The Fall Of The Earth Queen

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May 23,2015 (sorry if it jumped around in this part again)

After the fiasco in Zaofu they'd tracked the criminals to the Misty Palms oasis only to be captured by the Earth Queens army. Shawn was chained to a wall on a airship on its way to Ba Sing Se with Maarek beside him who resisted as best he could, Maarek raised his hand at the guard and said "you will release us" attempting a mind trick. The guard looked puzzled and said "nice try but your mind games won't help you" and shut the door locking it,

Shawn looked around for anything that could be used to escape and said "can't you teleport out of here?" Maarek replied "I can only travel long distance and it's exhausting besides who'd come rescue us all the way out here in this Earth Kingdom if they're the ones who captured us". Then Shawn heard some clomping below and looked through the vent in the floor and Asami was crawling through it. "Psst up here" Shawn said and Asami looked up and said "glad you're here I'll get you out", then lifted the vent cover and climbed out.

Taking out a small metal pick she undid the chains, Shawn went over to the door as she undid Maarek from the chains and scanned the hallway. "Ok Korras gonna distract the guard then we take control of the airship" Asami said, Shawn then looked at the lock and with the force began unlocking it slowly. As it came off he caught it setting it on the ground quietly and opened the door, Maarek said "that captain has our lightsabers and comlinks we'll need them" as they went down the hall where a guard stood by a sealed door."Guard please my friend needs help!" Korra yelled, while the guard looked through the peephole Maarek sprinted down and jumped kicking the guard and sending him flying down the hall. Shawn went to the door and undid the lock with the force and once or opened got Korra out her many ropes and chains and such.

"We've gotta get back to the others" Korra said as they went to the bridge, using the force Shawn pushed the door open and Korra barged in fire and air blasting and damaged the controls. Shawn and Maarek summoned their lightsabers which were in the captains hands to their own, "could you have toned it down a little?" Maarek said to Korra and she replied "sorry".Asami was working on the controls but the ship was losing altitude quickly, "hold on to something!" Asami yelled and the ship crashed into a sand dune, "Everyone alright?" Shawn called out, "yeah we're ok" Korra said "looks like we're not gonna get to the others on time" Shawn walked along the side that faced the ground and asked Maarek "can you take people with you when you teleport?" Maarek said "yes where're we going?" Korra said "head to the Misty Palms oasis we'll be right behind you".

Maarek grabbed Shawn's arm and suddenly everything looked warped in a indescribable way until it stopped, Shawn stumbled around regaining his composure "that wasn't very fun" he said. Maarek shrugged and said "well you're the first that hasn't thrown up afterwards now who're we looking for?" Suddenly there was a screech and Shawn looked up seeing a large red dragon that had a long neck,whiskers and hair on its neck. The dragon landed and a man with whitened hair and a scar on the right side of his face climbed off, then a jeep driven by Lin pulled up. "Chief Beifong the airship Korra was on crashed in the desert" Shawn said, Lin replied "well we can't look for her right now the criminals are in Ba Sing Se" Maarek said "well let's go" and grabbed Shawn's arm and they were in the royal palace in Ba Sing Ee.

Shawn sensed someone approaching and said "hide" they used the concealment technique before jumping and hanging on the top of a pillar, Zaheer and the criminals that had attacked Zaofu walked down the hall to the end where Zaheer blasted the massive doors open with an air blast. "Nows our chance go" Shawn said and they jumped down bracing their falls with the force before dashing in the throne room and up into the rafters,

The queen said "what is this riff rang doing in my throne room?!" Zaheer bowed slightly and said "apologies your majesty but I couldn't help but overhead that the avatar has escaped" the Queen replied "the avatar is still in my custody however eavesdropping on Royal conversations will land you in a cell right next to those boys you brought in" Zaheer said "that wasn't the deal" the Queen sharply replied "I will not bandy words with bounty hunters" then pointed at them and said "seize these hoodlums and throw them in prison until they decide to show proper respect for the crown" as twelve Dai Li agents ran in.

The combustion bender blasted at the agents while the waterbender whose arms were made out of water attacked along with the earthbender. "Should we help?" Maarek said, Shawn replied "no either one'll kill us if we do" after the Dai Li agents were taken care of the Queen pointed at Zaheer and said "you wouldn't dare attack a queen" Zaheer jumped and landed on her throne. "Maybe didn't make something clear I don't believe in queens" he began moving his arms in a pulling motion and the Queen started suffocating as he was bending the air of her lungs." You think freedom you can give and take on a whim but to the people freedom is just as essential as air and without it there is no life there is only...darkness" and the Queen slumped over.

"Let's move" Zaheer said and they walked to the exit, Maarek then accidentally released the concealment and the combustion bender looked up and blasted the bar from under them. Bracing their falls Shawn and Maarek ignited their lightsabers getting into defensive positions, "aw you two the offworlders" Zaheer said, "I've seen your Empire and its tyrannical Emperor perhaps one day I'll pay him a visit" Maarek angrily replied "you dare to talk of our Emperor that way threaten him again and we'll bear down on yon with the full might of the Empire". Shawn now knew Maarek was a loyal fanatic and knew he'd have to chip in to convince Palpatine he was loyal "and you'll be nothing but piles of ash", then the Queen stired. Shawn raised his and with the force ended her suffering by choking her, "thank you for that now leave this world before we make you".

They retracted their blades and Shawn asked "what'll you do now that you've just killed the ruler of this country?" Zaheer replied "I'm going to deliver it back to the people". Maarek said "do that and we'll land troops to restore order by force if necessary" Zaheer said "then you'll turn the populace on you its difficult for foreigners to subjugate a lands natives and they'll always retaliate".

Then they walked past them out of the throne room, "now what do we do?" Shawn said. Maarek replied "watch em descend into anarchy".

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now