Tracking A Jedi

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Shawn reported to Palpatine that there the trail was false but felt as if his words weren't his own and were being controlled somehow. "There's evidence of a Jedi on the planet Devaron you'll head there and capture this Jedi" Shawn replied "yes my lord".

Devaron May 17,2015

Shawn landed near a seemingly abandoned temple with a squad of stormtroopers in a shuttle. The troopers exited first and he followed with the commander holding a datapad and said "the Jedi's inside but there's some unknown lifeforms guarding them" Shawn said "approach them slowly and quietly". The troopers charged their weapons and moved in,Shawn followed them monitoring the temple closely, entering the temple the troopers activated lights on their blasters scanning the area. "Sir they're over here" one and. Shawn sensed there were a bunch of others with the Jedi and said "hold on I sense" then the officer said "they're not alone" and there were around seven pairs of glowing eyes.

Then the creatures attacked the troopers tearing into them but didn't attack Shawn, suddenly one leapt at him and he held his left hand out and stopped it with the force. The creature clawed until he snapped its neck and threw it aside, "who's there identify yourself!" He said as sternly as he could, there was a chuckle and a mans voice said "it seems like Vader the emperor sends boys to do his dirty work for him". Shawn ignited his lightsaber and cut down another creature that attacked before a green lightsaber ignited in the darkness and charged at him. Shawn blocked the Jedi's attacks and parries while doing the same, the Jedi then threw two large stones at him with the force, Shawn dodged the first and spun around kicking the other away.

Then someone next to the Jedi fired some sort of electrical blast at him. Shawn swiped his lightsaber in a spin fashion and blocked the blast and force pushed the shooter back, then he went on the offensive utilizing the form Ataru designed for attack and managed to break the Jedi's defense and used the force and disarmed the Jedi summoning the lightsaber to his hand. Then another voice yelled "wait stop!" Shawn looked up at a man standing in the dark and recognized him "Kanan?" He said,

Kanan had a expression of relief yet regret "what're you doing here?" Kanan asked, Shawn replied "for a Jedi" the unnamed Jedi said "I gotta admit you have some skill and the names is Kota". Shawn retracted his blade and a kid around his age walked out of the dark, "Kanan what're you doing he's an Imperial". Kanan replied "Ezra he's no threat I'm sure of it", Ezra asked Shawn "are you an Inquisitor?",Shawn replied "no an Emperor's Hand or a force sensitive operative like an Inquisitor but more stealthy".Then Kota said "I suppose you're here for me?" Shawn replied "yes and I can't go back empty handed", Kota sighed and said "if that's what it'll be then I'll go" Kanan said "master please",

Kota said "I'll be fine" then the stormtroopers began regaining consciousness and Shawn said "you should go now" Kanan said to Kota "be careful master" then he and Ezra ran out of the temple. The officer came over with the stormtroopers who aimed their blasters at Kota "commander cuff him" Shawn said, "yes sir" the commander said and two stormtroopers cuffed Kota and began leading him back to the shuttle.

Shawn stepped outside and took his holoprojecter and contacted Palpatine, "my lord I've captured the Jedi" Shawn said and Palpatine  replied "excellent bring him to Cato Nemoidia for his execution then head to the second earth I sense they require assistance with an obstacle of some sort". Shawn replied "yes my lord" in his most genuine sounding tone,

Second Earth, Republic City,May 18,2015
Shawn landed on Air Temple island and was greeted by Korra "hi Shawn welcome back" she said, Shawn replied "it's good to be back. As soon as he climbed out he sensed the energy on the planet felt different as if it were more refined almost, "anything major happen out there" Korra asked as they walked away "well the wars still going on anything here?" Korra replied "well there was this event called Harmonic Convergence that happened a couple months ago". Then he spotted an airship nearby and said "what's going on?" Shawn asked, Korra replied "we're looking for airbenders and are heading for the Earth Kingdom now" Shawn said "alright if I tag along?" Korra said "sure we could use your help".

Then they made it to the airship and Tenzin said "hello Shawn what brings you here this time?" Shawn replied "the emperor has foreseen some obstacle you'd need help with" Tenzin said "hmm don't know what'd he's be talking about besides-" then a messenger ran up and said "pardon the interruption master Tenzin but Zaheer has escaped".

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