Meeting Jedi

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April 25,2015

They ran through the endless forest until Shawn heard a snap of a branch and said "hide" and Mara jumped up into a tree and and Shawn hid under a sort of dirt alcove and practically held his breath as the Mandalorians flew over head and a single pair of footsteps neared. "Little boooooy" Maul said before saying "little girrrrl come out come out wherever you are I sense one of you is near", Shawn sensed and heard Maul was above him and leaves crunched also. Then Mara threw a stick in another direction and Maul ran off after it,

Shawn emerged from the alcove and he and Mara continued running, Mara said "that wasn't creepy whatsoever". They made it to their speeders and zipped away. After five minutes Shawn coughed up some blood again then looked up and saw on the other hill Maul following them on a speeder also "watch out he's right there!" He yelled and Mara looked up and fired her blaster at him but Maul ignited his saber and deflected the bolts back hitting the blaster out of her hand. Then Maul got closer and ignited another lightsaber that was a strange dark black color and threw it at Shawn, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and deflected the saber which went flying back to Maul, then Mara threw a smoke grenade covering their escape.

After an hour they reached the command post, "who was that Grievous?" Shawn asked Mara, she replied "General Grievous was the commander of the driod armies during the Clone Wars and was supposedly destroyed on Utapau" then she said "we must contact the Emperor" and walked over to the holoprojecter. "Hand Jade what have you to report"Palpatine asked and Mara replied "my lord we've encountered the infamous General Grievous on Dantooine" Palpatine didn't say anything for five seconds and replied "and is he in command of some sort" Mara replied "yes my lord" then Palpatine said "both of you return to Coruscant I have another task for you" Shawn replied "yes my lord".

Star Destroyer Avenger
Shawn looked out the window as the ship went through hyperspace hearing the Vong screeches and coughed a little when Mara walked up and said "don't stare at the vortex for too long you'll go crazy" Shawn replied "I'm thinking" Mara said "ah yes I hear it too sounds terrifying" Shawn was surprised she was able to hear the screeches too then she walked away.

The Star Destroyer exited hyperspace over Coruscant and Shawn and Mara boarded the shuttle then were flown down to the Imperial Palace, as they walked out of the shuttle and ventured down the vast halls Mara said "blast it that blaster was a good one" Shawn chuckled and said "what do you have more?" Mara replied "yep lots of em". Soon they reached the throne room and kneeled before Palpatine "Hand Mendes I'm impressed no ordinary duelist could fend off both the legendary warrior Maul or Grievous" Palpatine began and Shawn replied "thank you my lord", Palpatine said "rise both of you" and they stood up.

Then the door opened and in chains guarded by Royal guards were four Jedi, Palpatine rose out of his throne and walked over and stood between Shawn and Mara who both turned around facing the Jedi. "Welcome Jedi I've been expecting you" Palpatine said and the Jedi were lined up beside each other "what do you want Dark Lord?" The Twilek woman asked to which Palpatine replied "redemption join me and you'll be pardoned for all your past actions under the condition you serve me" Shawn sensed their fear but also their defiance,

Then one of the guards walked over carrying four lightsabers on them. Palpatine looked at the tray and pointed at it with indication, Shawn walked over and picked up the sabers and handed them to the Jedi not making eye contact but sensed each one read his heart and personality but didn't know how to block it. Shawn walked back standing beside Palpatine as he stepped forward saying "nows your chance take advantage of it and pledge your loyalty to me" Palpatine said.

The human man said "as you wish Dark Lord" and they ignited the sabers and charged Palpatine, Shawn's hand instinctively went to his own saber but in the blink of an eye Palpatine used the force and pulled a saber out of his sleeve and ignited the red blade and swiftly cut down all but one of the Jedi in one motion before retracting the blade,

"Foolish Jedi did you think that I was just a frail old man" the sole survivor had a look of shock on her face and said "you'll regret that" and ignited her lightsaber , Shawn and Mara both ignited their blades but Palpatine held his hand up and said "no Jedi fool I won't kill you but attack me again and my pupils here will" the Jedi retracted her blade then Shawn and Mara did the same. "Now go and tell any other Jedi you find if they choose to join me the option is more than available".

The woman then ran out of the throne room, Shawn stared at the three corpses on the ground sensing the life leaving them before turning around and asked what he'd been wondering since the duel "my lord before engaging Grievous he said the name Sidious who is that?" Shawn asked,Palpatine replied "I am I'm called Palpatine but my Sith name is Darth Sidious" the name suited his insidious nature Shawn thought but almost felt regret at having asked that.

"Hand Mendes I have a task for you", Shawn kneeled and said "yes my lord?" Palpatine said "this mission will be on your home planet your mission is to infiltrate the residence of the head of the country Russia and plant this in his office" and tossed a small device of some sort at Shawn and using the force he guided it to his hand and caught it, "but my lord tensions between my country and Russia are high and if I'm caught and captured it might turn into war" Palpatine said "then do not get captured kill any you must and plant ten device in the presidents office is that clear" Shawn replied in his best genuine sounding tone "yes my lord".

Then Palpatine said "then you may return home but do not breath a word to anyone about it not even Ambassador Organa" Shawn replied "yes my lord" stood up and walked out stepping over the dead Jedi out of the throne room.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now