Part 129

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Shawn followed Vader down more of the halls of this abode. It was very unsettling and uninviting in appearance while it also felt cold despite the purgatory like landscape just beyond the walls, Shawn still occasionally rubbed his throat which felt very sore now. He'd assumed Vader was simply trying to intimidate him once more though every time he'd shrugged it off to the surprise of others, then he heard that faint whistling howl and felt like he was on fire. The suddenness of this made him stop and wince "I hate you!!" A strained mans voice yelled, Shawn couldn't make sense of it however that was until Vader had stopped and slowly turned around. "What is the meaning of this?" Vader asked, "uh nothing sir" Shawn quickly replied but was aware he'd just had an expression of pain on his face, the Sith Lord didn't appear satisfied with the answer and walked over breaking his calm stride in exchange for an impatient one.

He stopped a few feet from Shawn staring him down, Shawn knew Vader was trying to read him and tried mentally blocking him out. "You sense something" Vader inquired his voice echoed down the hall along with the rasp of his respirator "an event of great suffering" he said though his voice got quieter toward the end like he'd realized what Shawn had just heard and felt. Vader turned and walked away once more "what is sir?" Shawn spoke up following him "do not ask such questions Mendes though I will say what you heard and felt was the death of a weak man" Vader replied.

The abodes walls reminded Shawn of Bast Castle on Vjun but this place didn't appear to serve the purpose of displaying wealth it seemed to display and amplify power. "What is this place sir?" Shawn asked "my personal retreat tell no one of its existence" Vader replied, he didn't know of that applied to Palpatine too though the presence of a few royal guards suggested otherwise. Shawn sighed "when can I go home the Emperor promised-", "he did though either himself or me may release you from your duties Mendes until then hold your tongue or suffer the consequences once more" Vader sharply replied.

He followed Vader down more until reaching a larger room with a hologram of a Earth moving around obvious by the African and North American continents on it. Vader walked around it "now tell me are there any other artifacts on your world from the greater galaxy?" "Not that I know of" Shawn replied holding his wrist behind his back. Vader walked slowly his boots echoed along with his respirator "from what we've uncovered the nation state bordering your own has harbored knowledge of the Galaxy for sixty nine years officials and longer before that " Vader said, "why're you telling me?" Shawn asked even if that caught his attention it was apparent Vader wasn't in a testy mood this time. "Because your own government doesn't trust you Mendes they've been watching you including other foreign powers such as your adversaries", "the man you saw me kill was a spy sent to kill you on the orders of his President I believe from the Russian nation state".

Shawn was a little uneasy now had he really been watched since he'd first gotten back home a year and a half ago, it did make sense though but they didn't know about his direct ties to the Emperor nor had he been questioned on those matters. "Do not assume I'm trying to scare you Mendes just know we are always available and at your disposal just as you are at ours" Vader said, "uh thanks" Shawn replied. "Now before you are returned answer this, have you assisted the insurgents" Vader asked. "No never have sir if they ever came to me they'd be dead" Shawn said but like before instantly wanted to take that back as it didn't sound like him and Vader would pick up on this.

"You've never seemed the violent type unless as a last resort" Vader said walking around again, Shawn looked behind him at the wall then shrugged "I haven't", "hm that will suffice" Vader replied walking around standing right in front of him "but if you're lying to me boy, that will be last time you ever see your home or have my trust again", "until then it seems I must escort you home and to answer your previous question I will monitor you personally, you may think I'm a busy man but have an adaptable schedule" Vader said walking away his cape flowing.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now