Drogon Returns

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That afternoon they arrived in Meereen. "Wow it looks like the pyramids in Egypt" Leia said looking up at the pyramid as they climbed the steps, upon entering the unsullied guard captain approached "welcome back" he said in a very thick accent. "Thank you mr uh" Shawn said but didn't know his name "Greyworm" he said with a rolling "w" sound, "this is Princess Leia Greyworm she wants to see the queen". "Of course this way" Greyworm said heading down the hall with them following,They walked in and Daenerys sat up the steps on the bench like throne. "My queen the offworlder has returned" Greyworm said. "Oh welcome back" Daenerys said with a smile, Shawn responded "thank you your grace, uh this is Princess Leia" he said introducing Leia. "Welcome princess" Daenerys said, "thank you your grace"

Leia replied "on behalf both of the Senate and the Emperor thank you" Leia said. "It's an honor to meet royalty from another world" Daenerys said rising, "As a token of our gratitude would you attend an event in the fighting pits tomorrow" she said, Leia had a confused look. "Sorry?" She asked, "forgive me I'll put it simpler" Daenerys said with a chuckle which surprised Shawn as he'd never seen her smile before. "We have a exiled man who'll battle to prove his worthiness to me" Daenerys explained, "and you'd want me to witness this?" Leia asked, "by all means I'd love to" she continued. Later that night Shawn said "you'd love to see a guy die?" With a unserious joking expression, "what? Maybe it'll be interesting I've seen the colosseum in Rome" Leia said,

"And you'd see something violent cause of that?" Shawn asked, "neither of us are strangers to violence" Leia said walking over and whispered "I even shot a couple stormtroopers on Lothal two years ago". "You did?" Shawn replied in a hushed tone so as to not alert the Red Guards in the other room, "yeah never looked back" she said. "There's something else we need another copy of the Death Star plans can you trace down another copy" Leia asked walking out on the balcony and he followed, Shawn thought over that for a minute but weighed his options as of caught wouldn't go to well and he'd already traced one copy of he did again it'd draw suspicion.

"Shawn?" Leia asked fear coating her voice, Shawn looked up and saw Leia was looking back upwards. He looked and jumped a little as a large dragon was perched above them and stared at them, Leia hid behind Shawn as the dragon lowered it's head at them. Shawn felt the talisman getting warm so without looking away from the dragon he took it out and so it glowed a yellowish orange color. The dragon made a series of purr like sounds, Shawn felt a sort of connection almost with the dragon as his fear turned to curiosity, slowly he pulled his glove off and reached his hand up.

"What're you doing?"  Leia asked frantically in a hushed whisper, Shawn replied "I feel...something I don't know" genuinely not knowing but reached out in the Force at the dragon, the dragon titled its head to the side, Shawn felt a sense of acknowledgement but also their mutual curiosity of each other. Shawn rested his hand on the dragons snout and the dragon looked him in the eye, it's eyes looked unlike any animal eyes he'd seen they looked reptilian but also intelligent at the same time. Then Shawn tried looking in the dragons mind a little, Shawn then saw himself but from the dragons perceptive approaching Daenerys and realized it was one of her dragons, "Drogon" he said rubbing Drogon's snout . Drogon purred a little, "you wanna pet him?" Shawn asked Leia who peered over his shoulder frightened. "Uh I'll pass" she replied, Drogon then backed up and flew away with a powerful whoosh. Shawn still felt a sort of energy almost coursing through his veins, "ok I'm gonna retire for the night that way too crazy yet incredible" Leia said quickly walking back in

March 2,2016
Shawn did notice the fighting pit looked like the coliseum in Rome a little. Then he noticed Tyrion was there but didn't seem to be in a talking mood, then it began. The first twenty minutes Shawn paid not attention resting his head in his hand as he was very tired still as he was up most of the night keeping an eye out in case Drogon came back, but Shawn did feel Daenery's weariness as Jorah fought off several mercenaries at once. Shawn then sensed danger and looked at the crowd not seeing anything though, he sat up straight as Jorah struck down the last one, Suddenly Jorah picked up a spear and threw it in their direction. Quickly Shawn covered Leia behind as the Red Guards rushed forward forming a circle, But the spear hit a masked man who'd approached with a dagger drawn. Shawn looked around and saw many people began donning the same golden masks, "protect your queen!" Daenery's head of security yelled and the Unsullied guards backed up.

Shawn saw the masked figures were stabbing people at random, "what's going on?" Leia asked. "Go!" Darrios yelled, then they began jumping off to the ground below, Shawn saw one of the masked figures approached Leia. He thrust his hand out and the attacker flew back, "lower her down!"  He shouted at one of the guards who jumped down while two helped Leia get down, Shawn drew his blaster and scanned for any incoming attackers, then he sensed someone to the right and dodged three sloppy slashes before hitting the knife away and punching the attacker in the face.

But that hurt a lot however Shawn paid no attention and jumped down following the escaping procession, Then just as they were about to reach the exit the doors shut and two attackers came out of the darkness. One of the Red Guards quickly jabbed the two with their force pike, "Quick the other way!" Darrios yelled and they went out to cross the pit. Leia held Shawn's arm as they ran across, but soon then were surrounded, the Unsullied formed a circle as did the Red Guards. Shawn then held his saber hilt just in case one got too close. Then a roar echoed, Shawn looked up and Drogon flew in landing nearby before attacking the masked people at random breathing fire wildly,

If it weren't for the situation Shawn would've looked in awe. Without looking he grabbed an arrow mid air, What surprised Shawn was he didn't remember moving his arm. Drogon soon had spears sticking out of him, Shawn looked around and shot a charging attacker without hesitation knowing if he let his guard down they'd be dead. Daenerys then climbed on Drogon who flew off "get the princess out of here!" Darrios yelled and the Unsullied formed a circle escorting them out of the coliseum, "What happened out there?" Tyrion demanded, "how'd the Sons Of The Harpy get in there without problem" he asked, "We will search the city for them" Greyworm said. Leia whispered "let's go it's too dangerous" and Shawn nodded "uh give our thanks to the queen when she returns" Leia said to Varys who bowed slightly.

Coruscant, Imperial Palace
Palpatine paced back and forth his cane clacking on the tile floor with the only sound being Vader's breathing , "hmm an insurgent group" he said. "It is of no concern to me princess" Palpatine said to Leia, "of course your majesty" Leia said walking out Shawn following, "I'll see if I can find another copy of the plans" Shawn whispered and Leia nodded heading off. Shawn went his own way as well, Then he felt a presence and a hand grab his injured hand " hey" Mara said, Shawn said "hey" but winced a little as she had squeezed his hand where it hurt, "what is it?" Mara asked. "I punched a guy in the face and it hurt a lot" Shawn replied,

Mara held his hand up and pulled his glove off revealing his bruised knuckles that were a purple color. "Ouch that looks like it hurts" Mara said, "What're you gonna kiss it?" Shawn asked with a smile, "maybe" Mara said with a smile as well kissing his hand. "Better?" She asked, "better" Shawn replied. "I've got a mission on Utapau I'll be back" Mara said, Shawn grabbed her other hand "promise you'll come back?" He asked, "of course" Mara said and they kissed for about seven seconds and then she went off. Shawn walked off also with a huge grin on his face,

Outer Rim,
Ezra felt something as they passed Malachor, "Ashoka!" He said "she's alive", "you sure?" Kanan asked "I'm sure I felt it" Ezra said. "Alright Malachor it is" Hera said changing course.

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