Second Attempt A Little Help

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(If anyone's wondering this is just north of Mt Shasta)

August 24,2015
Shawn was talking with Tyrion the next day about the war and the Empire " tell me what powers do you have as Hand?" Tyrion asked pouring wine in his metal cup before sipping it, "well um quite a bit but not like Tywin" Shawn replied. "Yes well my father does like to get what he wants as he's more concerned about his legacy than anything else and he means my sister and brother not me". "Do tell me what can you do with your power?" Tyrion added, "well I can move stuff without touching it,read minds only a little and this" Shawn said holding his hand up lightning arcing around which he ceased after a second. Tyrion nodded "very impressive". "Now if you'll excuse me I must be going now" Tyrion said getting down from his chair, Shawn stood up " thank you for your time Lord Tyrion" then they went their separate ways.

Shawn walked around more until he stumbled across Mira who seemed troubled "good afternoon" he said in a polite tone, "oh uh good afternoon to you" just as he passed her she said "wait could you help me with something?" Shawn turned around "yes of course how can I help you?", Mira stood up and said "would you walk with me?" Shawn replied "sure" and she took his arm which surprised him at first but he remembered it was custom here. "I have a favor to ask you my lord" Mira said, "please call me Shawn" he replied in a friendly tone,

" my family is in danger Roose Bolton the Warden Of The North wants to seize our ironwood for a squire defending himself and the Crown hasn't seemed interested in helping us" Mira said, "and you want to know if the Empire could help somehow?" Shawn replied. " precisely" Mira replied, Shawn thought for a minute but Palpatine didn't have a very intervening agenda at the moment as he needed every solder fighting the war, on the other hand he wasn't sure how a small dispute would affect all of Westeros, "it's not that simple I'm not like Tywin the Emperor wouldn't want his troops here unless he didn't have a choice".

"Please it's urgent my family needs your help" Mira said her grip on his arm tightened a little, Shawn sympathized with her but weighted the options either intervene in a matter that might reflect badly on the Emperor and the Crown or do nothing and let it take its course. "I'll help you" Shawn replied, Mira smiled "but just don't tell anyone ok" he added. "I won't I promise and thank you" then she let go of his arm "if you'll excuse me I'd better find my friend" Shawn said.

Eventually he found Maarek looking out to sea, "hey we got a mission" Shawn said, Maarek looked back puzzled "the Emperor hasn't called us what is it?". "Not one from the Emperor our own there's this handmaiden her House is in trouble I promised we'd help but without having a battalion of troops" Shawn said, Maarek sighed "alright where're we going?". "Some place called Ironrath" Shawn replied. "Ok there it is" Maarek said grabbing his arm and the air was distorted until it stopped and they were on the other side of the mountain, "A little off there" Shawn said with a slight chuckle, " well if I haven't been somewhere before its more of a estimate" Maarek replied .

"Let's go" Shawn said, "race you" Maarek said with a slight smirk, "fine then loser owes 5,000 credits" Shawn replied, then he summed up his strength with the Force and ran and the area became a slight warped shape, then Shawn heard a snapping sound to his right but thought if was Maarek trying to keep up. Then he made it to the forest panting " looks like I won" Shawn said looking back but Maarek wasn't there, but he sensed a presence above him " racing means staying on the ground" he said loudly and Maarek landed beside him "sorry you weren't clear anyway where's this Ironrath?" Then Shawn heard a stick loudly snap downhill that didn't sound like an animal "what's that?" He said, Maarek narrowed his gaze "dunno but it's not an animal let's get closer". " ok don't kill anyone alright" Shawn said.

Moving quietly Shawn saw if was a kid probably only 15 hiding behind a tree " Ethan! Ethan it's just a game come out" a girl said further back, he saw Maarek and made a forward gesture, then he stepped on a twig which snapped loudly "who goes there?" Ethan said and his voice had an accent that sounded like a mix of Irish and general British, Shawn gestured at Maarek again saying not to attack which Maarek nodded in response and they emerged from the foliage. "Who are you?" Ethan asked, " my names Shawn this is Maarek Mira sent us" Shawn replied,

" Lord Ethan you're needed in-" a knight called out who drew his sword, "who the hell're these two!?" The knight said asked angrily "Ser Royland don't Mira sent them" Lord? Shawn thought "wait I know you you're the Offworlders" Ethan said, "yes we are" Shawn replied "you'll address him as Lord!" Ser Royland yelled. "Mira informed us of your situation" Maarek said. Indeed the son of the Warden Of The North is arriving within the hour" Ethan replied, "please come this way" he added. Shawn and Maarek followed Ethan but Ser Royland kept a close eye on them,

An hour later the Lord Ramsay Snow and began arguing with Ethan who had a indecisive demeanor but was defiant nonetheless, then Ramsay approached Ethan "aren't you the bold lord" Shawn then sensed danger, suddenly Ramsay stabbed Ethan in the neck with a dagger "and I don't want a bold lord far too much trouble", Shawn then shot his hand out and Ramsay went flying across the room ,"kill those two!"  The portly man yelled. Just as Shawn reached for his lightsaber Maarek grabbed his arm and they were back at King's Landing, "the hell'd you do that for?!" Shawn yelled "we were outmatched we would've been killed had I not seen it you knew it too" Shawn sighed he did know they were outmatched, "fine just lets get back to Coruscant now"

Imperial Palace,
Shawn tiredly walked through the halls which the sunset shifted through the large windows after Maarek had gone to deal with another matter. Upon reaching the Imperial Ruling Council chamber he heard some arguing so he waited outside "priority must be given to Imperial intelligence we clearly have the means-" a woman's voice said in a strong tone, " that may be but the truth of the matter is our troops-" a male voice said before, "enough Lord Amedda  enough" Palpatine said, then the doors opened and Palpatine, Amedda and the intelligence director walked out.

Palpatine spun around pointing at them "you will henceforth show more charity to each other's opinions!" He said gritting his teeth almost as Amedda walked away with a bored expression "Lord Amedda I will not have the government further undermined by pouty politics and anarchists!" Palpatine yelled again promoting Amedda and the director to bow slightly before going their separate ways. Shawn was initially unable to speak from the aura Palpatine emitted with his anger but he said " I um the King never decided to host the base or not sir" Palpatine replied " I didn't like that Joffrey he's far too over his head wielding his Crown for frivolous purposes". "Well there's still-" Shawn said before yawning mid sentence, "the Second Earth sir they invited you didn't they?". Palpatine replied "yes we head for the uh Fire Nation tomorrow Lord Vader told me of the occasion they'll be hosting with the other world leaders", then he said "that'll be all" before he walked back into the Council chamber and the door shut.

Shawn began walking back to his room when Mara passed him "hey Shawn wanna race in the Industrial District?", "I'm going to bed don't wake me" Shawn replied but Mara shrugged and went on. Shawn laid down shutting his eyes as he'd grown tired from having traveled to many different worlds and timezones, the image of Ethan being stabbed in the neck burned in his mind "oh you'll deal with much worse call it a fair warning" Malgus said but Shawn shrugged it off.

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