Senate Crisis

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March 7,2016
Leia was talking with some other Senators on mercy missions to outlying systems "we cannot let these worlds starve and become impoverished" she said when the doors opened and two blaster shots rang out "afternoon Senators you should all consider yourselves to be in my power" Cad Bane said, "cooperate and this will be quick and painless" he said as several other bounty hunters surrounded them. Terrified Leia clicked her comlink notifying the authorities,

Imperial Palace,
"Ok try reading this" Mara said holding up the datapad "the womprat is cute" Shawn replied still barely able to make sense if the Aurebesh letters "there you've got it down" Mara said, suddenly Maarek and Jallar zipped past the door before turning around and poking his head in "hey guys come on there's something going on" he said and Mara set the datapad down and they followed, "what's going on?" Shawn asked him as they caught up slowing down "some people took the Senate hostage" Maarek responded, ISB men walked up and down the halls barking orders about to adjutants and droids who ran around as well. Suddenly they all fell silent, Shawn saw two red guards and Palpatine head down the hallway, "you four come here" Palpatine ordered, without question they headed over "yes sir?" Jallar asked, "as you've heard the Senate is being held hostage, I want you to deal with these captors" Palpatine said coldly "of course" Jallar replied and they headed off.

They made it to the small hanger getting on small speeders, Shawn tried starting his bug it only sputtered "oh crap" he said trying to start it again "hey Maarek mine won't start!" He shouted, "you gotta prime the fuel line first!" Maarek shouted back, Shawn twisted a knob and then the engine started before following them. He didn't like being high up without there being something holding him down, they zipped past and between other public speeders in one of the miles long line, Shawn focused and it felt as if his actions were being guided almost. But he also looked all around at the skyscrapers and vast ecumenopolis below, it was hard to believe a trillion beings lived on the planet however there were levels that went down for miles into the Underground where criminals ran rampant,

They slowed before landing on the roof of the Senate building, Shawn was nearly blown off by a gust of wind though. He jammed his foot down and stopped himself. Maarek waved his hand over the roof sensing for an opening, "here" he said igniting his saber and cutting a hole out of the steel before lifting it with the Force and tossing it aside. One by one they jumped in, Shawn was unable to see much but then he felt the floor approaching and readied before he landed summersaulting and drawing his blaster, the others weren't there. His comlink beeped "my bad didn't know the ventilation shaft vented off different ways" Maarek said, "way to go" Mara responded, "I've located one of the bounty hunters rendezvous on the tenth floor" Jallar said then it cut off.

Shawn put his comlink back before a Weequay man with a blaster walked in, quickly but quietly he dashed behind a bookcase. The Weequay man looked around with a narrow gaze, Shawn slowly waved his hand slightly at the man saying "you have three more floors to check". The man said into a comlink "I'm gonna check three more floors" before walking out. Shawn snuck up to the door frame peering out into the dimly lit hallways, the Weequay man went up a flight of stairs further down,

Shawn snuck down the other way heading down another flight of stairs, at the bottom was a human man armed with a rifle. Shawn raised his own blaster when suddenly the man began choking and dropped his rifle, Maarek emerged from a doorway his hand in a closed gesture. "Where's the Senators?" He asked, "I'm not telling you a thing" the man managed to say in a strained voice, Maarek dropped him but waved his hand "you will tell us where the Senators are" he said. "They're in the smaller atrium" the man said before Maarek waved his hand once more and the man passed out, "Mara Jallar head to the secondary atrium" Maarek said into his atrium.

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