Skirmish In The North

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October 8,2015
Shawn walked up to his door at about four O clock still mesmerized by the fact he'd been gone for almost a month, unlocking the door and walking in his mom said "hey welcome back" hugging him. Shawn hugged her back and she said "how was space or whatever?", "uh good just the usual" Shawn replied. She backed up and asked "what happened to your cheek?" as it was a reddish green and hurt a lot still "some rioter hit me with a pike" Shawn said, "did you punch him back?" His mom asked, "yep" Shawn replied, "good" she said walking away. An hour later Shawn was scrolling through Twitter trends and #WW3 was at number one, slightly interested he clicked on it and the feed said "Chinese drone in Syria shoots down three NATO jets as tensions between the West and the Moscow Pact rise". Shawn dismissed it as just another story not fully realizing the consequences of such a event,


Leia was escorted into the Kremlin to Riosovsky's office at around two in the morning, "thank you for seeing me Mr President" Leia said, "oh is no problem your highness for a matter this important no hour is too late". Leia sat down "well sir as you're aware one of your allies drones shot down three NATO aircraft yesterday over Syria", Riosovsky said " oh but the American and Canadian jets were warned on multiple occasions to withdraw they refused", "and the drone had its transponder turned off" Leia said. "If you seek to sway me to leave Syria it won't your highness, besides what are we to do hm, sit back watch ISIS march into Damascus,Istanbul and Jerusalem" Riosovsky said.

"No sir but tell your pilots to watch where they drop their bombs as there's a difference between a school or hospital and a ammunition depot" Leia said impatience brushing her tone, Riosovsky nodded "you are correct, however this will not sway me and the our allies to abandon Syria, furthermore we and China will not be apologizing" he said with a displeased expression, "please sir I must act with neutrality on this issue I will not ignore helpless children being bombed" Leia said. Riosovsky said "perhaps I should've called in the American".

Meanwhile back in Toronto,
Shawn was having a strange yet frightening dream as he was walking down a dark tunnel with disfigured arms and limbs reached out at him while screeching loudly, upon reaching the end the tunnel closed behind him. Then hooded figures appeared all around "from this day forth this planets connection with the Force will be kept dormant!" A deep voiced man from atop a temple of some kind. Shawn then felt very cold and shivered as he saw a snowy landscape all around , suddenly the figures turned igniting their Crimson lightsabers and leaping. Cutting the ground in a circle Shawn fell into the ice cold water. He struggled to swim back up the strain of needing oxygen strong, then an arm reached around him and another his leg and began pulling him down deeper into the water.

Then Shawn woke up with a gasp but realized it wasn't real, "that was the Sith Emperor Vitiate" the voice of Malgus said, "he lived for five thousand years" he continued, Shawn sighed and said "what's that got to do with it?". "Well he suppressed this planets connection to the Force until your power awoke around 4,600 years later,perhaps that Snoke tapped into the temple and it chose you then relayed your name to him, seems to be the only logical explanation" Malgus said with a slight ponder in his tone. "What do you mean?" Shawn asked.

"In the Force every being has an individual predetermined imprint from their past lives, their face remains the same bug the name changes,for example when a mother thinks of a name for her newborn the Force puts it in her mind, that temple must possess the imprints of everyone on this world including your own so Snoke must've tapped into the temple and it told him who you were" Malgus explained. Past lives? Imprint? The thoughts swirled around Shawn's mind at hyperspace like speeds, however he drifted off again.

Three Months Later, December 14,2015
"The United States will not tolerate these repeated incursions of our airspace and of our allies" President Johnson said at a address to the UN, then Riosovsky began banging his fists on the table with the other Moscow Pact leaders, the Kazakh President was hitting his shoe as they to disrupt Johnson. "Further more the military campaign of the Moscow Pact in Syria has only targeted moderate rebel factions and civilians" then she paused and glared at the other leaders "I don't remember a school class being invited, so gentlemen please act professionally" she said and a round of applause rang out, an hour later Riosovsky took the podium but made a disgusted expression "<<apologies members of the chamber but I detect the smell of sulfur,the devil must've been here>>" he said crossing himself.

The Ghost,
" ugh that TIE hit our hyperdrive and engines we have to drop out've hyperspace" Hera said as the Ghost exited hyperspace and Earth came into view, "wow we're coming in too hot!" Sabine yelled as the ship entered the atmosphere, "we're heading for that area of land" Hera said pointing at Norway and its border with Russia, "hold on!" She yelled pulling up but the ship crashed into the snow with a loud crash and skidded for quite a distance before stopping. "Everyone all right?!" Kanan yelled, Ezra groaned and sat up "yeah I'm fine ugh where are we on Earth?", Hera was clicking buttons "dunno we forgot to catalog all their nation states". "Why not contact Shawn?" Zeb said, then Chopper came running in sounding alarmed.

"What is it Chop?" Ezra asked and Chopper vocalized "incoming? Who?", then Hera looked out the cockpit and saw snowy figures approaching. "Who're they friendly?" Ezra asked, Sabine saw their assault rifles and said "I don't think so" then there was a banging on the hanger door and a voice in a language they'd never heard was yelling at them, "what's he saying?" Hera asked, Kanan listened and heard "<<open now!>>". "They want us to get out" Kanan said. "I'm not leaving my ship" Hera said clicking a few button before reaching for her rifle.

Suddenly the sounds of gunfire erupted outside, Ezra saw a line of flashes in the distance as bullets ricocheted off the Ghost, then there was loud explosion in the back and a small object was tossed in the cockpit, Ezra was blinded and deafened by this stun grenade but sensed people approaching so he reached for his lightsaber. Then a rifle butt hit him in the stomach and he groaned hitting the floor, regaining his sight he saw these unknown solders chattering in a strange language cuffing everyone and takin their weapons including his lightsaber. Zeb growled and broke but one of the solders fired an electrical device of some sort at Zeb and he shook before passing out, Ezra was dragged to his feet and felt a gun barrel pressed into his back. As he was shoved outside Ezra saw blood in the ground and it was one of the attacking solders lying dead in the snow, then they were shoved into the back of a truck and driven off.

December 17,2015
Ezra was blinded by a light being turned on, "<<do you speak Russian?>>" a voice asked but Ezra only had a puzzled look on his face, "English then good" a man wearing combat fatigues said emerging from the shadows, "now tell me..Offworlder are there any other like you here?" The man asked, Ezra said "no there aren't" trying to sound honest. "You lie" the man said striking him a press the face with his glove, then he said something to someone in the shadows and Sabine was dragged in. Ezra gasped "pretty one she is" the man said drawing a knife "it would be a shame should something happen to her" and placed it to her throat causing Sabine to gasp.

"Wait wait!" Ezra yelled, "yes there's one" the man released Sabine " who is it?" He asked. Ezra sighed "his names Shawn", the man then picked up a dossier and pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to Ezra, it was a picture of Shawn "is this him?" He asked, Ezra said "yes it is" the man nodded before saying something into a radio. Ezra was guilt ridden that he'd admitted that, then the man stopped talking and gunfire sounded outside, Then five minutes later the door was kicked in and the unknown man was shot dead in front of Ezra. "Are you alright young man?" A man asked in a Core World sounding accent. "Yeah I'm fine" Ezra replied, "We gotta move" a man with a standard accent said, "is this yours?" He asked holding Ezra's lightsaber which he tossed "thanks" Ezra replied.

"Who are you and where're my friends?" Ezra demanded, "we'll explain later now come on" the one man said running out and Ezra followed

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora