Zaofu Emperor's Reach

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May 20,2015 (the events that occurred  in Ba Sing Se happened I didn't know where Shawn could be in it but while the others were there he found a holocron deep in the desert and when he returned to the city they were escaping and jumped on at the last minute)

They'd landed in a valley near mountains of some sort, Korra was throwing Naga's ball with blasts of air and Beifong said "while you're playing fetch four of the dangerous criminals in the world are hunting you down" Korra replied "no one knows I'm here I'm safe". Then Naga set the ball at Shawn's feet and sat there waiting, Shawn chuckled and lifted the ball with the force and threw it. Then Naga came back and set the ball at Beifong's feet and Korra said "I think she wants you to throw it" Beifong looked at it and gave the ball an apathetic look and said "I'll pass".

Then Mako walked out of the airship and said "we just got a call that there's an airbender near here" Korra asked "where?" Mako replied "a city called Zaofu the home of the Metal Clan" Korra then asked Beifong "you been there?" Beifong looked dismissal and said "uh never been but I don't want you going there I'd rather you be back in Republic City".Korra said "if there's an airbender then that's where we're heading" and they boarded the airship, along the way Shawn saw the city and was mesmerized by its beauty but also its strong connection to the force.

The ship was docked at a airship port and the ramp went down, Beifong said "just get the airbender and lets get out of here and don't tell anyone I'm here" very sternly. Shawn sensed something troubled her but didn't dare ask, a door to a half circle tunnel of some sort opened and a man who had a weird piercing that went from his nose to his ear stepped out "welcome to Zaofu avatar Korra" the man said with a slight bow and said "my names Aiwei is there anyone else with you?" Korra stuttered and said "uh uh no just us" Aiwei replied "good this way please" gesturing to a tram or monorail type of vehicle. As it sped through the city Shawn noticed all the buildings were made of metals and so was the ground, then the tram approached a large compound of some sort and the tram stopped "please follow me" Aiwei said and they followed him inside the large mansion.

As they went through the mansion they made it to a large room where there were some people swinging in a almost dance like pattern around a metal object on the ground "is this a combat class or something?" Korra asked and Aiwei said "no they're practicing for a dance performance" the dancers then bent the metal in a way that resembled a rose and caught the others before stopping. A woman around Beifong's age walked over and said "avatar Korra it's an honor to meet you" Korra replied "thank you", The woman said "and this must be Mako,Bolin,Asami and I don't know your name" looking at Shawn, "my names Shawn I'm kind of from space to put it simply" the woman replied "oh I've heard about you I never thought there was life on other planets and it's an honor to meet you", then she said "my names Suyin Beifong but please call me Su" Shawn recognized the name and Korra said "wait Beifong?", Su replied "Lin never told you about me did she?" Korra said "no why would she?" Su said "I'm Lin's sister".

Then Su said "is she with you?" Korra replied "uh uh no she isn't" Aiwei said "she is", Shawn froze and thought, how'd he know? Korra said "wait how'd you know?" Su said "Aiwei is the city's truth-seer thanks to him there are no secrets in my city". Then she said "Lin's here I'd love to say hello", After getting Lin from the airship after she and Su exchanged a few words but Lin seemed mad about something. Su gave them a tour of the city and the whole time Lin mostly stuck to the back with a apathetic expression the whole time,

May 22,2015
Two days later at about seven in the evening Shawn was meditating outside when his holoprojecter beeped, he answered it and it was Palpatine "Hand Mendes I sense this obstacle might overmatch you so you'll get a little assistance" Shawn asked "from who my lord?" Palpatine replied "he'll explain when he arrives in a moment but just don't kill each other" then the transmission ended. Suddenly Shawn sensed a presence to his right and looked and there was a guy who looked to be his age standing there, the two stared at each other suspiciously before Shawn asked "who are you?" The stranger replied "my names Maarek Stele and you are?".

Shawn stood up and walked over "Shawn Mendes nice to meet you" and extended his hand and Maarek shook it "rank?" Maarek asked, " Emperor's Hand you?" Shawn replied and sensed what seemed like surprise from Maarek but he replied "Emperor's Reach" Shawn asked "and how'd you get here?" Maarek replied "the force allowed me that's how". Then Shawn asked "do you know why you're here?" Maarek replied "yes my orders are clear I'm to be the backup if those criminals ever attack".Then the dome walls began closing and Shawn said "they're locking down for the night check the perimeter if anyone asks you're with us" Maarek nodded and walked the other way Shawn went another way.

Drawing on the force he managed to stay awake but sensed there was danger, he stopped and sensed it was near. Suddenly a dart was fired at him. Without looking Shawn caught it before it hit him, he snapped his head to the left where it came from and there were the four criminals who'd been looking for. Suddenly the man with the shaved head blasted a wall of air at him, Shawn backflipped over the air and landed,

Raising his hand Shawn blasted some lightning at the man, then the other man wearing a Earth Kingdom type garb blocked it with a rock wall before punching the wall sending it flying in three pieces at hm, dodging the rocks Shawn picked up his comlink and said "Maarek you better get over here" and Maarek materialized next to him lightsaber in hand, standing up Shawn ignited his own blade. The man with the shaved head threw multiple darts at them, Shawn dodged the first wave and Maarek did the same but one of then stuck in his arm,

Then Maarek yelped a little as one of the darts had hit him in the thigh. Shawn resisted the effects of the dart before Maarek suddenly collapsed, then the earthbender sent more rocks at him, the rocks slammed into Shawn and he went flying back a little. He dropped his lightsaber and then the airbender walked up and said "know this the world will be brought back to its natural order regardless of outside forces that'll take it upon themselves to intervene".

Shawn woke up and the sounds of explosions rang through the air. He picked up his lightsaber and ran up the steps to the courtyard where the criminals were surrounded in multiple metal planks that were stacked around them "it's over we have you surrounded release the avatar!" One of the guards yelled, Maarek ran up next to Shawn and said "what's going on?" Shawn replied "looks like those criminals have Korra we gotta help". They ran over where the others were and the two sides were exchanging fire,rock and water. "Who are these people?" Shawn asked Su. Su replied "I don't know but we're not letting them get away",

Then Shawn saw the tall woman wearing a Fire Nation type of garb had streams of explosions coming out of her head, he sensed the force was at play and Su said "she's a combustionbender if we hit that tattoo on her head her power will beknocked out. Shawn picked up a medium sized pebble and said to Maarek "ready?" Maarek nodded and Shawn stood up and threw the pebble while Maarek blasted lightning at her. The pebble hit her head and she looked irritated,

Then the airbender began twirling his staff drawing in some smoke that'd accumulated around them. The one of the guards fired a cable at him wrapping around the airbenders wrists and yanked him away, Shawn ran over where the airbender was and slashed at him. The man jumped and dodged until Shawn sliced his staff in half but was blasted back by some air, the man then called in more smoke and Shawn saw some people were rappelling downward and had got Korra.Then the airbender jumped and landed in the island surrounded by lava and then pulled in the smoke around them and it hung there for a minute before dispersing and they were gone.

Then after Su and Lin returned Shawn asked "who was that?" Lin replied "that was Zaheer"

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