Battle For Onderon

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(Sorry for the long wait it's hard to do two stories at once)

Saw backed off lowering his knife from Shawn's throat, Shawn then quickly clicked his comlink signaling his position and Imperial forces began moving in, "you little shit" Saw said before sprinting away, the stormtroopers swarmed in with Agent Kallus "I want a full perimeter sweep immediately" Kallus said, knowing he's still have to feign loyalty Shawn said into his comlink "lock down the entire city" and the commandant replied "sir yes sir".

"Hand Mendes should we pursue?" Kallus asked, "track them but don't attack" Shawn replied, "yes sir" Kallus said before walking off. Shawn then saw a Lasat running off down another way with Kanan with him, at first he wondered how they could've gotten onto a Imperial controlled planet without drawing attention as the Empire knew how they were, "there!" He yelled and a squad of stormtroopers pursued and he followed leading the charge. Suddenly the Lasat activated some sort of electrostaff swinging at him, Shawn ducked but the stormtroopers weren't so quick and went flying,

The Lasat swung his staff at him again but Shawn dodged it before Force pushing the Lasat back. But as he did the Lasat deactivated the electrostaff and fired a blaster at him, the laser winged his thumb but his gloves were made out of a very resistant material. "Zeb don't!" Kanan yelled, "he's an Imperial Kanan!" Zeb yelled back with a Irish sounding accent, "he's that kid I told you about" Kanan replied, "oh he's that kid" Zeb said lowering his rifle . "He packs a better punch than Ezra I'll give you that" Zeb added, Shawn almost smirked "cause I'm faster and you might wanna get out've here". Kanan then tossed him a small comlink "here take this so we can stay in contact we're in the woods outside the city" before he ran off, Shawn put the comlink in his pocket before walking off as the stormtroopers were dead,

The next day Shawn snuck off down the palace and clicked the comlink "Kanan I'm at the palace what can I do?" Shawn asked, Kanan asked "listen we need a way to break into the air Imperial armory can you do that?". Shawn replied "I'll try but can't promise anything". Then someone began approaching and he said "someone's coming" turning the comlink off and putting it in his pocket,He stepped out from the alcove and the Grand Inquisitor was heading towards him.

"Report" the Inquisitor asked "uh the rebels stole some crates yesterday" Shawn replied cautiously fearing some sort of rebuke, the Inquisitor looked away before swinging at Shawn who grabbed his fist and shoved him back "what are you gonna fight a superior like that?" The Inquisitor said mockingly but his mask made it hard to tell. "No you gonna not be an arrogant asshole" Shawn replied his tone hollow yet forceful,

"Fine but Lord Vader has assigned me here to hunt down the Jedi who are here on Onderon". The Inquisitor said, "but the Emperor sent me here for the Rebels" Shawn said not wanting to have to work with his former friend who'd been somehow twisted beyond recognition by powers he didn't understand, "then we'll cooperate on this matter and that'll be an order am I clear?" The Inquisitor said. "Yes sir" Shawn said his expression of slight anger prevalent not wavering, Around three hours later around midnight Shawn was able to send Kanan the data files on the Imperial armory in the city.

Suddenly around three in the morning Shawn was awoken by a thunderous explosion, he ran over to the window and saw blaster fire being exchanged between several buildings and the armory with the stormtroopers falling off the balconies their guns flying askew while darker shaped figures moved into the building from the streets,Quickly he got his uniform on and ran out down the halls to the front of the palace, "commandant what's going on?" Shawn asked into the comlink. "The insurgents have overrun the garrison guarding the armory they're taking whatever they can get their hands on",

Shawn knew the Rebels would attack but didn't expect it'd be that strong considering the Imperials outnumbered the Rebels. He jumped on his speeder and followed the troop transports heading to the armory, then laser bolts flew past nearly hitting him in the face, one struck the engine causing the speeder to hit the ground with a hard crash. Shawn jumped off doing a front flip landing on the ground his hand flat on the concrete, 

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