Part 142

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The monk went down into another courtyard where there was a yin and yang symbol on the ground very much like the one on Air Temple Island, "tell which of you is the eldest" the monk asked. "I'll be eighteen in a couple months" Maarek spoke up, "same here" Shawn said as well, the monks expression didn't change, "uh what's your name?" Shawn asked. "My name is Zhihui" was the response, "ok Mr Zhihui how do you know of our abilities" Maarek asked and Zhihui smirked,"because I have seen many strange things in my life, some of them were more recently". He then began to pace "you see I am quite cultured for someone of my..position, and I must be for teaching the Prince and Princess to fight" Zhihui explained as a girl dressed in orange robes passed by overhead and stopped.

She was very beautiful which was amplified by the white flower made of China in her hair that reached past her shoulders, Shawn smiled at her and she did the same, he looked at the side and Maarek was nearly gaping at her "dude she's hot" he muttered and Shawn laughed. "<<what're you laughing at,boy?!">>" Zhihui yelled in mandarin then as quick as a jet tripped Shawn and he fell on the stone ground groaning then getting up dusting himself off, "the hell was that?" He asked angered and surprised. "What did you find humorous?" Zhihui asked, Shawn wasn't sure he would entirely understand what Maarek had meant by that comment or if he even wanted Zhihui to know that. "A joke he said, and that girl up there" Shawn said pointing up at the girl who still stood there as of fascinated by they're mere presence.

Zhihui looked back quickly then faced them "that is the Princess Meili, do not be fooled by her opulent appearance as well" Zhihui explained as Meili headed down a flight of stairs to the ground, "<<hello there>>" she said in mandarin nodding a little while smiling, "<<Princess, the foreigners don't understand you the Common Tongue will suffice>>" Zhihui said back. "Greetings, my name is Meili" she said, Shawn thought it courteous to introduce himself stepped forward to get closer but Zhihui grabbed his arm and slammed him to the ground pinning Shawn by putting his knee on his chest and his foot on his left arm "do not get too close to the Princess" he warned. Shawn struggled to get free but Zhihui was able to take him down easily even though Shawn towered over him.

"Oh come now surely you can do better" Zhihui taunted, "oh you really want me to do better?" Shawn asked. "Of course why else would two young men be guarding the vizier-" Zhihui began but Shawn grabbed his throat with his right arm then augmented his strength with the Force shoved Zhihui off him then thrust both hands out and Force pushed Zhihui back so hard he lifted off the ground. But that didn't stop the monk who summersaulted and landed in his feet, "I should congratulate you young man, impressing the Princess is one step ahead" he commended. "But you are clearly skilled in some otherworldly power" Zhihui said, Shawn scoffed "and you're not all freaked out by that?", Zhihui had a smugly expression now "I have seen many strange things in last few weeks from our other visitors, would you like to meet them?". "Who are they?" Shawn asked, "two Red Priestesses, now come" Zhihui said heading up the stairs, "this place is weird" Maarek commented.

The room Zhihui lead them to was lit up by many candles with the shudders shut which seemed a little appropriate given the overcast of clouds this day as winter was soon coming and settling in. Two women stood at the end looking at a single candle when they turned around, Minerva was one of them the other was a black haired woman Shawn didn't recognize "Valar Morghulis" Zhihui said to the strange woman in Valyrian, the greeting translated to "all men must die" but not in the context of them all dying just for being men but that one day everyone would die eventually with the word men being plural with all people and that they'd need to serve something before that "Valar Dohaeris" the woman replied which meant "all men must serve".

"I beg your pardon but what're your names" Zhihui said turning around, "Shawn,Maarek" then both spoke up. "Well then Shawn and Maarek allow me to introduce Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple Of Volantis, the Flame Of Truth, Light Of Wisdom and the First Servant Of the Lord Of Light", "and her companion, Minerva of Myr,Master of Mysteries and Visions" Zhihui said stepping aside as Kinvara got closer grabbing her wrists with her heels echoing in the room. Minerva took a couple steps forward too, Kinvara although beautiful in many regards carried a somewhat intimidating yet unguarded sense of authority and gentleness. "So you are the foreign visitors no?" Kinvara asked in an accent that sounded Spanish or Israeli, "yea we are we came here with Princess Leia and the vizier but this guy started talking to us and brought us here" Shawn said as Kinvara stared at him with her spearmint green eyes.

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