Part 131

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April 17th 2016
It seemed Marcus hadn't any need for Shawn the past four days as he hadn't been disturbed by them at all which he liked but also anticipated every night. It still didn't truly feel like he was home though with the Empire all around now and with the news a Grand Moff was in the city taking over security while leaving Panaka in charge still. Shawn had heard people say they'd seen that tall robotic guy that'd come to school, he knew they were talking about Vader but they way he was discussed painted him as a bogeyman something that didn't exist. There was also the things about this figure only Shawn knew and understood such as him and being a Sith Lord and a Force user, that had only recently occurred to him that here at home and on Earth in general he and Vader and the Fourth Brother were the only trained Force users out of seven and a half billion other people. Camilla was as well trained as he though he feared for her hoping she wouldn't do anything that would make an ISB officer to summon an Inquisitor after her, thankfully she was living in Boston at the moment so she wasn't too far away.

There were the other things he'd told his parents well those he was allowed to such as what he saw and encountered on Baridia. His dad though he was delusional when Shawn said he'd seen and killed a dinosaur, his mom was more interested in Daenerys and her dragons or the Lannister's stronghold of Casterly Rock or Meereen. These things always sounded like something out of a fantasy novel and not things light years away.

Star Destroyer Obedience
The ISB had captured a resistance fighter in hopes of gaining information about them. Agent Kallus and Panaka walked into the cell where the prisoner was being suspended in a force field and was levitating off the ground, "I am Agent Kallus of the Imperial Security Bureau and you rebel are my prisoner" Kallus said. The man didn't respond but Kallus was handed a datapad with his information, Panaka stood nearby studying the prisoner looking for any subtle weaknesses "Robert Smith is your name yes?" Kallus asked. The man nodded "now tell me Mr smith where are the resistance fighters located" Kallus demanded getting closer holding the datapad behind his back "I won't talk" Smith said as the door slid open and Governor Kaine walked in and Kallus stepped aside "I'd advise you to talk otherwise we'll use certain methods to get you to talk" Kaine said gesturing at the trooper who controlled the device Smith was suspended in. A shock of electricity went through and Smith cried out in agony as lightning traced across him then stopped.

Kaine had a slight smirk at the sight of this "will you talk now? I'm on a tight schedule and don't have the patience for this". Smith sighed then was shocked again screaming once more as the charge was higher then stopped "you'll n-never g-get m-me to tell you"Smith said looking Kaine right in the face. Kaine frowned clenching his fists looking at the trooper "again full power!", the electricity started once more making a whirring up sound as Smith screamed louder. Kallus stepped forward "sir I don't think he can take more of this" his tone cautious. Kaine turned back a little "are you a medical droid Agent Kallus?", Kallus was taken aback "no sir". "Then step back and be quiet" Kaine said pointing with his thumb. Smith suddenly fell silent and limp, the electricity stopped "sir we've lost his vitals".

"Check" Kaine said to another trooper who hit Smith with his riot baton but he didn't move. Kaine still unsatisfied gave another order "drop him", the trooper deactivated the Force field and Smiths body fell with a loud thump. "He's dead sir" the trooper said and Kaine sighed "hm looks like we'll have to try harder next time" he said but secretly enjoyed watching him be tortured to death as he believed the only way to unsure Order in the galaxy was to make certain the population feared the Empire more than pirates that ravaged the Expansion Region after the Clone Wars ended. But Kaine enjoyed it to his sadistic delight some said he had the mindset of Thrawn but the impulses of the Emperor. He turned and walked out Panaka and Kallus following "I heard you interviewed many students Moff Panaka did this reveal anything useful?" Kaine asked as two stormtroopers followed "not entirely most were too afraid to speak because of Lord Vader's presence there except for one" Panaka replied.

The Jedi From Earth: A Star Wars Story #Wattys2023Where stories live. Discover now