Pursuit New Inqusitor

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July 3,2015, Star Destroyer Avenger
Shawn walked onto the bridge of the ship after being summoned by the Emperor, "Hand Mendes may I introduce High Inquisitor Jerec" Fida said. Shawn saw the Miraluka man standing over the holoprojecter and walked over "greetings Inquisitor" Jerec replied "Hand Mendes the Emperor has commanded me to bring one before him as those traitors have still not been found there've been more attempts on the Emperors life he needs more guards and the one I've brought to him is one you know and stopped before".

Shawn was frozen as he'd just been told that Nash now had been taken again and now he had no power to do anything, "before you object the Rebels have been reported to be near the world Mars so that is where we are heading". As the ship went through the short journey through hyperspace Shawn knew something else was off, the ship exited hyperspace and Shawn stared in awe at the planet as it almost resembled Alderaan more than Earth from space, As the ship passed it a crew member yelled out "Admiral our scanners have found the rebel ship its in the nearby asteroid field", Fida replied "move us into the asteroids and raise forward shields".

Then the ship was spotted nearby and a gunner said "sir we've locked onto the enemy ship" Fida replied "fire" and two missiles fired at the ship, the rebel ship swerved and outmaneuvered the missiles, "lock onto the ship with a tractor beam" Jerec said. The ship zipped around the asteroids and many struck the Avenger and shook it loudly, "We've locked on" a crew member said "bring them in" Jerec said as the rebel ship suddenly stopped and began being pulled back.

"Come with me" Jerec said to Shawn and he followed the Inquisitor down to the hanger where over thirty stormtroopers stood weapons ready. The ship was dragged inside the hanger where it landed with a loud bang, five of the stormtroopers lined up next to the door ready, Shawn still watching from beside Jerec raised his hand and with the force slowly pulled the door away. Then several laser bolts and a couple of those electrical type ones which made a thought cross Shawn's mind. The stormtroopers threw in gas grenades and Shawn went over slowly while Jerec stayed put, then two rebels stumbled out and shocked Shawn it was Kanan and Ezra. He raised his hand and held them in place with the force while their lightsabers went flying behind him. "Ah what a surprise the two Jedi who've been quite a nuisance for Lord Vader for some time", Kanan tried to move but then four stormtroopers cuffed them. "Bring them to interrogation" Jerec said. An hour later Shawn was called in after the ISB agents proved unable to break Kanan,

The door opened and Shawn walked in and the agents walked out except for one so he'd have to actually interrogate him, "I expected more from the Empire" Kanan said scoffing slightly. "Tell me about this Rebellion and we'll let you go" Shawn said in a inquisitive tone" Kanan replied "I won't those guys already tried" Shawn knew he'd have to try something else so with the force he pushed Kanan back and began to sift through his thoughts. Kanan resisted and this proved very difficult as Shawn basically was blocked at every turn for about twenty seconds until the door opened and Jerec walked in,

Shawn released him and stepped back "you no doubt unaware the Jedi are trained to resist mind probes" Jerec said. The intelligence agent said "he's proving most difficult" Jerec replied "I'm well aware of this Agent Kallus but the Emperor himself wants information on the Rebellion" then Jerec raised his hand and from Shawn sensed he pressed on his pressure points while asking forcefully "I grow tired of asking so I'll ask one more time or your Padawan dies where are you holding Lord Vader?". Kanan appeared to be in pain then Jerec said "look in his mind again" Shawn raised his hand and sifted through Kanan's mind and one word popped up "Dantooine" he said lowering his hand, "Lord Vader is on Dantooine" and was surprised when he heard this as Shawn didn't think Vader could be captured at all and wondered when it'd happened.

Imperial Palace, Coruscant
Kanan and Ezra were led in in cuffs with Royal Guards around them while some other rebels were brought in by bounty hunters. A young woman around eighteen walked over to the Rebels and said "looks like you've finally been caught" Shawn sensed this woman was strong in the Force and wondered what she was. "Won't talk hmm" and walked away slightly "bring me their ship let's have a look at the fuel records" the Twilek woman looked surprised and this mysterious handmaiden made a maniac chuckle and said "oh got you *gasp* what's that?"

Shawn looked and just about had the same reaction saw one of the bounty hunters had Excalibur, "where'd you get that from?" The handmaiden asked with a hushed tone, "it was in their ship when we caught em guess it's mine now" the bounty hunter said. The woman then force pushed him back while pulling the sword back then spun around cutting ones shin and throwing a rope that wrapped around the Weequay mans throat before another yelled "are you insane!" And she fired a rope from her sleeve which wrapped around the leaders throat while walking away "get out get out!" She yelled and released the rope. Shawn was surprised by her speed and wondered what she was "put these four in the prison I want to have a little chat with this one girl to girl" the handmaiden woman said in a way that reminded Shawn of Bellatrix almost.

"May I see the sword?" Shawn asked, the woman ignored him, she pulled a small knife out of her sleeve and pressed it to the cheek of the Mandalorian girl "tell me now where'd you get the sword it's meant to be in a Imperial vault on Scipio how'd you get it" the handmaiden said in a whispering tone "we didn't take it it was given to us" the handmaiden shot a glance at Shawn saying "is she lying?", Shawn knew she wasn't "she tells the truth". The handmaiden said "very well then" and stepped away, she gestured to the guards who led the girl away,

Jerec said "the Emperor is expecting us" and headed toward the throne room with Shawn following, "ah Inquisitor have you brought those traitors?" Palpatine said and Jerec replied "yes sir" Palpatine looked at Shawn and said "Hand Mendes in Lord Vader's absence I have a task for you" Shawn replied "yes my lord?" Palpatine said "head to the training center below the palace and instruct the new arrival in saber combat but not any stealth tactics" Shawn knew he was talking about Nash and said "yes my lord" then walked away. Shawn walked out of the elevator into the room he hadn't seen in a long time and memories flooded back, he sensed a prescence and said "you can come out now". He heard footsteps from behind and turned around and it wasn't Nash but a masked figure, "are you the one they call the Emperor's Hand?" With a electronic voice that sounded deep and menacing, and muffled almost ,

"Yes and you are?" Shawn asked, the masked figure replied "I am the Tenth Brother". Then a image popped in Shawn's mind of someone else that wore the same mask talking to a hologram of a pale deformed being then it stopped, "alright Inquisitor first step with a lightsaber so don't get careless with it as the blade has a slight weight to it" the Tenth Brother nodded.

"And using the Force is also one that can be utilized in a fight" as he spoke Shawn tried to look in the mind of this figure and saw nothing but barriers and repressed memories so it couldn't be Nash, "now arm yourself" he said. The Inquisitor raised his hand to the left and his lightsaber came to it and he ignited it, it was a standard one carried by nearly all Inquisitors with its double bladed feature, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and held it with one hand . The Tenth Brother charged to which Shawn jumped to the side blocking his attack,

He instructed him in the basics and some more complex attacks for a couple hours before his comlink beeped "yes?" Shawn asked, "Hand Mendes I have an assignment for you and the new Inquisitor" Palpatine said, "what is the missing my lord?" Shawn asked, Palpatine replied "there's reports of a Dark Jedi on Felucia named Maris Brood the former apprentice of Jedi master Shaak Ti find her and eliminate her". Shawn replied "of course my lord" then the transmission cut,

"Come on we have a mission" he said to the Tenth Brother.

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