Part 162

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****, Imperial Palace, May 20th, 2016
"Are you fit to resume your duties?" Vader asked Shawn, "I guess I am" Shawn replied, "you'd best not be lying" Vader said sternly. "Ok then, where do you want me to go?" Shawn asked him, "Baridia, the fleet has spotted the Rebellion rebuilding its base, and, he wishes for more studying of the city there seeing you greeted them" Vader explained. "Um ok" Shawn said but in reality after all that happened he had no energy for much in terms of going anywhere except home but he didn't even know if home would be around for the next few days.

"I will be accompanying you, seeing as you must be kept on a leash as a safety measure" Vader said, Shawn intensely glared at him for the remark and the thought of balling his fist-, "don't even attempt it" Vader said turning around and heading away to the doors, "you are still mine for the next two days, do not think I won't order your execution".

------, Devastator, low Baridia orbit
The shuttle descended toward Atlantis passing through some light clouds before landing on the outskirts. The ramp went down and Shawn went first but was greeted by a group of warriors aiming arrows at him, "um hi there" he said as someone shouted in their language from behind and Crēai walked forward, " welcome back offworlder" he said in his heavily accented voice, Kira then ran up, "Shawn!" She said with glee, "thank goodness you're-back" she said as the happiness drained from her face as Vader walked down the ramp scanning all the warriors who backed up in fear, "Bogan, Bogan, Bogan" they all whispered.

"<<Kira, go get father">> Crēai said to his sister, "<<brother please I'm not scared>>" Kira replied as Vader got closer, "I am Lord Vader, please take me to your leader" he commanded, "follow me Lord Vader" Crēai fearfully said a little heading back into the city as the warriors formed a circle around him. "Sorry bout Kira" Shawn said apologetically as they followed behind, "it's alright, I'm glad you came back" Kira said. The people in the city all stared at Vader as they entered the large marble building at the center of city, the last time Shawn was in it he was unconscious at first and didn't see the exterior but now saw a larger dome at the top that appeared to have a telescope in it.

Eventually they reached the chieftains hall where Kira's father sat on the obsidian throne along with her mother Liźa, the chief regarded Vader with suspicion then glanced at Shawn gesturing at him, "come boy" he said in a deep voice catching Shawn off guard for a second but he walked forward down the large hall and stood beside Vader. "Why have you come back? And with a monstrosity" the chief said to Shawn, "I was told to by this monstrosity" Shawn said glancing to the side at Vader who remained silent. "I am Lord Vader, Emissary of the Emperor himself" Vader said gripping his belt with both hands, his mechanical voice echoed in the audience chamber making the attendees mutter to each other.

Shawn looked at them and saw the fear yet curiosity on all their faces, "I am Chief Uutlir leader of Atlantis as was my father and his father before him" Uutlir said gripping the very ancient looking wooden staff in his right hand. "How do you know Basic?" Vader asked, "by the will of the Ashla my lord" Uutlir replied, "your young companion was the first to find us, It is the wish of my people that you don't have any colonial ambitions with our city". "Tell me Chief Uutlir, are there other cities like this one?" Vader asked, "not for many years, our last village was destroyed a century ago by fire spitting serpents from the sky" Uutlir said and everyone murmured.

Fire spitting serpents? Dragons? Shawn though, " then no the Empire has no plans to disturb you" Vader said, "hm, then what is this creature my daughter encountered?" Uutlir said reaching beside him and holding up a B-1 battle droid head. "That is not one of ours, it is a Separatist battle droid" Vader said, Uutlir set the droids head down, "then I can conclude that we may be in contact, thank you Lord Vader" Uutlir said waving his hand. Then other members of the audience began getting closer but Kira dashed over pulling Shawn to the side, "you know what those creatures are?" She asked him, "um they're robots not creatures" Shawn replied but realized their somewhat primitive nature made them assume so.

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