Trials Of Insight,Courage and Flesh, Outspoken

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The sun began setting over the city skyline as Shawn watched it, "thought I'd find you here" Mara said, "it's nice here doesn't smell like trash and smog" Shawn replied. "Well some news from the front we've laid siege to Confederate and Rebel forces on Zeitooine" Mara said but Shawn only heard half of it as he felt the pull to the Jedi Temple again, "are you listening?" Mara asked, Shawn snapped out of his mild trance "yeah I am", "liar I said the Emperor wants you to attend a war council tomorrow" Mara said,"I don't know military stuff like tactics and such" Shawn said a little confused by this, "Well maybe he meant it as a little lesson or whatever I don't know" Mara said, "anywho I'm gonna go now" she said before vanishing as quickly as she'd appeared. Now he had the chance and seized it,

Jedi Temple,
Shawn walked down more of the foreboding abandoned halls of the temple following the pull, then he stumbled upon a library and near the end it was a girl kneeling with her back turned to him. He got closer and saw it was Camilla, "Camilla how'd you get here?" Shawn asked confusion clear in his tone, " you have much to learn" she said before jumping the air and and blue light went around here and she became Darth Phobos.

"The scent of your fear is intoxicating" Phobos said igniting her saberstaff and charging, Shawn ignited his own lightsaber meeting her attack with Soresu and countering with a mix of Makashi and Ataru which Phobos seemed to struggle with, then she kicked him back hard. He landed on his back and Phobos charged, Shawn reached out his the Force at a fallen pillar and threw it at Phobos which slammed into her sending her flying into several of the book cases, this time Shawn went on the offensive attacking with a quick succession of slashes filling the air with the sounds of clashing blades, Phobos then raised her hand at him blasting lightning, Shawn had some skill with Tutaminus but it was amateur at best so when he caught the bolt it shocked him at first and he yelled out in pain before sending the bolt back stunning Phobos,

"Hahaha you're obviously skilled seems Lord Sidious taught you well" Phobos said before she waved her hand causing the air to become warped with sounds distorted, Shawn sensed through this fog or whatever it was before blocking her attack which came out of nowhere. This time he blasted lightning at Phobos which she blocked with her staff, while she was distracted he charged shutting his eyes as he cut through her torso. Phobos gasped and fell limp before the simulation dissolved, Shawn opened his eyes then retracted his blade before walking out of the library.

As he went down another decrepit damaged hall a stone door opened to his right, a Pa'uan man with two Imperial symbols in his shoulder pads stepped out, "wait this isn't real who're you?" Shawn asked, "the last one may have been nothing but a mere illusion but I assure you I am not" the Pa'uan man replied with a posh sounding accent, "no way out Padawan" the Pa'uan said getting closer. Shawn reached for his lightsaber but something told him not to, "I'll find a way out if I follow my training" Shawn said trying to feign a demeanor of being helpless, "Ready to die boy or are you afraid to meet your end" the Pa'uan said still with a arrogant smirk, "no I'm not afraid" Shawn replied in a genuine tone courage swelled in his chest, the Pa'uans expression turned sour and he ignited his blade holding it to his side. Suddenly the Pa'uan sliced down but the blade passed through Shawn as it'd been nothing more than an illusion, then just as the illusion appeared it was gone.

Shawn explored around more entering what looked like a training center of some kind which when he did the door shut behind him. "Tis been a long time since I've had a worth adversary" a accented voice that rang of upper class said, Shawn looked around and saw an old man who wore a cape and had a aristocratic look, "seems you've passed the other tests but you've one left". Shawn asked "who are you?", "I am Count Dooku" he said before igniting his lightsaber which had a curve in the hilt, Shawn did the same,

Dooku attacked with a surprising speed which caught Shawn off guard and left him with a cut to the right side of his neck, he groaned in pain but countered Dooku's attack but it seemed that he'd met his match as they both favored Ataru and Makashi, "impressive for a child Sidious taught you well let's hope he doesn't betray you like he did me" Dooku said before he raised his hand blasting lightning at him, Shawn blocked the lightning with his blade before Force pushing Dooku back, as he did he retracted his blade cloaking himself clearing his mind. "Hmm interesting seems you're quite skilled for a mere commoner" Dooku said as Shawn crept around silently before he was right behind Dooku and held the hilt toward him, suddenly Dooku spun around lighting in his hand, Shawn quickly ignited his blade cutting Dooku's hand off before stabbing him in the back.

