Empire Day

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Shawn looked around and saw the vast army assembled in front of the palace, Imperial banners flapped in the wind. "Wow it's bigger this year" Maarek said. "Of course we must show strength" Palpatine said, Shawn jumped a little not sensing Palpatine was so close, Vader followed with Mas Amedda,the Joint Chiefs, Minister Adarn and Grand Moff Tarkin. They took their spots as a speaker announced "Your Majesty the 501st battalion and the Royal Imperial Academy has been assembled!", Palpatine said "good afternoon" into the microphone.

"Afternoon sir!" All twenty thousand said in response, "I welcome you here on the seventeenth anniversary of the foundation of our glorious Empire" Palpatine said earning a round of applause which he waved off slightly. "Let the celebrations begin!" He said as the bands began thundering away all kinds of music as the troops began parading past in formation. Shawn was in awe he'd never seen a military parade before and found himself clapping with the rest of the Court each time a unit passed, however he was surprised his migraine seemed dulled by now.

"You see them there" Maarek said pointing at a marching formation of cadets "that was my unit when I was at the Academy", "know anyone in it still?" Shawn asked with a raised tone over the thundering music, "yeah I do the most well performing unit gets to be greeted by the Emperor for their graduation" Maarek said. Shawn saw the walkers now strolled in behind the infantry,

The parade went on for another couple of hours before they all marched into marked areas standing at parade rest. "Now that I've seen the finest solders it's time to decide whom will have earned the chance to celebrate in the palace" Palpatine said scanning them, something told Shawn the Royal academy would be chosen, a servant held a small jar of names on a tray toward Palpatine. Palpatine swirled his hand around before taking a slip of paper. "The Royal Academy,your challenge one of you must volunteer for a test of skill, this test is as follows a test of marksmanship" and a small platform rose from in front of the formation,

There was a target so small Shawn couldn't even see it. One of the cadets raised their hand not even two seconds later, the commandant called them forward to the podium "state your name" Palpatine asked, "Thane Kyrell sir" Thane said with a soldierly tone "well then Cadet Kyrell may your aim by steady" Palpatine said, Shawn remembered the name as one of the cadets he'd saved from the muggers but had almost forgotten about it. Then he noticed the floating Jumbotron that showed Thane picking up the blaster and aiming it very steadily before firing hitting the target dead center, "the Royal academy has earned the chance to enter the palace the rest of you I bid you a happy Empire Day" Palpatine said, "our lives and souls belong to the Empire and the Emperor first!" All twenty thousand yelled out,

That sent chills down Shawn's spine as he knew that he'd heard something like that before but couldn't quite remember where. Palpatine and the Court went away from the balcony back inside, "lucky shot" Shawn said. "Hey come on you know how nerve wrecking that must've been I'd be surprised if that guy isn't Force-sensitive" Maarek said,

The cadets had filed into a large audience hall sitting down and chatted amongst themselves mostly pointing at the Red Guards. Then the commandant yelled "attention!" Then the sound of hushing voices mixed with the clack of boots filled the room as they all stood up in near unison then silence, Shawn, Mara and Maarek stood behind Vader beside Mas Amedda and Tarkin. " you see lads and lass this is the future of the Empire" Tarkin said to Shawn,Maarek and Mara "yes sir it is" Maarek said before elbowing Shawn who'd been distracted by looking around at the vast number of people there, "oh uh yes sir it is" Shawn said to Tarkin who seemed satisfied,

Palpatine made it to his throne and sat down. Shawn and the rest of the Imperial Court sat down as well except for Vader who stood with his arms crossed, "parade rest!" The commandant yelled and the cadets put their arms behind their backs before stepping to the side a little, "please sit" Palpatine said calmly. The cadets then sat down "at ease!" The commandant yelled and they all snapped out of their trance like states and looked up at Palpatine, "my solders,my sons and daughters" Palpatine said. "Many of you have heard of me in late night children's tales and Holonet broadcasts but I assure you I am no myth" he said,

"Long ago shortly before the dissolution of the Old Republic I was attacked by the cowardly Jedi Knight Mace Windu" Palpatine said. "Afterward I was forced to conceal myself..however my resolve did not falter", "the traitorous Jedi were hunted down and eliminated!" He said and a loud applause rose from the audience and Court. "It is a great honor to have you all here today for you will end this war and restore peace and order to the Galaxy" Palpatine continued, "and your bravery will remembered throughout galactic history for centuries" and another wave of applause sounded. Then he went on for another twenty minutes about the Confederate Remanent and the Rebel Alliance labeling them "anarchist terrorist groups" who sought to plunder the Core Worlds and Inner Rim of their wealth, Then he rose and the commandant yelled "attention!" And they rose before Palpatine and his entourage went down the middle of the room.

About 9 o clock at night the celebrations began, Shawn sipped a drink that had a pomegranate pear like taste but was skeptical of it "is there alcohol in this?" He asked Mara, "no it isn't that's some sparkling shurra juice and I know it's addicting". Shawn saw Maarek among the crowd chatting with the daughter of an Imperial governor who was very pretty, Mara said "oh that's a familiar sight". Shawn asked "familiar?", Mara smirked and said "I'll tell you later", then they walked around slowly chatting about various things when Shawn heard Tarkin and another governor say something like "the station is nearly 98 percent complete sir and the planet Zonama Sekot will be the test planet" the governor said, "excellent those parasite Vong will perish,they believe their people are coming when their ships died out long ago" Tarkin replied.

Shawn was partially listening but knew it wouldn't be good, after a couple hours he noticed that headache stuff was beginning to wear off a little. "I'm gonna get another drink" Mara said walking away, Shawn turned around looking at the fireworks all over the city and the sounds of cheering below but wondered how much of it was voluntary and not at gun point. Then Maarek walked up next to him and said "here try this" handing Shawn a bottle of an amber looking liquid, Shawn smelled it and the drink had a almost lemon aroma so he took a swig but the intense burn of alcohol made him spit it out. Maarek laughed and Shawn said "ugh what was that?" Handing the bottle back, "Corellian brandy I swiped,don't even think we're not allowed to drink alcohol anyway" Maarek said raising the bottle for a sip

Mara then took it from him and gulped some down wincing as she did "whoah that stuff does burn but it's good", then the governors daughter strolled over putting her arms around Maarek and he said "I gotta go" handing Shawn the bottle of brandy, Mara said "uh yeah "duty calls" in a sarcastic tone, and they walked away. She chuckled "he's such a player" then handed Shawn a glass of water which he sipped, "so you feeling ok?" Mara asked. "Yep it's just kind of worn off now" Shawn replied, Mara said "I know something that'll make it go away she said" and went inside.

Shawn followed her through the crowd and out into the hallway where she took her heels off and said "I hate these damn shoes". Laughing Shawn followed her to the room where the piano was and she said "here try playing something", Shawn sat down then glanced up at Mara who stood by the window with a faint aura from the city, she looks beautiful, he thought. "Are you gonna play or you gonna keep staring at me?" She said. Shawn snapped out of his short trance and began playing some Ed Shereen which filled the room with a heavenly tempo, After two minutes Mara said "wow that was great,feel better?". Shawn did feel better after playing the songs and responded "yeah" then stood up and Mara ran over,

She yawned "you know I'm tired and gonna turn in for the night". Shawn replied "yeah I'm gonna do the same" setting the glass down on a table knowing it would be collected by a droid later, as they went back down the hall Shawn sensed something was wrong and Mara said "I feel it too don't let your guard down", Shawn replied "how am I gonna do that?". "Oh you'll know" Mara said running off, Shawn smiled rolled his eyes and went in his room

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