The Ghost

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April 21,2015
Star Destroyer Avenger
The ship exited hyperspace and Shawn went down to the hanger, as he walked down he coughed and some blood came out and that frustrated him as absolute stealth would be needed for this mission. He got in the Strings cloaked and flew down to the city of Moscow. Even though he'd never been interested in world affairs Shawn still knew if he was caught it'd strain relations between Russia and The West to the point of near conflict even if he wasn't on a mission from the Canadian government but instead the Empire, he quietly landed on a roof at about ten o'clock Moscow time and began his quick stealthy trip towards the Kremlin.

Shawn jumped onto the ground and hid behind a statue by the high red bricked walls and clock tower, he analyzed possible points of entry and jumped from side to side from the clock tower until reaching the top of the wall. When he landed on the wall he groaned and blood seeped from his arm, again he looked for an entrance and saw one but it was guarded. He jumped down the fifty foot (around 30 to 60 meter) high wall and silently landed using the Force to brace his fall hiding behind a car, the guards carried assault rifles and scanned the courtyard carefully. Shawn used the Force  and pushed them back knocking them out, Scurrying over he went through the door quietly closing it before looking around. There was a long staircase but no guards were around, but even so Shawn stealthily darted up the stairs keeping his mind open in case he sensed any nearby presences.

He went down many halls until he sensed a presence behind to two impressive doors, he cracked upon one ever so slightly and peered in,sitting at a desk writing on a piece of paper was a man he'd seen and heard a lot about of since February last year Viktor Riosovsky president of Russia. Shawn sensed that Riosovsky wasn't one who could be easily fooled so he summed up some of the force and used an ability that cloaked the user and rendered them invisible, he slowly opened the door a little more and slid in and shut it.He looked back and saw Riosovsky had looked up and had a blank yet confused expression as if he was trying to comprehend why the door moved on its own but then looked back down ,

Shawn quietly walked down the room towards the desk and saw a large bookcase on the wall on the other side, using the force he pulled several off the shelf and they hit the floor loudly, looking back he saw Riosovsky had a puzzled look on his face and he set his pen down and walked over to the fallen books. Shawn quickly made long strides over to his desk and took the device and put it on Putins desk and it molded into the wood, he saw Riosovsky was putting the books back when Shawn bumped into the desk and three big drops of blood landed on the paper Riosovsky had been writing on. Oh crap , Shawn thought quickly putting his hand to his mouth

Riosovsky quickly spun around and said in the most authoritative yet curious tone "who's there?" Shawn heard the second echo of the words in English and backed away, Riosovsky walked over to his desk and Shawn silently backed away toward the door and Putin looked at his paper and his expression was confused and he said "what the hell?" Holding up the paper, Shawn still backed up slowly until reaching the door and stopped.

He felt a warm liquid run down his arm and blood was coming out even more and about seven large drops hit the polished marble floor all in the same spot making a loud *drip....drip.....drip.....drip* with each one. Shawn knew he'd surely be caught and looked up at Riosovsky who was looking left and right around the room for the source of the strange dripping sound, Riosovsky sat down and Shawn waved his hand and whispered "go to sleep" and Riosovsky looked tired and set his head down,With that Shawn opened the door and ran out . He went down the same halls he'd entered in and saw now some guards were around the door. Concealing himself again he walked down the steps silently and looked both ways of the hallway and saw a large vase, using the Force he pushed it over and the vase shattered into many pieces getting the attention of the guards who ran over to it to investigate.

Shawn then slowly opened the door and walked out, as soon as he turned around he was glad he was invisible, the guards he'd knocked out were gone but hundreds of others armed with assault rifles and dogs walked around the courtyard. Dashing behind,ten same car he hid behind Shawn tried to figure out how he'd get out without leaving any evidence but remembered that the blood would be plenty. Shawn walked back and whispered "ok ok ok" then sprinted and used the force jumped over the wall completely braching his fall with the force on the other side, Then he coughed more spitting out more blood before ran back across the large square still concealed into an alleyway releasing the cloak

He jumped up the sides of the buildings before reaching the roof and found the Strings, he got in cloaked and flew away. But as he flew away he picked up a rag and coughed into it realizing the Russians would probably analyze the blood determining it to be him but assumed the chances of it were slim.

It was one in the afternoon when Shawn landed at the Air Force base, he opened the cockpit and climbed out holding the rag to his air that was now almost completely red "what'd you do out there this time?" The captain asked and Shawn replied "uh a droid sniper shot me on this planet called Dantooine and it really sucked" before walking over to his car. As he drove back home he coughed into the rag more and now it was two shades darker, "damn it " he said and knew he'd have to ask Mara how to do that healing ability.

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