He retracted his blade and Qui Gon appeared, "I congratulate you Shawn you've completed the trials bit beware the Dark Side it's power corrupts any who give into it but still you are now a Jedi" he said before dissipating.

August 26,2015, Imperial Palace
Shawn approached the council chambers that were guarded by two Imperial Sovereign Protecters the most elite Royal guards more skilled than the Shadowguards but weren't trained in the ways of the Force, the guards snapped to attention as Shawn passed them. Over ten generals and admiral sat around a conference table with a hologram projector in the middle with Palpatine seated on a throne up a flight of stairs Vader standing next to him, Shawn put his hands behind his back to appear professional, "ah Hand Mendes welcome we waited for you" Palpatine said as he approached, when he made it to the top he bowed slightly at Palpatine before sitting beside him.

" Admiral Ozzel your report" Palpatine said, "thank you my liege" Ozzel said rising clicking a button in front of him which dimmed the lights and the hologram of a planet popped up, "as you are all aware the Lothal system is still under our control but small axle rebellions in the countryside have hampered us from controlling the planet completely". Palpatine's gaze narrowed "what is your recommendation?" He asked. "Our forces are spread to thin but once we've driven a Confederate from the neighboring system I suggest we move more security forces onto the planet", Palpatine gave a intrigued grunt before he asked "Hand Mendes you have experience with these types of rebellions which are common on your homeworld will adding more troops end these rebellions?".

Shawn felt everyone's eyes on him and felt frozen, of course he'd had thousands of eyes look at him before but this was different as he was literally gambling with the lives of innocent civilians, " I think they'll get through anything if they have hope" he replied. "You're right we must destroy their hope" Palpatine said sinisterly, Shawn piped up "well that's not what I meant-" but was interrupted by Vader "as punishment let's send the flametroopers into the countryside and make them face the price for treason". Palpatine said "yes Lord Vader precisely Admiral domestic forces will be sent to Lothal they'll burn every village let these traitors die a traitors death" Ozzel nodded before sitting down.

"General Veers your report on the Salucemi operation" Palpatine said, Shawn was baffled how they would murder people like that as punishment for rebelling, "here is the Salucemi system our troops have laid siege to Rebel forces in the area but Confederate forces have worn down the 143rd recon division so I'm recommending the 25th infantry take their place" Veers said, another general said "but the 25th is made up of new recruits how do you expect them to take on the battle hardened droid army and the Rebels?" Veers said "I don't then will act as a diversion will we attack from the rear as you know fresh meat makes the best bait".

Shawn was horrified how they'd throw away people's lives like that and spoke out "you can't do that! Those solders will protect the Empire with their lives and you'd throw them away like trash" he said standing up, the generals glared at him. Then Shawn heard Vader's breathing get closer and then was shoved slightly, "move it" Vader said, Shawn was afraid of what would happen next but followed Vader out of the conference room. "Show any disrespect in the presence of the Emperor again and you'll regret it" Vader said before walking away, Shawn tried walking back in but the guards crossed their double vibroblade staffs in front of him blocking the way. Shawn sighed in frustration and walked away,

Along the way he questioned defecting but if he did returning home wouldn't be an option to turn to but on the other hand being part of a tyrannical regime that had the largest military in the Galaxy did give the Empire and advantage so being on the losing side wouldn't be beneficial at all either. But the Force told him that out of all of it the Rebel Alliance would win forming a new peace and government the New Republic, but it would be a long ways off it told him,

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