Part 149

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May 9th, 2016, Imperial kyber refinery,Mercury
As Shawn was brought to the embattled refinery the Empire began its counteroffensive against Earth, but they'd been thwarted when Alliance reinforcements intercepted them by the moon and over the Pacific Ocean with that engagement being visible to residents in Japan,Guam, Hawaii with even some debris falling from orbit outside of a Honolulu suburb killing ten civilians. Pilots from Earth were trained in the usage of the Rebels fighters and donned Alliance uniforms and blasters but were distinguished by the flags of the United Nations and their country of origin on their sleeves. Westerners were regarded with disdain by the Russian and Chinese soldiers but the Iranians would often hurl anti Semitic slurs at the Israelis such as "filthy Jews, pigs" in English or Farsi. The Alliance then implemented protocols to keep the Israelis and Arabs apart but only those who engaged in hate charged violence against one another.

Laser bolts zipped all around the compound as battle droids marched across the surface toward the refinery while stormtroopers in armor to protect against the planets conditions returned fire but it wasn't enough and the star destroyer was outnumbered by three Munificent class Separatist ships. The ship landed in a hanger that had been hit by bombs several times, the ramp descended and Shawn walked out to a scene of carnage, "medic!, I need a hand over here!" Was all he heard as he stepped over wounded and dead troopers to the turbolift. As the door shut he saw several super battle droids equipped with rockets land nearby, looking down he saw bloodied footprints but had more pressing matters on his mind.

The door slid open to the command center where it was a little more quiet but one of the viewports had a large crack on it as a TIE fighter zipped past its cannons firing at the advancing droids. "Mendes!"  A mans voice shouted, Shawn looked to the left and saw Krennic approach with two death troopers escorting him, "yes sir?" Shawn asked keeping pace. "Do not be late next time this is an urgent task I have for you" Krennic said stopping before the viewport looking at the large battle below and above, "what do you need?" Shawn asked crossing his arms. "The bald Jedi witch or whatever she is has set her hideous eyes on a crystal vital to the Tarkin Initiative and you don't have the clearance for it" Krennic stated.

"I've seen what you're talking about, just a big ball that's all" Shawn replied but Krennic's expression went sour, "it's not a simple battle station, it has the potential to destroy entire civilizations, now go you've heard enough" Krennic replied gesturing to the turbolift from the embattled area. Shawn didn't reply and did as he was instructed, as the doors shut the Force felt off like it was trying to warn him of something a danger of sorts, not Ventress but an obstacle so to speak.

The doors slid open and the echoing sounds of blaster fire rang down the halls as Shawn walked out keeping his hand on his blaster. Following the trails of blaster marks Shawn quietly crept down until he heard the *clank clank* of battle droids, "squad three down that hall flush out any Imperials" a droids voice said, "Rodger Rodger" another replied back and the clanking began getting louder. Shawn looked around there were no other doors in the hallway besides the turbo lift, the clanking came from both sides too. Looking up he spotted the ventilation shaft, he raised and swiped his hand lifting and pushing the grate into the shaft with the Force before jumping up, he did bonk his head on the roof of the air shaft as he put the grate back. Six droids met below him, "did you see anything?" One of the droids spoke, "nothing let's keep moving" another said before all six marched down toward the battle. Shawn looked back and started down the air shaft still crouching.

After about a minute or so he looked at the small hologram on his wrist to see the red blip indicating where the crystal was and it was right below him. He lifted the grate then jumped down not making a noise, it was quiet too quiet and Shawn did sense something was off, he activated the homing beacon to notify the closet troopers of his presence. "My my what a surprise" Ventress said, "where are you!" Shawn shouted, "oh nowhere you'd know except intruding on my mission" Ventress said leaping down before Shawn about twenty feet away. "You're doing the same" Shawn replied

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now