Victory Christmas A New Year

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Christmas Day,2014

The imperial shuttle landed on the south lawn and it was about five in the morning with Shawn and Mara landing beside it ,geez it's really the White House, he thought and the secret service greeted Walker "mr president are you alright" one said and Walker replied "yes thanks to the efforts of these two" gesturing at Shawn and Mara then said "but the imperial enemy's commander escaped" Keeda said "Admiral Trench is a brilliant tactician he'll be back again with a larger more powerful force most likely with a ground assault".

Walker said "then I'll call some of my colleagues on letting the Empires presence continue" Keeda said "can't you do that yourself you're the leader aren't you?" Walker said "of the whole world no there's other governments plus we're a democracy so my hands are tied until Congress and the United Nations decides and that's if". Keeda walked away along with the other troops and boarded the shuts and flew away, Shawn and Mara headed back to their ships and flew off. Mara headed back to the remnants of the fleet while Shawn flew home.

On the way he pondered what had happened and if that was why the Empire was founded to keep conflicts like that from arising but he knew the Confederacy wasn't fighting for democracy but for a separate state from the Empire. He landed at the Air Force base and got out and the captain said "well that was some spectacle last night it's all over YouTube" Shawn replied as he walked away "oh we rescued president Obama" the captain said "thank god he'd probably beg for mercy if you didn't save him".

Shawn drove home and the sun had just began rising as the battle had taken place all night with many destroyed ships now visible in the sky and the Empire began salvaging them for scarp. He got home and was exhausted but didn't want to sleep in on Christmas so using the force he regained his strength.

The rest of the day was just like any other Christmas gifts,happiness and peace even though a large battle had taken place above everyone's heads during the night and videos were all over of ships being destroyed and the news that president Obama had been taken then rescued was the most known "did you do that?" Shawn's mom asked and he smirked and said "maybe" she smiled and hugged him and said "I'm so proud of you". Then he went on about the battle landing on the ship and the duel with Maul and Trench's Magnaguards and everyone was very intrigued by this,

Even so Shawn sensed something was off in the world as if today was the day every war in the world could be sensed. He looked out the window and could hear gunfire and explosions very faintly along with voices speaking Ukrainian,Arabic and Russian, accompanied by the sense of loss and remorse that moved Shawn so much it crossed his mind many times to ask the Empire to intervene and end the wars in Iraq,Syria and Ukraine.

Over the next two days the Empire had removed over half of the debris from orbit. Meanwhile Shawn sensed another disturbance this time it emanated from Eastern Europe , thinking it was another holocron he picked up his lightsaber and drove to the base and flew across the Atlantic in less than twenty minutes and made it to where the disturbance emitted and it was somewhere he'd never think he'd ever want to be close to and had heard about and it was eastern Ukraine.

Shawn landed in a small patch of trees and got out and cloaked the ship and felt the disturbance was nearby. The thundering sounds of shelling and gunfire rang loudly and he held his lightsaber ready in case any trouble came up, sensing it was getting closer and closer he moved faster when there was a click to his left. He stopped and saw it was a pro Russian rebel pointing an AK-47 at him, quickly he waved his hand and using the force undid all the screws in the rifle and it literally fell apart, the soldier stood there in shock and Shawn waved his and and choked him as he walked away.

Then he stumbled across what he'd been looking for and it was a piece of a separatist cruiser that had fallen to the surface. He ignited his lightsaber and cut the piece open and inside was a vine, he retracted his blade and picked up the vine which radiated with the force. As Shawn looked at it he sensed danger was near and heard around eight clicks behind him, turning around he saw eight pro Russian rebels with their weapons aimed at him and one said something in Russian but Shawn didn't understand them and gestured to his ear and at them and shook his head

But he used the force to listen on the solder as he spoke again and heard "Who are you?" Shawn held his lightsaber at his side ready in case something happened. Then there was darkness and he felt as if he'd just ran a little and his breathing was faster and he held his lightsaber which was ignited with two hands to the side as if just in battle, turning around he saw the rebels lying dead on the ground with scorch cut marks on them with a rifle having been sliced in two.

