The Hidden Base

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Baridia, March 4,2016
Shawn came to and found his hands were tied around his back by rope which were around a pole, he looked around and saw he was at some sort of encampment with a fire in the middle. The back of his head throbbed greatly as did his right temple which had blood running down the side of his face, then a sort of dog like creature lunged at him but was held back by a chain, a Twi'lek man approached the dog creature and said something in Twi'leki and the dog thing stopped barking. "Watch it now boy my Anooba isn't very friendly so no funny business, he already took a swipe at you" the Twi'lek man said walking away, Shawn struggled against the rope moving his hands around to try to reach the homing device on his wrist. The Anooba snarled at him now pacing back and forth saliva dripping from its large jaws,

Shawn tried his best but couldn't reach it. Then practically the whole camp walked up all heavily armed, Shawn was afraid but didn't feel fear, two of the rebel soldiers grabbed him by his arms and pulled him to his feet. The group parted and Saw Gerrera approached now with a walking stick and prosthetic leg, "well well if it isn't the little shit" Saw snapped shaking his head in a mocking manner. "And Vader took my leg too thanks a lot" Saw said then turned to face the camp "and more from them", without warning Saw swung around quickly and whacked Shawn in the stomach with his walking stick and he grunted struggling to keep standing up from the pain convinced that left a mark "that's for Onderon" Saw said then held up Shawn's lightsaber hilt,

Shawn still was composing himself from being hit in the stomach "you a Jedi?", "no I'm not" Shawn lied and it seemed to not feel right stating that. Saw shook his head then said "you lie I'll stove your head in", Shawn tried moving his hands ever so slightly "you're gonna let me go", Saw laughed "you think I'm stupid kid that ain't gonna work on me" then he backed up and hit again in the stomach with his cane "Stop!" A woman's voice yelled out, Shawn gasped for air and now was practically on one knee but managed to look up and see a Togruta woman approach "Ahsoka?" He said.

"Commander this kids an Imperial he deserves it" Saw argued, "we're solders of the Rebel Alliance Captain Gerrera not vengeful tortuous criminals" Ahsoka reprimanded sternly, "Commander with due-" Saw tried to say but Ahsoka held her hand up "I'll hear no more, he'll not be mistreated unless you want the planet swarming with stormtroopers". Saw clenched his fists then yelled to the right "Steela!" And an adolescent girl with a rifle slung across her back ran over, " my daughter'll take care of him, throw him in the cave with them" Saw said trudging off, the words struck terror in Shawn but he didn't show it. The girl sighed and cut the rope around Shawn's wrists and he stood up, "not so fast" Steela said pressing a blaster pistol into his neck, Shawn was half tempted to just push her away with the Force and run but knew with the terrain as well as the numbers that wouldn't go too well.

Then she pushed him forward and he walked, "don't try anything funny" Steela said then they approached a cave, "go on don't make me shove you". Shawn sighed and walked in but was confused by whatever was in there,Instead there was a pool of water, Shawn knelt down and removed a glove. He put his hand in, the water was very cool. Then he heard footsteps and felt a unfamiliar presence, "a stranger has entered, a sacrifice indeed" a deep menacing voice said, Shawn stood up looking around but saw nothing "not any ordinary one, offspring of the Ashla this one is" a raspy feminine voice responded. Then canine like face snapped at Shawn and he jumped back "jumpy one, good more sport" the deeper voice said,

"No you fool the Ashla has sent him to receive "their" message" the raspy voice said, "what message?" Shawn asked "show yourselves!" He demanded, two stout hooded figures appeared. "For centuries we've awaited one worthy of the truth" the raspy voice said "this planet your own and the red planet were visited by a people from the stars above the stars, they are long gone destroyed themselves" the raspy voice said, stars above the stars?, Shawn thought and concluded they were talking about ten Yuuzhan Vong, "we're they the Yuuzhan Vong?" He asked. The humanoid wolf snarled "hold your tongue", "no but they swore loyalty to them but ultimately betrayed them devastating their Galaxy" the raspy voice said, "Why're you telling me this?" Shawn asked, " one or your blood will know one day and shall tell" the raspy voice said and they vanished then and there. Shawn headed out not looking back.

