The Fire Lord

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Shawn was woken up by a knocking on the door " hey get up its almost noon" Mara said, Shawn although still tired dressed and opened the door " what?" He said, "I got a little surprise for you" Mara said with a smile, Shawn asked "what is it?", "oh you'll like it" then she walked away. Shawn followed her down many halls until there was a door which she opened and he was thrilled by what it was,

It was a glossy black colored piano, Mara said "that was a gift from the prime minister of uh" she said snapping her fingers to think "Italy yes the prime minister of Italy gave that to Princess Leia who brought it here". Shawn walked over to it and thought it seemed out of place here in Coruscant with there being more electronics on this planet than all that has been invented in the last hundred years, "may i?" He asked. Mara said "be my guest" ,Shawn sat down in front of the piano and thought of a perfect song which he began playing the chords to.

"What would I do without your smart mouth drawing me in and you kicking me out"

"You got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down"

" what's going on in that beautiful mind I'm on your magical mystery ride"

"And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me,but I'll be alright"

" My heads under water, but I'm breathing fine, you're crazy and I'm out of my mind"

" cause all of me loves all of you, love your curves and all your edges all your perfect imperfections"

"Give your all to me I give my all to you, you're my end and my beginning"

" even when I lose I'm winning,cause I give you all of me, and you give me all of you"

"Whoa that was amazing" Mara said, Shawn stood up and walked over "well the acoustics here are very good gets that echoey effect".

August 25,2015,Fire Nation Royal Palace
Shawn followed Vader and Palpatine into the throne room, along the way he noticed a dozen or so more large tapestries of the previous Fire Lords or the rulers of the Fire Nation who acted as absolute monarchs like Palpatine, two servants drew the curtains back and they entered the throne room which was maybe a hundred meters long with a flame extending beyond it, "allow me to introduce Emperor Palpatine Your Majesty" a speaker said to the figure who sat behind the flames, "Your Highness allow me to introduce Fire Lord Izumi". Izumi rose and the flames separated as she walked down the stairs, "it's an honor Your Highness" Izumi said calmly,

" thank you Your Majesty" Palpatine replied, "why have you journeyed all this way?" Izumi asked. "President Raiko advised Lord Vader here that I consult the other world leaders on the proposal of an Imperial base on this planet", Izumi seemed interested but Shawn sensed she was like Raiko a non militarist who sought using diplomacy as a weapon rather than violence. "Look Your Highness the Fire Nation cannot support this request we've lived in peace for seven decades after our world was at war for a hundred years" Izumi said which surprised Shawn as how could a war last for an entire century like that.

"Oh but the Empire would provide a naval blockade to deter any form of attack we've done the same with another world like this one", Palpatine said. "Perhaps but when the other world leaders arrive you'll have the chance to consult them as well" Izumi said, Palpatine replied "oh but of course Your Majesty we've sent for our Grand Vizier and a representative of the Defense Ministry". Izumi said " a good choice Your Highness".

Then she got closer and asked "and who're your accomplices?", "I am Lord Vader Supreme Commander of the Imperial Armed Forces" Vader said sternly. Then Izumi looked at Shawn "and you?" Shawn replied "Emperor's Hand Your Majesty" bowing slightly, then the curtains opened and a older man entered. Shawn saw this man had a scar in the right side of his face "allow me to introduce my father Lord Zuko" Izumi said, "it's an honor Emperor" Zuko said bowing.

Later that day Shawn was exploring the rim of the volcano that the palace sat in and felt the Force calling, he sat down crisscross and began meditating focusing on this call, he felt disoriented for a minute until he opened his eyes and was somewhere else. Shawn stood up confused as to where he was, then he sensed a presence approaching and reached for his lightsaber but it wasn't there neither was his comlink, so he said "whoever's there show yourself!",

then a bearded old man emerged from the mist his hands in a blocking gesture "please don't hurt me Shawn I'm just an old man". "wait who are you and how do you know my name?" Shawn asked, "my names Iroh and the spirits told me yours" Iroh replied. This puzzled Shawn "spirits?" He said, "yes you're in the Spirit World". Shawn asked "how do I get back?", "concentrate on the energy of the physical world". Shawn focused on the same ripple and he was back staring out at the sunset.

As he walked back down the trail that stretched around the caldera with a span of maybe three miles he sensed danger, Shawn looked around but saw nothing, then a rock tumbled down landing next to him. Suddenly someone front flipped firebending at him as he did, Shawn using the Force blocked the fire blast which went past his face burning intensely, the attacker made a series of spinning kicks with fire blasts coming out their feet.

Shawn dodged the attacks before he Force pushed the attacker back, then he sensed a presence to his right up the hill and the *thunk* of a bow being fired, Anticipating and without looking Shawn caught the arrow with his hand before snapping it in half, the firebender then swirled his hands and lightning arced around their hands. Shawn then charged forward igniting his lightsaber dodging the lightning and cut the attacker across the side who yelled out in pain before spinning around blasting fire from their foot, the fire hit Shawn in the back but didn't burn him only pushing him off the trail.

He rolled for a while before stopping himself on a ledge, Shawn looked up at his attackers with the one he'd slashed clutching their side while another guided them away. "This is our world not yours Imperial scum!" One of the attackers yelled, "we'll get your Emperor next!" Another yelled, Shawn hightailed it out of there as he was out numbered,

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