Chase Through Coruscant Discovery

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(If anyone's wondering which Imperial Palace it is this ones the Legends one)

May 11,2015

Shawn and Mara chased after Maul through the halls of the palace past the dead stormtroopers and destroyed droids. Mara fired her blaster at Maul who turned around and deflected the bolts and jumped out a window, Shawn and Mara made it to the window and saw he'd landed on a ship. Shawn summed up his courage and jumped Mara followed. The ship was about five hundred feet below but using the force Shawn braced his fall and Maul turned around surprised but had a look as of he'd lured prey into a trap "I suppose you're here to do what the old man can't?"Maul said . Mara said in a sarcastic tone "no we're selling speeder insurance" Shawn suppressed his smile best he could but then Maul jumped off the ship and they followed.

Maul landed on a sidewalk on one of the many walkways that crisscrossed in many ways all leading to various buildings, Shawn and Mara landed nearby and scanned the crowd but Maul had melted in. Mara said into her comlink "commander lock down sector twenty search any attempting to leave and keep an eye out for a red skinned Zabrak", Shawn then caught sight of Maul in a crowd and said "there" pointing in that general direction.  Mara said "let's attack from above" and looked around, "follow me" she said and jumped up to the next level, Shawn used the force and jumped up landing next to her. "Not so fast children" a familiar garble voice said, Shawn turned around and it was that Duros man who'd taken Camilla "well if it isn't the infamous bounty hunter Cad Bane" Mara said and Bane replied "well my employer pays just as well as Sidious did".

Shawn quickly force pushed Bane away and said "run!" They turned and ran past many people and Bane followed, Mara said "he's down there!" And Shawn looked and Maul was quickly pushing his way past a crowd but stormtroopers had set up a checkpoint a about a hundred yards ahead. Mara and Shawn ran along another walkway before jumping again and landing behind the checkpoint. Shawn scanned the crowd for Maul but it'd doubled in size as the traffic had been slowed down by the checkpoint,

Suddenly Maul jumped out of the crowd and landed behind them "shoot him!" Shawn yelled and the stormtroopers turned around and fired at Maul who ignited his lightsaber and deflected the bolts back killing all the stormtroopers, "your toy solders won't help you" Maul said and leaped. Shawn and Mara ignited their blades and they blocked and countered many attacks for two minutes before Maul force pushed them back and jumped down into a nearby speeder and flew off,

"Blast!" Mara said kicking an empty can on the ground. More stormtroopers showed up and secured the area, Shawn's comlink beeped and he answered it "Hand Mendes were you successful in your efforts" Palpatine said and Shawn replied "no my lord he escaped" Palpatine said nothing for a minute then said "I have a task for you go to the Jedi temple" Shawn asked "what for my lord?" Palpatine said "you'll know it when you sense it" then it cut. Mara said "I'll deal with this go investigate whatever it is".

The Jedi Temple
Shawn walked in as the sun rose which just like the evening cast long streaks of light in the halls, he sensed there was something off . It was coming from below the temple so he went in the elevator and pressed the button for the lowest floor, upon walking out he took a single step and there was something he never thought existed on Coruscant and it was dirt. Shawn saw there was some small trees and walked forward, he sensed the dark side and his breath showed as a fog. That was were he saw it a small stone of some sort that had a holocron in it, using the force he pulled the holocron out and caught it

He held it out and used the force and undid the locks and the holocron opened and it was a map. The projection showed the unknown regions and there was a green dot on Earth a blue where the Second Earth was and a third in the southwest of the Galaxy in a orange. Shawn took out his holoprojecter and copied down the coordinates that contained a hyperspace lane that said it'd been mapped by the Sith Empire while in exile, Shawn put the holocron back and walked out.

Imperial Palace
Shawn walked into the throne room and said to Palpatine "my lord in the holocron in the temple it contained a map of another planet in the unknown regions along with a hyperspace route to it" Palpatine looked intrigued and said "hm another secret go to this planet learn about it but stealth is your ally use it wisely" Shawn replied "yes my lord"then walked out of the throne room.

Star Destroyer Avenger
The journey took slightly longer than one to Earth but when the fleet exited hyperspace he was surprised at its striking resemblance to Earth but it looked different with narrower continents "Hand Mendes we've completed the scan of the planet" Fida said and Shawn replied "and what did you find?" Fida replied "there are no sources of electrical power but there is a large city in the center of the vertical continent" Shawn knew that it meant whoever lived there hadn't developed electricity yet "I'll investigate" then went down to the hanger got in the Strings and flew down to the planet cloaked.

As he entered the atmosphere Shawn sensed the force was prevalent on this world bug or felt more like at home where he was the only one on Earth who tapped into it. He landed in a cave outside the city and got out and cloaked it, he took a deep breath as he'd longed for real air and looked at the city, It bore a resemblance to one from the Middle Ages and even though it was about evening he saw torches lit up the city, he walked out and made his way into the forest looking at the city and made his way to a small cliff.

As he looked at the city he sensed something approaching but thought it was an animal until something cold metal and sharp pressed into the back of his neck followed by a mans voice "don't move boy unless you want to drown in your own blood".

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