Ahsoka stood there waiting, "what'd you see?" She asked. "I don't know something weird" Shawn tried best to explain, Ahsoka looked at the gash on his head that still bled a little, "here let me help you with that" she said approaching with a small metal device in her hand. She pricked at the blood before raising her hand, Shawn felt the skin and tissue close on its own. "What'd you take that for?" He said indicating of the device, "it counts your midi clorians, finally thought to get an answer as to why you're so strong with the Force" Ahsoka explained clicking the device and it beeped "wow over ninety five thousand " she said astonished, "is that good?" Shawn asked, " Yes it means your strong" Ahsoka said walking away, Steela said " don't make me drag you" and Shawn went ahead.

As Steela was about to bind his wrists she was suddenly yanked back into a bush, Shawn was both confused yet vigilant. Mara then slowly emerged waving a little "how'd you get here?" Shawn asked. "Well I might've called your ship back and then followed you" Mara said cutting the rope "don't worry I didn't kill her", "I need my weapons Saw Gerrera has em" Shawn said. "He does? Well better go get em and quick the attacks gonna start soon" Mara said, " he went in the middle tent ok?" She said kissing him on the cheek and Shawn snuck off.

Concentrating he made himself invisible and moved as silent as a ghost, peering in Saw's tent he saw his lightsaber and blaster sitting on a table. Stretching his hand out and focusing the two flew to his hand which then he ran off, hiding Shawn armed himself but had made himself visible again, he felt a barrel poke him in the head where he'd been hit. "Stand up" the guard said, Shawn quick as lightning spun around hitting the rifle away and punching the man right in the face without hesitation knocking him out cold,The sound of TIE fighters screaming in echoed in the canyons. The camp suddenly became a base as rocks slid open revealing cannons which began firing at the fighters, also the sound of X-wings filled the air, Shawn slid down a hill away from the chaos quickly finding Mara. "We'll have to wait for a minute" Mara whispered as they hid in a bush,

Several large shuttles landed the ramps descending and stormtroopers running off under heavy fire. Shawn watched it all but didn't know whether to be in awe or afraid, then he sensed something behind, he looked around and a rebel soldier was aiming a rifle at the. Quickly with the Force Shawn pushed the rifle aside as he fire sending the laser in the air then choked the solder tossing him aside down the hill, fighters screamed overhead engaging each other in a maelstrom of steel and plasma. "It's not safe here" Shawn said and they jumped down toward the camp, mA rebel solder advanced firing a rifle "for the Rebel-!" But was cut off gasping for air grabbing his throat before being tossed aside. Vader soon passed by " you two here now" Vader said pointing at Shawn and Mara, "where's the Jedi?" Vader demanded.

"Right here!" Ahsoka said jumping from a ridge toward Vader both sabers ignited, Vader ignited his saber blocking Ahsoka's attack "I should've killed you in Malachor" Vader said pushing Ahsoka off and swiping with his saber which Ahsoka dodged.The two dueled for a minute before Ahsoka broke off jumping in a shuttle overhead, Vader retracted his blade and stormed back " burn it all down destroy it all" Vader ordered the officer " as you wish Lord Vader" the commander said. The rebel fighters overhead broke off their attacks and began flying off as well while pursued by the TIE fighters,

"Blast! We failed" Thrawn said slamming his fist on the holoprojecter, "Admiral Thrawn whose to blame the Hand or the foot soldiers" Captain Orson said. Thrawn looked at Shawn his gaze piercing right through him "well perhaps that is a factor" Thrawn suggested, Vader stood nearby simply making the air more tense with his presence. "Yes it seems to had he not been captured we wouldn't have to assault the base" one officer suggested, Shawn didn't know how how to respond either dismiss these accusations or take responsibility for them. "It was my fault sir I'm sorry" he said, Thrawn raised an eyebrow " hm seems you better at admiting mistakes than some of our officers" he said.

"I concur" Vader said stepping forward, "who was in charge of the fighter squadron?" He asked, "that would be Captain Weston my lord" Thrawn said and a man stepped forward. "Captain you'll pay the price for your failure" Vader said, " please Lord Vader I can-" Weston tried to say but Vader had his fingers pinched and Weston choked for a few seconds before falling dead to the floor. "Return us to Coruscant I must command Military Intelligence to follow up on this lead" Vader ordered at Thrawn. " of course Lord Vader" Thrawn said, Shawn stared at the dead body on the floor knowing of he'd said the wrong thing that might've been him dead on the floor. He also felt as if he'd just sentenced an innocent man to death,

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