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A:n here is Shawn's theme song i'm aware that it's Rey's theme but maybe that'll be connected to him somehow in a sequel leave a comment if this song suits Shawn as well (Song credit goes to Linda Peng for this simple yet elegant cover)

February 29,2016, Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Another vision into the past came that night, Shawn saw Darth Xedrix was holding a different holocron which opened. "Who dares wake me" a deep voice said, "tis me Lord Sadow" Xedrix said. "What troubles you Xedrix you've already buried Malgus, the Emperor has regained control of the Empire and will surely hunt you down" Sadow said, "of course sir" Xedrix said, "I sense it, your son has child with a slave girl" Sadow said, "yes sir I told him I curse the bastard". Sadow replied "I will help you, for as long as it takes I will bide my time and wait for one with a heart black as night and influence their mind to wipe out the girls people, they are cursed".

Then it faded to Xedrix pacing back and forth while Darien sat looking at the floor, a woman strolled in who Shawn assumed to be Xedrix's wife. "Darien?" She asked but he angrily walked out, "he want to marry I will not have it" Xedrix said. "What why not?" His wife asked, "she's Jewish" Xedrix said, "so?" His wife replied. "So? You want him to marry a Jew?" Xedrix said anger prevalent
in his tone, she looked disgusted "how can you say that? How can you feel that?!" She said in a raised tone before storming out. Shawn then found himself in a sort of misty cave where a figure stood "interesting, you've see the truth" a mans voice said, "who are you?" Shawn demanded, "my name is Vitiate and I know yours Shawn" Vitiate said,

Then several Crimson sabers ignited all around charging at Shawn. Dodging the sabers Shawn pushed one away but then they vanished, "interesting indeed" a voice said. Shawn saw Snoke sitting on a throne with Vitiate on another, "who are you?" Shawn asked, "My name is Snoke you know this" Snoke responded. "Who are you really" Shawn asked questioning if that name was real or just a moniker, Snoke smirked " something more that is all I will tell". Then Shawn was woken up by Mara poking him, "uh get up or Vader's gonna kill you literally" she said walking out, Shawn got up put on his uniform and followed her out, the journey took them to the lower levels though.

The others were lined up outside a door, everyone except for Jallar was there. "Who's in there?" Shawn asked, "Vader and Maarek today's refining saber skills" Roganda replied. Then another girl approached from another way "hi Lumiya" Mara said, "hey Mara, and who are you?" Lumiya said then turned to Shawn, "my names Shawn" he replied. "Oh I've heard of you the earthling, and that Inquisitor", Lumiya said. Then the door opened and Maarek strolled out looking winded. "Shawn's next" Maarek said,

Shawn walked in and the door shut behind him, the sound of Vader's breathing filled the air and he stood facing away. "Uh hello" Shawn called out, "your weapon" Vader said. Shawn took his saber and held it, it flew out of his hand and into Vader's, then he felt for his blaster. Suddenly the saber ignited and was pointed at his face "you lack focus and are easily distracted" Vader said, then he retracted the blade and tossed the hilt back to Shawn.

"We will work on your perceptiveness in the Force" Vader said heading toward him with a handkerchief. Shawn knew he'd be blinded for whatever it was, Vader tied the handkerchief around Shawn's face and backed away, Shawn held his saber at his side ready for whatever came . The sound of Vader's breathing and hum of his lightsaber seemed to come from all sides, letting the Force guide him Shawn sensed Vader was to the right and ignited his saber blocking an attack, "excellent" Vader said. Shawn pushed him back and seemed to be able to faintly make out the outline of Vader, Vader dodged his hacks and slashes and shoved him. Shawn regained his balance and dodged two swipes that came so close he could see the glow through the handkerchief,

"Focus not on sound but let the Force guide your actions" Vader said. Shawn blocked two other attacks but it felt as if someone was moving his arms and he didn't know what to make of it, then Vader thrust his hand out and he was lifted off the ground. Shawn was a little surprised but also afraid, he began hacking randomly. "Come now is that all you got?" Vader said slamming him to the ground, Shawn however anticipated this and landed on his feet. He thrust his hand out but it did little effect, " sir what is the point of this?" Shawn asked,

Vader replied "the Emperor was displeased with you on Tython, as you know wrong actions result in consequences". Shawn pretended to listen but took advantage of the source sound and charged at it, he swiped but instead felt Vader grab his jacket neck. "Impressive you listened for me, very good" Vader commended with slight emotion in his usual monotone voice, then they retracted their blades and Shawn removed the blindfold, but there was something else on his mind that he'd been wanting to request for a whole but never had the chance until now.

"Uh sir the girl may I take her back to Earth?" He asked, Vader responded "what reason?". "She's my friend and didn't do anything wrong I swear" Shawn said. Vader seemed to stare him down for a good five seconds,,Any other would've most likely looked away out of fear but Shawn didn't and had a look of serious yet almost begging like  sincerity. "Very well" Vader said, "but not until the Emperor releases you from duty". Shawn then walked out,

Later that day Shawn was summoned to the throne room, upon walking in he saw Leia was there. "You asked for me sir?" Shawn asked Palpatine, "yes Hand Mendes you'll accompany the princess to the Third Earth for a token of gratitude" Palpatine said, Shawn nodded "of course sir", Leia then walked over to him "get me out of here" she said and he followed her out.

Kings Landing, March 1,2016
"Wow this place so pretty" Leia said looking out at the sea. Shawn liked it here the air was always fresh, the Kingsguard opens the throne room doors. There was Cersei and a boy upon the Iron Throne Shawn didn't recognize, "ah you" Cersei said with slight sarcasm. "Your grace this is Princess Leia of the uh" Shawn said but stopped as he forgot, "Royal House of Alderaan" Leia said, "it's an honor princess, this is my son King Tommen" Cersei said. "Greetings princess" Tommen said in a soft voice that didn't have an authority behind it, "where's King Joffrey?" Shawn asked. "He was poisoned by my brother who also slew my father" Cersei said with anger in her tone. "You have our condolences" Leia said slipping into a clipped accent slightly, "why have you come here?" Tommen asked. Then the doors opened and Maergery walked in "that's Maergery" Shawn whispered,

"Aw welcome back" Maergery said. "And this is Queen Maergery" Cersei said, "your grace" Leia said, "we've come to see how your kingdom has been um doing". "Is that so?" Cersei said walking down the steps her hands held together " well then you'd be happy to know it has been doing wonderfully", "now of you'll excuse me I have another arrangement" Cersei said striding out."Pardon my mother Princess Leia" Tommen reassured rising from the throne, "will you walk with me" Tommen said to Leia holding his arm out. "Of course" Leia said taking his arm, Shawn noticed Maergery had a sort of jealous look on her face that was being masked by a smile. Following them with the Red Guards Shawn merely paid no attention to them, he couldn't stop thinking about the kiss with Mara it just seemed so right in a way.

After twenty minutes Tommen went off another way, "well that was lovely" Leia said. "Now to that city state Meereen" she continued, Shawn said "whoa slow down there", Leia looked with a joking expression in a way "cons of being a politician Shawn". "I'm never gonna be one anyway" he replied following her to the Tantive IV.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن