even when he messed up Vader tapped his arm to correct him which was also prominent in his memories as it was frequent for the first month.After an hour Vader retracted his blade "excellent you've mastered it perhaps even more so than the Inquisitors" before walking out of the room.

As Shawn walked down the hall he heard that strange whistle of the Force calling him, it was coming from a room next to him. Clicking a button that opened the door he walked in and saw a safe of some kind. He noticed it was a fingerprint one so he removed his glove pressing his thumb onto the scanner and the safe surprisingly opened, Shawn putting his glove back on opened the door and saw a small box sitting there. Pulling the box out he opened it, inside was something he never thought of, it was a pin rimmed with gold and a red circle adorned by German writing. In the middle was a swastika, there was also a cross shaped medal.

Shawn touched the badge and in a flash heard explosions gunfire and agonizing screams. Then he the voices of two men conversing in German one with a deeper voice, concentrating he heard "what have you brought Rommel any interesting tales of chasing the tommys away?" The deeper voice said, "no my Führer this" then it showed a military man handing a holocron to another, "what is this?" The man he handed it to turned around walking toward the window, Shawn's jaw hit the floor as the man was Adolf Hitler. " The locals described it as predating their memories" the military man said, "it feels...alive" Hitler said. "Thank you Rommel" he said and the vision ended. Shawn drew his hand away still in shock from what he'd just seen, he closed the box and out it back in the safe but noticed three books as well. One said Holy Bible another Quran, the last Torah, he shut the door and quickly made his way out very confused by the contents of the safe,

"Rebel forces are advancing into Kesselios" a couple of military men said. Shawn paid no attention though, Maarek then stumbled around the corner "finally hey I need to get the log from that creature" Maarek said in a strained tone. "Why you scared?" Shawn asked jokingly, "uh yeah that things creepy as hell" Shawn sighed "fine" then followed Maarek down to the creatures cell area. Upon walking in he nearly jumped as the creature hung upside down from the ceiling of the cell. Maarek quickly went over the the small drawer and opened it, Shawn then saw the creature open its glowing eyes and stare right at him. "What's this name? Vladimir Dra-Dra" Maarek struggled to say as he backed up, "Dracul Lord of Wallachia and Transylvania" the creature said dropping the floor but now had a more human appearance.

"For how long?" Maarek asked, "fourteen hundred and thirty seven to fourteen hundred and eighty four". Shawn said "wait let me see that" and Maarek handed him the datapad which was written in English surprisingly. "I had two sons and a daughter,", the creature said, "and? Go on" Maarek said, "my oldest son and daughter had you could say..insatiable bloodlusts". "What do you mean?" Shawn asked. "My son would impale his victims on pikes my daughter Elisabeth bathed in blood" the creature said, Maarek gagged and looked away, Shawn had a disgusted expression.

"I formed the Order Of The Dragon" the creature continued pacing around, "to protect the lands of the church against all enemies of Christ, particularly the Ottomans they wanted to spread Islam by conquest". "And by that you could say I have living descendants to this day, primarily in the royalty of Europe" the creature said, "why're you telling us this?" Shawn asked. "Because it's part of your  history..and because my son lives", Maarek said "let's go" and walked away, Shawn slowly backed up before turning around and walking out. "That guys creepier than I don't know" Maarek said,

"Interesting" Palpatine said slowly pacing around the window, "this creature was marooned on your world for a thousand years and became a Lord" he continued. Then he gestured at Maarek who walked away, "I suggest you not snoop around Hand Mendes it might backfire upon you" Palpatine said turning to face Shawn. A little taken aback he replied "well the uh badge or whatever called out sir", "ah yes those relics.. I'm sure you're familiar with the owner, it was quite the task hunting those down" Palpatine said gesturing Shawn away.

As Shawn passed by one of the entrance halls he heard some sort of crowd yelling outside, curiosity got the better of him so he walked down the hallway but couldn't quite see what was going on as the sunset blinded him for a second. Then he saw a line of stormtroopers armed with shields and electrostaffs blocking a crowd of protesters holding up various signs, Shawn then saw who looked like the commander only he wore a uniform like his own and Maarek's. "Uh what's going on?" He asked the man who looked to be in his early to mid twenties, he recognized him as one of the other Hands.

"A protest of some sort, aren't you the earthling?" The man asked with a standard Coruscanti accent, "yes and you?" Shawn asked, "Jallar Golin, you?" Jallar asked, "Shawn Mendes". Shawn replied, "well Shawn I'd give the order for these hooligans to be dispersed but have my doubts what do you think?" Jallar asked

The idea seemed unnecessary the protesters weren't violent but stern with their words. "Uh no it would make them angrier" Shawn replied, Jallar said "fine then" before turning to the guard " watch them closely don't attack".
Kanan turned the corner and ran into Ezra. "Hey watch it" he said "where're the plans?", "Sabine has em" Ezra responded, " ok and where's Sabine?". "Right here" Sabine yelled jumping down several rocks,

She held the plans up but suddenly they flew out her hand, the Inquisitors hand was extended but just before the drive hit his hand a Rebel woman snatched the plans mid air.

The Inquisitor ignited his saber and cut the drive out of her hand, the drive sparked and fell to the ground. Suddenly the Ninth Sister and Fouth Brother landed nearby sabers spinning.

"Blast!" Ezra yelled, then his comlink beeped "guys I fixed the Ghost you better get back here" Hera said. "Now!" Kota yelled as he landed and Kanan and Ezra Force pushed the Inquisitors away before disappearing into the woods.

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