The Battle For Earth-Part 137

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May 1st 2016,5am, NORAD
Johnson stood in the room over looking the command center with a worrisome look on her face, after her talk with Senator Organa the plans for this Shawn had shifted to closer cooperation with the Alliance on their part. But now she was more concerned by what she and the entire world were about to do two months after a bloody war had ended and now they were about to start another today and only God knew how many people would die. *tock tick tock tick* of the clock sounded as Johnson took in a deep breath as the door opened and she glanced over her shoulder at three of the Generals in their black dress uniforms "ma'am it's time" General Mitchell said. Johnson simply breathed in and walked to the door each step feeling like an eternity her mind going blank as she stepped into the command center "Madam President the fleet is off of LA awaiting orders" an Admiral said. Johnson looked at the blinking lights on the screen indicating the readiness of NATO and Moscow Pact forces

"Tomahawk missiles locked and ready" someone said "shall we fire?", Johnson took it all in for a moment "do it, smoke the bastards" she said as the missiles were fired while go ahead clearances were given to the international forces. "May God and the Force be with us" Johnson muttered thinking Chancellor Mothma meant something behind those words that comforted her now that the real war had just begun.

*******, Toronto
Shawn was woken up by what sounded like thunder or fireworks so loud the windows and walls shook. He sat up to see smoke rising in the distance as TIE fighters screeched overhead while fighter jets flew past and the air became streaked by green laser bolts. Shawn jumped out of bed putting some clothes and his shoes on grabbing his lightsaber running out of his room "what's happening?!" His mom said running to the bottom of the stairs along with Aaliyah "I don't know get in the basement!" Shawn shouted as a jet roared overhead rattling the whole house the sound of TIE cannon fire behind it. His mom threw the door open getting Aaliyah in as Shawn's dad rushed over with a flashlight while Shawn went down too. Then the door shut with the muffled sounds of explosions and jet engines overhead.

***** City Hall
"Get me a status report immediately!" Kaine shouted at the officers in the lobby as he rushed by "sir the government ground forces have entered the city" an aide said "then deploy the damn garrison!!" Kaine shouted louder "get me Grand Admiral Thrawn!", "sir Admiral Thrawn is on Mars with the Seventh Fleet-", "sir a Rebel fleet has entered the system we've lost contact with our Pluto base the Jupiter moon is reporting X-wings are incoming" another officer said reading off a datapad "the other cities are under attack as well Governor" another urgently said as an explosion tore through the wall. Kaine hit the ground clutching his ears as the ground shook, when he removed his hands and stood up dust filled the air along with the screams of the wounded. "Contact Coruscant inform the Defense Ministry we're under attack" Kaine ordered heading down the hall.

He practically ran into the basement where Vader was "Lord Vader we're under attack" Kaine said in a urgent tone. Vader rose from his meditation chamber while the Fourth Brother emerged from the shadows bowing to his master "I'm aware Governor Kaine, the boy is too valuable to fall into the hands of the Earth peoples I will bring him with me to Coruscant" Vader said stepping past Kaine with the Fourth Brother following "Lord Vader we have other matters-" Kaine begun "you do not understand Governor, I
will bring him or the Emperor will know you attempted to stop me" Vader said heading down another hall with dust in the air."I will handle this myself" he spoke heading to his personal fighter.

********** The Ghost
The fleet exited hyperspace over the North Pole but luckily no Imperial ships had shown up yet "this is Admiral Ackbar begin attack " the fleet comm chimed. Thousands of X-Wings flew out of the Mon Calamari and Nebula class ships heading down to the cities, "Home One to Ghost begin your descent" Ackbar ordered, Hera clicked the comm "copy that Admiral". "This is Blue Leader we'll cover you Captain Syndulla" General Merrick said as several X-wings flanked the Ghost as the flew down to the surface. Kanan readied the rotating cannon while Ezra manned the main one. The clouds parted to reveal hundreds of TIE fighters heading toward them as fighter jets engaged those around the city, green laser bolts streaked past the cockpit "return fire!!" Hera shouted swerving the ship out of the path of a fighter "we gotta get down there quickly!" Sabine said over the comlink.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now