Part 167

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May 28th, 2016, Dragonstone
Shawn watched as they met once more in the chamber of the painted table, a storm thundered away outside with heavy rains, though they'd all gathered before this time it seemed more tense. "We should turn the dragons on the city and kill Cersei" Ellaria argued, "then thousands will die in the fires, we can't afford to throw away the lives of innocents so needlessly" Tyrion said, "this is war if you don't the stomach for it scurry back to your whores" Ellaria snapped back. "There's difference between killing an enemy soldier in battle and a babe on its mothers breast" Tyrion said.

Vader joined as well as Hux watched too, and Tyene Sand kept stealing seductive glances at Shawn to which Mara glared back. "Separating the innocent from the evil doers is what makes us better than Cersei" Tyrion explained, "that's very nice to hear, if Cersei listened to those words she wouldn't be tainting the Iron Throne with her horrendous stench" Olenna piped up. "I advise that you must be absolutely brutal and merciless in order to achieve victory" Vader said walking toward the table across from Ellaria, "Though choose wisely". "Wisely? You don't understand us at all, I guess you are deaf under that ridiculous helmet of yours-" Ellaria started but Vader raised his gloved hand in a pinched gesture and a whoosh sounded followed by Ellaria gasping and her hand on her throat.

"You'd best hold your insults usurping woman, if not all I must do is squeeze to end your life" Vader said as the air rumbled and Ellaria was still choking before he released her and she gasped deeply for air rubbing her throat. Grey Worm then walked in and seemed a little surprised by the sight of Ellaria rubbing her throat as Tyenne helped her up, "my queen, a Red Priestess from Asshai is here, she wishes to speak with you" he said to Daenerys. "Very well, let's see what she wants" Daenerys replied walking toward the throne room.

Shawn followed suit as did Mara,Hux and Vader into the throne room where a lone woman stood in the center with the circular torches lit off to the sides. She must've been in her thirties and wore an all red cloak and had velvet colored hair and blue eyes, "<<Queen Daenerys>>" she said in Valyrian her voice soft yet had a sort of strength behind it ,"<<I was a slave once, scourged and branded, it is an honor to meet the Breaker Of Chains>>". "<<The Red Priests helped bring peace to Meereen, you are very welcome here>>" Daenerys answered in Valyrian, "<<what is your name?>>". "<<I am called Melisandre>>" the woman responded.

"She once served another who wanted the Iron Throne" Varys spoke up,"it didn't end well for Stannis Baratheon now did it?" He said in a tone that implied a rhetorical question. "No, it didn't" Melisandre answered in the common tongue, "you choose an auspicious day to arrive here on Dragonstone, we've already received the most peculiar guests" Daenerys said looking at Vader who stood there holding his belt as his breathing echoed in the throne room. "And to forgive ones who served the wrong Kings" she said looking at Varys who bowed before she turned back to Melisandre, "the Lord Of Light doesn't have many followers in Westeros does he?".

"Not yet, but even those who don't serve the Lord can serve his cause" Melisandre replied, Shawn sensed something about her it wasn't a cold but a intense warmth, "what does your Lord want from me?" Daenerys asked. "<<the Long Night is coming, only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn>>" Melisandre answered in Valyrian, "the prince who was promised will bring the dawn, I'm afraid I'm not a prince" Daenerys replied. "Your Grace, forgive me but your translation isn't entirely accurate, that noun doesn't have any specific gender in High Valyrian so the correct translation would be the "prince or princess who was promised" Missandei spoke up.

"Not exactly the most flowing words" Tyrion said, "no but I like it better" Daenerys replied, "and you believe this prophecy is referring to me?". "Prophecies are dangerous things, I believe you have a part to play as does another" Melisandre replied, "the King In The North, Jon Snow". "Jon Snow? Ned Starks bastard son?" Tyrion spoke up in surprise, Daenerys looked at him, "you know him?" She asked. Tyrion still looked shocked, "I travelled with him to The Wall when he joined the Nights Watch". "And why do you think the Lord Of Light singled out this Jon Snow aside from the visions you've seen in the flames?" Varys asked.

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