Part 161

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*** Imperial Palace, Coruscant, May 19th 2016
Shawn had never liked the dreams that crept into his mind while at the palace, the most prominent cause was the amount of dark side energies emitting from the shrine Palpatine kept far below and it could interfere with the minds of those attuned to the Force. But now he saw something and heard something strange, I lived on your world for centuries, I'll show you my first life

--- Rome, 18AD
He saw an ancient city of white marble and cobblestone streets, the people wore colorful toga like clothing and sandals like flip flops. Then he saw the inside of a large building like a rotunda with wooden chairs all surrounding, what Shawn was seeing was the Roman Forum, "<his Highness Prince Germanicus>" a voice said loudly in Latin a hundred or so Senators appeared out of nowhere where the bench chairs were and rose. Shawn looked to the entrance to see a man of about twenty eight years of ago wearing a sort of olive branch like crown descend down the stairs.

my first life I lived was that of the future Emperor of the Roman Empire, I'd killed the real Prince years before and used my abilities to appear as him yet age as well, then two boys of about eight or seven years or more entered as well,two of my sons, Nero and Caligula,both would be Emperor one day though due to my curse no male child of mine would ever fit the stigma of normal, Nero was ruthless and bloody he nearly burned Rome to the ground while Caligula was simply insane. During this time I maintained an estate in Transylvania when that part of Europe was under Roman control hence it's language has a Latin influence

Then it showed the city aflame and people all around but it wasn't Neros doing, a group of Asiatic appearing men rode by on horses firing arrows from short looking bows, the Huns would sack the city thus ending the Western Empire, I faked my death and waited asleep in the Carpathian Mountains for the next few centuries until the 14th century when I emerged.

Next it showed him with what he must've looked like if he weren't as he was, a strong looking face and long hair and his two last sons, I ruled Romania as it's Prince of the House Dracul and sired two more sons and a bastard one as well, my power is only to myself which is why I'm the only one, the trait my progeny would ever have are metaphorical thirsts for blood but not a connection to the Force. Then it showed him attacking several of his victims by grabbing them out of nowhere, it was at this time I chose to instill a sense of fear and mysticism and so I developed a way of going years without needing to feed but also a fear factor, followed by corpses left pale on the ground and he extended two claws and stuck them in the victims next giving the illusion of puncture marks.

Traitors however tried to kill me but I let them, then showed him wrestle with several knights of some sort as he was placed in a stone box, eventually I emerged and had a final daughter with the countess of Hungary by pretending I was the king, before I moved to England to meet someone very special in the year fifteen hundred and fifty seven, then it showed a woman in her early forties dressed in a red dress of sorts walking down the hallway of a castle at night escorted by two knights before a door was opened, "Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Lord Dracul" a man said as Vladimir rose as Queen Elizabeth I sat in a chair across from him. "Lord Dracul?" She said in a very authoritative voice, "you're supposed to be dead, especially now that the Turks occupy all of Romania". "You misunderstand Your Majesty, I am the original Lord Dracul, alive by unblasmpehous means and shall remain for a long while".

She dismissed me respectfully and from then on Elizabeth Tudor was among a great one of many Kings and Queens I'd met, I even met the Ottoman Sultan and the Ming Emperor both of whom were interesting men in their own right, Fredrick the Great and Louis XVI were others, they kept my secret as well but if you've studied your history you'd know that Louis took that to the grave when he lost his head. The last major leaders I ever met were Thomas Jefferson and Queen Victoria, though I'd met Prince George when he served as Regent during the Kings last years. In total I spent two thousand years on your world

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