Part 157

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***** the White House, May 16th, 2016
In North America Imperial forces landed in their Midwest of the United States focusing on the cities of Wichita and Omaha quickly catching the National Guard by surprise and forcing them and over ten million people to flee, Imperial troops landed all along the east and west coasts of the U.S and Canada marching through the ruins of Vancouver and soon were advancing on Seattle and Boston and even Miami. Red lines were all across the continental US on the screen and Johnson knew they were in trouble, without definite lines between the opposing sides it would be difficult to keep civilians out of the crossfire wherever it was, but also they were becoming outnumbered, the Air Force reported that over twenty percent of its available fighter jets had been destroyed and the armed forces as a whole could muster only 3.7 million troops and the combined guardsmen of every state or territory was only 1.2 million.

"Madam President, the Empire is heading for Washington we have to evacuate" Secretary Matthews said but Johnson stared at the screen as staff were gathering what they could, "I won't leave unless I have to Mr Secretary" Johnson replied, "with all due respect ma'am, the Imperials will kill you that Thrawn man doesn't look like he messes around" Matthews said. Then the Attorney General Kathy Lee walked in, "ma'am, congress has left for Andrews, we should go as well", "I agree Madam Attorney General" Matthews said.

Johnson stood up from the desk looking out the window at more cars zipping down the street and Marine One on the south lawn, she would not let the Empire harm any innocent ever again, but now that they'd landed on American soil it would be a catastrophe, in her mind she formed a slight plan, let this play out for three days then attempt diplomacy and if that didn't work they would never surrender. "Madam President?" Matthews asked, Johnson turned around. "We're leaving, and since NORAD isn't an option right now the Gettysburg bunker will do" she said walking out of the door to the south lawn with the two cabinet members following, the marine standing at attention saluted Johnson as she passed and she returned the salute as she walked into the helicopter where Sophia was already waiting.

"Mom where're we going?" Sophia asked, "somewhere safe" Johnson replied.

***** Nathema
Maul stared down at them as he walked down from the boulder, "this certainly is a strange sight, my replacement and his two young companions oh, yes the Emperor must really be sharp these days" Maul said. Shawn drew his blaster and aimed it at him, "haha, you think I came here to fight, I came here to seek something" Maul said mockingly, "what do you want Maul?" Vader asked. "Oh nothing of importance, except perhaps knowledge that intrigues us both" Maul said, "present a reason why I shouldn't kill you now" Vader replied. "Strike me down and this planet will be revealed to the Rebels" Maul replied, "and I know where to look" then walked over to the side of the canyon wall and pressed a small rock in.

The wall slid down into the ground revealing the entrance to a sort of cave, "inside is knowledge we both seek Vader, perhaps we could cooperate and find it together" Maul proposed. "You lie" Vader said, Shawn was curious about what was there but also unsure of Mauls authenticity as he holstered his blaster, "you have my word Lord Vader" Maul said, Vader said nothing for a few seconds until he spoke, "very well, after you". Maul smirked menacingly and walked into the door his hands clutched behind his back, the trio followed him inside.

It was very dark in the cave immediately upon entering but Maul spoke, "I wouldn't advise igniting our sabers for light", "why not?" Vader asked his voice echoing further along with his respirator. "The spirits of the dead are drawn to it like flies" Maul replied and still continued over the bumpy floor without ceasing pace, Shawn slipped and tripped a few times trying to figure out where he was but bumped into Vader, "step carefully Mendes I won't stop for you". Utilizing his abilities Shawn could visualize where to step and managed not to trip until a rock door at the end slid open and dark reddish light came in, "this way" Maul said walking in. They followed with Vader going first.

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