A New Mission Duel In The Temple

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Shawn stumbled out if the temple and fell on his back and stared up at the sky. He put the mask on and felt weak from both lack of oxygen and the strain of having been in a place strong with such evil. He laid there as the sun set and the cold set in also, knowing he'd never make it back in time called the shuttle over. As the shuttle arrived and landed he sensed familiar presence and Mara was there leaning over him "come on Shawn" she said pulling him up and Shawn said "yeah sorry it was very evil in there" and he stood up and walked into the shuttle.

As they left the planet the Avenger came into view along with another one, then Mara said "what did you get from the temple?" Shawn reached into his pocket and took out the pearl and handed it to her "I got that from some guy named Darth Malgus" Mara looked over it and Shawn sensed her intrigue yet she winced as she held it and he said "what's wrong?" She replied "it burns" and tossed it back to him and he caught it and put in his pocket.

The shuttle landed and they got up and exited the craft only to be greeted by Agent Kallus who said "ah yes Hand Mendes what have you to report on your mission" Shawn replied "I found the remains of an ancient temple on the planet and the rest will be reported to the emperor" and he and Mara went to the elevator. As they went up Mara said "what happened down there I sense your shock" Shawn said "Malgus showed me the some temple on Coruscant and Earth on fire",

Then the door opened and they were at the bridge "ah Hand Jade it's an honor to-" Ozzel was cut off by Shawn "clear the room" and Ozzel bowed his head slightly and said "of course" and he and the other officers stepped into the forward area of the bridge and shut the door. Shawn and Mara kneeled as Palpatine appeared on the holoprojecter "Hand Mendes what have you to report on your mission?" Shawn then told him about the temple and Malgus then showed him the pearl and Palpatine said "that's a Jedi device bring to to the Jedi temple on Coruscant and record any information you find on it" Shawn replied "yes my lord".

During the journey through hyperspace Shawn held the strange pearl and wondered why Mara thought it burned and knew it was probably because Malgus didn't want anyone to hold it.

The star destroyer exited hyperspace and Shawn headed down to the hanger to be taken to the Jedi Temple. As the shuttle went down the sight of the city was both depressing and still awe inspiring. Then the shuttle landed at the Jedi Temple and Shawn exited greeted by two lines of stormtroopers at attention and the garrison commander "Hand Mendes welcome to the Jedi Temple I'm Commander Sada" Shawn nodded and said "thank you commander" and walked with the troopers following and Sada beside him, Sada said "if there's anything we can help you with".

Shawn sharply replied "just let me not be disturbed that's the emperors command" Sada said "yes sir" and Shawn entered the deserted temple. As soon as he walked in he was the only one besides ten stormtroopers in the section and as he walked through the great halls he sensed a great sadness in the force as of something awful had happened there, he went in the elevator down to the archives room and saw it was a series of computers with lights streaming along the sides. He went over to one of the rooms and saw a small stand in the middle, "place it on the stand" he heard the faint voice of Malgus say and he set it on the stand and the pearl lit up and a hologram of the Galaxy showed up.

It showed the many star systems and one in the northeastern regions lit up. "That is Korriban ancient home world of the Sith" Malgus said and then he manifested himself in front of Shawn and was pointing at it. "What's on that world?" Shawn asked and Malgus lowered his arm and said "something your master could use to wipe out the last of the Jedi" then he vanished and Shawn picked up the pearl and walked out.

Then a button on the archives computer lit up right next to Shawn. Curious yet cautious he pushed it and footage of the Clone Wars showed up with many of the Jedi leading the clones into battle against the Separatist droid armies, then it cut to footage of the Jedi temple and showed the clones killing many Jedi with one of them a man with a blue lightsaber fighting many at the same time. Then it stopped and Shawn was curious about what he'd just seen and noticed that there weren't any guards and walked into another room.

On the first shelf there was a box at about eye level that radiated some power in it. Shawn opened it and inside were two lightsabers that had a slight curve to them, he picked one up and it felt as if many had fallen by it. Suddenly it was yanked out of his hand and flew into the darkness along with the other one, Shawn was surprised by this and dropped the box knowing he was the only one there and he stood there and ignited his own blade.

Then a bald woman walked out holding the sabers and Shawn sensed she was powerful in the force and she said "foolish boy if only you knew who I was you wouldn't have opened that" Shawn sternly said "who are you state your business" and the woman ignited the sabers and the red blades lit up "I am no more than a relic of a different time I am Asajj Ventress" then she jumped and their blades clashed.

Shawn pushed back and unleashed a wave of force lightning at her which she caught with both blades and to his surprise threw it back at him. It surprised him and he tried to deflect it but he hadn't been fully trained in and he was hit by it a little, he shook his head and blocked another attack and this time she ran off. Shawn ran after her down the halls of the archives and jumped over many obstructions until she threw a pillar at him, he ducked at cut it in half and then used the force to push her and she fell down.

He jumped and readied his blade for the kill but she stood up and kicked his arm away and then pushed him back. He went to the floor and reignited his lightsaber and held it ready and she said "you're strong yet so pathetically weak boy" Shawn slashed at her in a fast paced attack form again and she blocked the attacks then force pushed him back. Then she said "it's been nice testing you but I have more pressing matters to attend to" then she ran off.

Shawn got up and panted as he walked back to the archives and kicked a brick in frustration. "Hand Mendes come in!" His communicator said and he picked it up and replied "yes commander what is it?" Sada replied "we're under attack by a unknown operative wielding a lightsaber and we need assist-"then it cut off and Shawn sensed the battle above and went up the elevator to the lobby.

It opened and laser bolts flew past as stormtroopers ran firing as they ran. Shawn walked out and saw a young man with a blue lightsaber cutting down stormtroopers and pushed some away also, Shawn stepped out but then a stormtrooper with a electrostaff lightly pushed him back and said "guard the holocron room" and Shawn ran away. He ran off down the hall to the holocron room or wherever it was.

Eventually be reached it and two Shadow Guards stood beside the door and Shawn said "a unknown rebel is attacking the temple prepare for whatever comes this way" one of them gave a slight nod and Shawn entered the room and closed the door, inside there was a large holocron on a pedestal of some kind so he walked over and stood in front of it preparing for whatever came through.

Twenty minutes later he sensed a powerful presence was near and heard the sounds of clashing lightsabers outside the chamber for a good five minutes until they stopped. The door opened and the unknown man walked in, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and the man halted "who are you?" Shawn said and the man smirked and said "step aside kid don't make me hurt you" Shawn sensed he wasn't bluffing but knew he had to hold his ground and jumped readying for the fight.

The man ignited his blade and blocked his attack and pushed him off. Shawn blocked and counterattacked the many swipes and slashes until the man jumped over him, he turned around and then the man unleashed a powerful wave of force lightning at him. It came too fast and Shawn was hit by it and he felt pain all over, he dropped his lightsaber and the lightning stopped then fell on his knees. "I'm a hand of the emperor kill me and he'll track you down" He said in his best intimidating voice but was actually scared he'd be killed.

The man walked over and said "I won't because it's not the Jedi way" then Shawn saw nothing but darkness.

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