Tyranny In Plain Sight

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March 8,2016
Shawn escorted Camilla through the halls, "hey Shawn" Mara said "oh hi there I'm Mara" she said extending her hand to Camilla "hi I'm Camilla sorry I didn't get to meet you in Nashville" she replied, "he gave you the sword?" Mara said noticing Shawn held the blade in its scabbard "yeah pretty cool huh"  he said as they headed for the shuttle, "so Leia is going back to Earth in about three weeks we'll be with her" Mara told Shawn "ok see you then" he replied leaning down and kissing her before getting in the shuttle, Camilla had a sly look "oh you got a bae or naw?". Shawn simply laughed in reply,

Moscow, Russia the Kremlin, March 8,2016
President Johnson was with Riosovsky who was talking about tactics and old war stories, she looked around the ornate beautiful gardens and her daughter Sophia sitting with Riosovsky's youngest son Alexi talking about who knew what. "It was quite humorous the officer made everyone drink vodka mixed with beer if they lost" Riosovsky said and she chuckled, "on a more secret matter Xi has agreed to this deal reluctantly, my forces have begun withdrawing from the Baltic's and Georgia as we speak the Chinese from India and New Delhi outskirts as will the Iranians I trust you've done the same?" He asked,

"yes The Pentagon has called up reserves and pulled back aircraft and ships overseas specifically the Pacific" Johnson said. "I must admit I'm pained to drag the world back into conflict, my oldest son just turned twenty two is an artillery officer in Gerogia I'd love to have him home but the greater good demands he liberate his motherland" Riosovsky said "and after nearly a million lives lost too, I fear it'll be many more this time if we fail" he continued, "we have to succeed so we don't become a colony" Johnson said. "Then in that case the assault can and may begin on May 1st" Riosovsky said, "also I want to formally extend my apologies my my actions in the UN" he continued, Johnson was unsure if he was honest or simply playing her for his own ends "I accept your apology" she replied

Toronto, twelve hours later,
Shawn unlocked the door to his house and walked in " hey Shawn how are you?" His mom asked walking over hugging him "I'm good thanks" she backed up and sighed "I think you got taller while you were gone" she said "what's that?" She asked looking at the sword "oh a gift from the Emperor" Shawn replied "is it real?" She asked, "yes it's called Excalibur, it's magical I heard" Shawn replied. "Oh very interesting" she replied "like your own magic or whatever", "no something different" he replied.

"The governments of Earth prepare for an assault on the Imperials Lord Maul" Snoke said in his low monotone voice, "perhaps we should seize the opportunity to control that system it could allow us to travel from the north to the Western Reaches undetected" Maul replied, "I think not the Empire has a fleet stationed in the system we should not risk overextending ourselves" Snoke said, "and the Emperor has the Earthlings other colleagues monitor him for any treasonous activities" he said. "I have seen it for the Force provides all guidance Lord Maul" Snoke said "what if he is able to find that temple in their southern polar region Palpatine would collect any artifacts before us" Maul objected, "Palpatine would not be first neither was I, in that temple lies evidence of its discovery by a nation state around seventy nine years prior to my arrival" Snoke said. "What if the boy who has the unusual ability to traverse long distances through the Force heads there instead" Maul asked, "then I will rip that power from his soul, not to worry I've called on one to see that they don't" Snoke responded coldly before the transmission ended.

March 18,2016

-News broadcast "in other news Russian forces have begun withdrawing from the demarcation line in the Baltic's with Chinese  and Pakistani troops withdrawing from India, President Johnson is still in Moscow in closed doors talks with the Russian government but it seems this war has finally come to an end, meanwhile more National Guard units have mobilized taking up positions outside the cites of Denver,Los Angeles, Seattle, and Portland which are still under Imperial control by the Vienna Peace Accords alarming many in the area while The Pentagon assures it is merely routine drills"

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