Imperial Invasion Of Geonosis Duel Of The Fates

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The massive fleet of a hundred star destroyers exited hyperspace and engaged the equally sized CR fleet. Mara had joined them and would partake in the ground assault as well, the ship maneuvered though the heavy AA fire as the massive planetary invasion began. It landed and the stormtroopers got out and fired to clear the hanger. Shawn and Mara jumped off and ignited their lightsabers and deflected laser bolts and cut down multiple droids while the stormtroopers destroyed the others, "lord Vader the hanger is cleared" Mara said to her comlink and Vader replied "good the rest of the forces will capture the city assist at the earliest opportunity".

They followed some stormtroopers to the large door went it opened and two figures were there. It was Maul and Ventress who ignited their lightsabers "we'll handle this" Shawn said and the stormtroopers went another way, Ventress jumped and locked sabers with Shawn, he pushed her off and Maul and Mara had begun clashing blades. Ventress attacked again and kicked his arm away a
along with lightsaber "well now I'm scared" Shawn said sarcastically and she slashed at him and he ducked and dodged until she held one at him and she said "now you die" Shawn ducked and force pushed her away and summoned his lightsaber and ignited it.

Ventress attacked and backed up and Maul threw a destroyed droid the control panel and another door opened then kicked Mara in the stomach and she fell. Maul raised his blade for the kill but Shawn quickly reacted and threw his lightsaber at his and hit the hilt sending at flying back and Mara jumped up and kicked him, his blade came flying back and Shawn attacked and Ventress and Maul ran outside and they followed them outside where the fighters were shooting at each other wildly.

Ventress put her sabers together and Maul ignited his other blade, suddenly Ventress jumped off and went to another balcony leaving Maul there. Mara attacked and Maul blocked and kicked her down to the balcony below, Shawn attacked and hit him in the arm then the face and he went down landing on his back.

Shawn jumped down and landed next to Maul when he received a kick to the face and was pushed back a little before attacking again, Mara was now engaged fighting Ventress and they blocked and countered before locking blades again. Shawn force pushed Maul off the balcony and he landed on a Vulture Droid and flew off,

Ventress now attacked him and he blocked and countered and sliced her staff in two and she looked at it angered and attacked again. He pushed the blades to the side and back and one went flying away, Ventress pushed a button on her wrist and said "imperial scum" and attacked again and Shawn pushed her away again and said "surrender now" very sternly, she looked over the side and jumped on the fighter Maul was on.

Mara said "blast it!" And they retracted their blades and walked back inside, then another shuttle landed and Vader walked out. "Lord Vader the force wielders escaped" Mara said and Vader replied "very well now follow me" and they followed him to another door which opened and two rebel solders stood there, Vader ignited his lightsaber and threw it at the first one who yelped as the blade cut him then choked the other one which made a crunch sound then threw them out the window.

They passed destroyed droids and dead stormtroopers before reaching another door much smaller, some stormtroopers set explosives on the door and blew it in. Clearing the room the only ones there was a rebel commander and a few Geonosisans, the stormtroopers brought Vader the commander and one said "the Death Star plans are not in the base computer Lord Vader" choked the rebel commander with his bare hand lifted him in the air and said "where are those Imperial schematics you possessed what have you done with them?" The commander replied "we had no schematics of any kind" Vader then threw him down and walked away Shawn and Mara following.

Shawn was stunned at the amount of force Vader would use against any dissent and doubted the Rebel Alliance would be able to stand up against them but these rebels had not aligned with the Alliance but were an independent group not subordinate to the Alliance leaders. Shawn went out through the base troubled by what he'd just seen and avoided anyone even Mara who looked for him, he turned a corner and there was Malgus standing there with his arms crossed and the black cloud swirling on the ground below  "not right now" Shawn said and walked past him and Malgus said "oh but my friend has an offer only a fool would refuse" then a shadow appeared in front of Shawn and he stopped, It had the form of a decomposing human man.

"I am Darth Sion" the figure said,Shawn asked "what do you want" irritation very clear in his tone. Sion said "I can offer you the secret of immortality and you'll never die" the offer while tempting wasn't in Shawn's mind and he said "not interested" and walked past Sion and he and Malgus vanished. Imperial forces had landed all over the planet yet they encountered heavy resistance from the droids and were often cut off from one another, after an hour or so of hiding Shawn emerged and headed back to the control room passing a few windows and the AT-AT walkers and explosions in the distance were clearly seen.

As he turned a corner Malgus appeared in front of Shawn startling him "is this gonna become a normal thing for you" he said and Malgus replied "well I could've let the Far Outsiders kill you" Shawn interrupted and pushed him away saying "yeah whatever" and Malgus moved as if he were physically there, eventually be made it back to the command center and Vader stood there with his arms crossed "it's about time leave again and you'll regret it" Shawn replied "sorry Lord Vader".

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