Part 184

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      Adding insult to injury, Vader made Shawn and Maarek stand by him while he contacted his master. The hologram of the Emperor flickered to life and his enlarged image made him seem more imposing, "I have brought Bridger to Mustafar my master" Vader spoke with a monotone. "Excellent Lord Vader, his companions will surely not be able to resist rescuing him, especially Kanan Jarrus", The Emperor replied with malevolent satisfaction in his tone, "Moff Tarkin has informed me that Admiral Thrawn has readied his Fleet for the counteroffensive on Lothal, we will use him to lure out the Jedi then set the Inquisitors upon him". "Shall I take any of them prisoner? Ahsoka Tano and Rahm Kota could prove most valuable in rooting out the last of their order", Vader suggested. "If you see it as a benefit then so be it, but I want Jarrus and Bridger to be dead, execution would not deplete morale enough for the Rebels, we must make an example of them", the Emperor ordered.

    "Yes my master, yet now that the Inquisitors have been summoned I see these two boys have proven to be only a liability for my mission", Vader said while inclining his head back and forth between Shawn and Maarek. Shawn simply glared back with a visibly angered expression while Maarek did the same. "Is that so?" The Emperor said curiously, "explain this Lord Vader". Vader held up Shaak Ti's lightsaber, "the Fourth Brother brought the Force-sensitive girl from Earth here as well, she was armed with this lightsaber, and it seems at some point within the last year that Ahsoka Tano gave this weapon to Mendes and he in turn gave it to this girl as a gift". Shawn's anger now turned into paralyzing fear as the Emperors icy gaze turned to him, "how...unfortunate, I will deal with you later Mendes, for now you will watch what happens to those who cross my path".

    "When I confronted Mendes on this, Stele attempted to intervene on his behalf", Vader said and looked at Maarek who still had an angered look. "Oh my dear boy, that was a grave mistake", the Emperor said sinisterly at Maarek. Then Maarek exhaled, "I can explain-" then suddenly he began choking and gasping for air while floating off the ground. Shawn saw the Emperors pinched frail hand raise into the holograms frame, "you will be dealt with later as well Stele, as for the both of you, I suggest you continue your assignments before your predicaments worsen, am I clear?" The Emperor asked while looking at Shawn who simply nodded while bracing internally for a light years away telekinetic grip to choke him as well.

Suddenly he was pulled forward to the floor by a telekinetic shove and his face collided with the metal surface with a loud clang, Shawn groaned in pain and put his hand to his bleeding lip, "I will hear you say it Mendes". Shawn looked up with a glare still, "yes sir" he said and Maarek was dropped to the ground where he gasped and inhaled quickly. "Good lad", the Emperor said with satisfaction . "Leave us, I would speak with Lord Vader alone". Shawn looked at Maarek who stood up and then the two of them headed to the door which slid closed behind them.

Vader looked back up at his masters flickering image and awaited a response, "I fear that Mendes's defiant behaviors are influencing the others", the Emperor spoke, "I sense it can do so". "Then why not simply have me kill him and be done with it? Should he ever succeed in escaping, he knows too much about what we are, Master", Vader responded. "Indeed so, but that cannot be so, his connection to the Force has unlocked secrets that have eluded us for some time, the creature locked away in the palace is one, and Dr Cylo can only examine what he understands", the Emperor said, "I have also sensed what he dreams and am most intrigued by what he has seen, the most important thing he has seen is whomever it is that Maul now answers to".

"Letting him live will allow me to continue to use him to find other mysteries in the Force", The Emperor continued. "To understand you must see for yourself my apprentice, when the opportunity arises then peer into his mind and see what I mean". Vader bowed slightly before replying in turn, "as you wish my master, but he keeps his thoughts closely guarded at all times, it is not easy to read his thoughts without him noticing". "Then wait until his not guarding his thoughts, and tell me what you see", the Emperor said. "Yes my master", Vader replied and the transmission ended.

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