What happened did I do this?, he thought and the voice of Malgus said "no I did by pulling a few strings you could say" and a menacing laugh also accompanied it. Shawn quickly ran off terrified of what had happened and that Malgus could control him in times of danger or worse whenever he wanted to, making it back to the Strings he jumped in and flew away and along the way he picked up the datapad and set the vine on it "analyze" he said and the datapad scanned it and said "substance originates from the Dagobagh system in the mid rim".

Dagobagh?, he thought but was more preoccupied with if and when Malgus could basically take control of him ,I never should have found that holocron. He looked in the cockpit window and saw his other eye which had turned that fiery yellow tinge turned back to brown while the other still stayed the same.

When he got home Shawn went up to his room and contacted Leia "oh hello Shawn what can I do for you?" Shawn said "is this little confederacy you guys?" Leia replied "no it's some radicals from the Clone Wars their goal isn't to reform the Republic like us" Shawn said "well they attacked the fleet over Earth three days ago the whole world saw it" Leia said "I heard that how'd they perceive it?"." Well people were shocked and curious" Shawn said and Leia looked behind her and then said "I gotta go my fathers heading for Felucia" then it cut.

New Year's Eve
Shawn was in New York and saw many people he hadn't seen in a while such as Taylor(Swift) Austin and the girls from Fifth Harmony "hey Shawn!" Shawn sensed a familiar presence and heard a voice with it, he turned around and it was Cameron. "Hey man what's up" he said and Cameron said "nothing much just was talking to some fans what'd you do heard you were at the battle in space" Shawn replied "yeah I was and don't tell anyone but I rescued the president" Cameron's eyes widened and he said "that was you!" Shawn nodded and Cameron said "woah how'd you get there?".

Shawn replied "my ship and cutting my way past droids" Cameron asked "cut your way? with what?", Shawn felt on his belt but realized he didn't take his lightsaber with him and said "well I didn't take it with me but my lightsaber" and went on to say where he'd been taken and the training and the Empire when Cameron said "so what happened to your eye?" That hadn't crossed his mind so Shawn replied "a uh how do I say it a bad spirit latched onto me when I went to Korriban" in a steadily rising tone. Then he felt the talisman was getting warm and said "and I got this" and reached into his shirt and pulled out the talisman which was dimly lit,

"Why's it glowing?" Cameron asked. Shawn said "it means someone force sensitive is nearby" Cameron looked around and said "I don't know who it could be looks like it's pointing at Nash and Camilla" the names struck Shawn as he didn't want to have to report either one to the Empire but knew of he didn't something bad would happen "don't tell anyone please I don't want to freak em out" he said and put the talisman back down his shirt and walked over.

Camilla turned smiled and said "hey Shawn" then she said "whys your eye fire colored?" Shawn said "is everyone gonna ask about my eye" she said "well it's hard to ignore". Then he sensed another presence was near and looked around and saw Mara was walking toward them and she had on a disguise "well hello there" she said and Shawn said "hi Mara" Camilla said "who are you?" Mara turned and replied "Mara Jade nice to meet you" Camilla said "nice to meet you too" then she said "so how do know Shawn?" Shawn heard and sensed the hostile curiosity in her tone and Mara awkwardly replied "well I kinda helped take him off world".

Shawn sensed anger radiating from Camilla and she clenched her fists. Quickly he said "don't worry they didn't treat me badly" Camilla turned away and he sensed her distrust and suspicion and they clapped as Taylor Swift began singing Welcome To New York

"welcome to New York it's been waiting for ya welcome to New York welcome to New York". Shawn felt the talisman getting warmer and warmer as it got brighter and crossed his arms to cover it up, then Nash walked up next to him and said "Bart looked a lot like her" and it burned now and he winced a little and fake laughed and said " yeah he did". Is Nash force sensitive?, he thought
Ten seconds later the clock hit midnight and it was now 2015,

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