Strange Enemy

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(This chapter ties in with another story A Reaver From Earth its on my reading list read it please and please excuse its vague and kind of inaccurate depiction of the battle ten with little Canon as the author is new to Wattpad)

January 20,2015

After getting back to the Avenger Shawn walked onto the bridge and Fida said "the emperor wishes to contact you" Shawn said "clear the bridge" Fida and several others left the room and Shawn typed in the frequency and contacted the emperor "was your mission successful?" Palpatine asked and Shawn replied "it was a success my lord" Palpatine said "I have another task for you then you may return home, our spies have been tracking three unusual warriors of some kind on Tatooine and they've arrived on Coruscant and are heading for the Jedi temple" Shawn asked "what's to be done?" Palpatine replied "you and Hand Jade will guard it with elements of the 501st and Lord Vader has been recalled from Geonosis for this as well" Shawn said "as you wish my lord".

Camilla was out on the star destroyer ironically named Harmony and sent back to Earth while Shawn went back to Coruscant on the Avenger for this sudden and strange mission. He sensed something was off and knew whoever these enemies were they were powerful and sent ripples in the force with that power,

After five hours the fleet arrived at Coruscant and Shawn got in the Strings and flew down to the Jedi Temple. He landed at the platform and was greeted by two lines of stormtroopers and Mara, "who's gonna be attacking?" Shawn asked and Mara replied as they walked in "we don't know some warriors of unknown origin Lord Vader's ordered a lockdown". As they entered the temple the security was heavy and hundreds of stormtroopers swarmed everywhere, Vader was briefing several officers when he turned around and said "you two will accompany me" Mara replied "of course Lord Vader".

After an hour there was an urgent message from a officer "Lord Vader we're under att-!" Then the officer was cut down by some sort of blade and the transmission cut. "Follow me" Vader said and both Shawn and Mara followed him, sensing danger Shawn looked around at the stormtroopers who lay dead.

Then they reached the steps and three strange Warriors were there welding large swords cutting down stormtroopers, one of them stared at them as they got closer and said "who are you?" Vader said "none of your concern now leave or be destroyed". The other two held their swords ready in a sort of charge position, Shawn and Mara ignited their lightsabers and Shawn sensed these Warriors were skilled but the talisman didn't feel warm it was as if like the Yuuzhan Vong they were outside of the force but could be sensed,

"Your last chance" Vader said and one laughed and replied "you've never faced anything like us" Vader replied "no it is you who's never faced anything like me for I am a Sith Lord" one of the Warriors charged and Shawn blocked their attack and was surprised his lightsaber didn't slice through but countered and force pushed them back.

Vader ignited his lightsaber and they both attacked, one charged at Shawn and he used force lightning on them but the warrior still ran and jumped, blocking the attack he countered and then his vision became pockmarked as Malgus was trying to "pull the strings" but he resisted and dodged the blade. Suddenly his vision went black and he fought and fought against Malgus until he came to and the warrior he'd been fighting lay dead on the ground,

Vader and Mara were still fighting the Warriors and with only two left they began to fall back. Shawn jumped in and summed up some of the force and pushed them off the steps to the streets below, they retracted their blades and Vader said "whoever they are they're skilled Warriors like Jedi".

They headed back into the temple and the captain said "Lord Vader shall we pursue?" Vader replied "no leave that to the Inquisitors"

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon