Close Call On Dantooine

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April 16,2015
Under orders from Palpatine Shawn was to sent to Dantooine to scout out CR positions with some scout troopers.

Imperial Forward Command Post
Shawn walked up the ramp and the general said "Hand Mendes welcome to Dantooine" Shawn replied "thank you general" the general said "we've identified these areas around three klicks away as the main CR landing points" and handed the map projection to Shawn and he said "I'll depart now with the scouts" then walked away to his speeder bike and got on.

There were ten scouts with him in total and would mark the CR points for attack from the air but it would be small as the fleets overheard clashed constantly. The patrol went off passing the Imperial lines and the artillery was firing with loud booms with a whirl sound that went with each shot,

Shawn looked around and saw several probe droids and gestured at them, one of the scout troopers went off and fired their cannons at the droids destroying them. As they marked the CR positions Shawn sensed a powerful ripple in the force but didn't know what it was and ignored it, moving on to the outskirts of the main CR base the captain said "there's over 70,000 battle droids in there and hundreds of vulture droids with em" Shawn asked "is there a way to call in the bombers?" The captain replied "no looks like their AA defenses will prevent any aerial attack so we'll just have to wait until the fleet pushes em away".

After three hours they moved around through a field of tall grass and hills to the north, Shawn sensed the battle that has occurred there during the Clone Wars and five massive craters littered the ground on all sides along with the odd rusted droid here and there,

Then he saw a yellow beam heading at him and realized it was a laser bolt and before he could react the bolt grazed his arm.Shawn was pushed off the speeder from the force of the laser blast and rolled for a little bit before stopping and he coughed a little but had hit his head on a rock, the wound burned with smoke coming out of it and he groaned putting his hand on it. then he saw spots and thought he was dying but Malgus said "don't worry you're not going to die" then his vision fuzzed and several figures approached and he passed out.

Shawn saw himself on the second earth and saw Republic City in the distance, looking around he realized that he was on Air Temple Island "Shawn what're you doing here?" Korra asked and he turned around and saw he cast no shadow and said "I don't know I just appeared here" he couldn't sense the force and assumed he was dreaming or something. Then it faded into Korriban and Malgus stood there,

"Now you'll get the answer you want and why there are two Earths" Shawn said "ok explain it". Malgus said "ten thousand years ago your time four thousand out the Sith Empire was exiled into the Unknown Regions and stumbled across your world and the leaders decided to find another world like it for an example of some sort", then he said "and stumbled across this second earth and were fascinated by the people's connection to the force and how it allowed them to exhibit unusual abilities to manipulate only certain elements as well as their strange wildlife" then he said "so ten scientists took some of the unusual ones and made new species and some of the DNA of the ones who didn't exhibit those unusual powers and created two humans one man and one woman and deposited them on your world the ones known as Adam and Eve".

"Then twenty years later around 4000 years ago your time the Old Republic found your world and the second earth and took one scholar from there and dropped him into the area called China and left him there for forty years before retrieving him".Then he faded away and it showed a city from around sometime in the Middle Ages and Malgus said "the plague you called the Black Death was actually a mutated strain of the virus Aorth 6 which was accidentally dropped on your world" then it showed thousands of dead people,

Shawn woke up and was laying down on something,he looked and saw a small metallic bandage of some sort covered where he'd been shot. He looked around and Mara was talking to an officer and looked over at him then walked over, " welcome back Shawn you're lucky if that'd been two inches to the right you'd be dead",

Shawn asked "what happened?" Mara said "according to your squad a commando droid sniped you while on patrol", he tried to sit up but Mara pushed him back and said "just rest" then Shawn asked "how long was I out?" She replied "a day or so Lord Vader sent me here after my little mission on Umbara". Then her comlink beeped and she said "excuse me" and walked out, the wound throbbed and Shawn had a slight throb that accompanied it as well eventually a droid walked in and said "the bolt only grazed you but you hit your head pretty hard".

Then he saw Malgus standing there behind the droid and Malgus made a "shh" gesture before fading away as the droid backed up and injected some sort of blue liquid he recognized as Bacta in his arm and the throbbing went down then the droid went away. Malgus appeared again and said "did my answers suffice your questions?" Shawn replied "yeah I mean yes" knowing Malgus wasn't the type who liked the word "yeah". Then he saw his lightsaber was on the table next to him and tried to use the force on it, the saber rattled and hit the ground,

Malgus said "you won't be needing that as there's something else I must show you" and put his hand to Shawn's head and he blacked out, he saw a that massive space station being destroyed and some AT-AT walkers firing on some ice covered planet with small craft buzzing around them, then it showed a battle on a forest planet and that same space station but it looked almost complete and it exploded also. Next a dark menacing voice said "I will fulfill our destiny I'll show them the dark side" then a hooded shadowy figure was walking in a snowy forest and stopped igniting a red lightsaber that had two smaller cross guards on the side,

Then it showed that same figure holding that strange saber over a woman's shoulder and it made a usual humming sound but sounded distorted almost unstable.

Suddenly Shawn woke up and Mara was walking in and said "about time been three days" he sat up and said "I miss the fighting?" Mara replied "just about but there's plenty more". Shawn swung his legs over and put his jacket on before picking up his lightsaber "Well I just saw some strange stuff" Mara said "yeah like what?" Shawn replied "some weird hooded figure that had some strange lightsaber with crossguards on it". She replied "well its probably nothing and if you're not dying they've spotted that Maul at the front and has several Mandalorians with him",

Shawn said "let en guess we've gotta take care of em" Mara said "yep let's go".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora