Part 178

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Yavin 4, Great Temple Of Massassai

After returning from Winterfell the Spectres were summoned by someone that Hera said was "very special" and high up. Clara assumed it would just be some other General or Admiral like Draven or Raddus. But upon entering the chamber she saw a woman with short auburn hair in a white gown of sorts looking at a hologram, "welcome back Captain Syndulla" the woman said in a soft gentle voice. "Clara this is the former Senator Of Chandrila, Chancellor Mon Mothma, the leader of the Rebellion" Hera said gesturing at her and Clara was surprised, being in the presence of authority always made her nervous especially when she met Johnson, but Mon Mothma oversaw a much larger force than Johnson, she was in some ways as powerful as the Emperor himself. But she had fewer men and women under her command.

"Uh hi" Clara said nervously and waved a little. Mothma smiled a little which was a kind as her voice, "I've heard of you Private Smith, the first volunteer from Earth". Clara was surprised by this, how she took the time to single out her name among billions of others was astonishing, it showed her level of genuine interest in those she commanded. "Thank you" Clara said with a smile back. Ezra then ran in, "sorry I'm late Chopper was being Chopper" he said stopping beside Clara. "Lieutenant Bridger, I suggest you try being on time from now on" Mothma reminded Ezra softly. "Uh sorry Ms" Ezra said with embarrassment on his face.

"As you now the Empire was driven out of the Lothalian capital city, and we've reestablished our former base on Atollon" Mothma explained, "and Saw Gerrera sent a message saying his cell is no longer part of the Alliance as well". "The Empire is currently counterattacking our forces on Lothal, and have bombarded Geonosis from orbit, now the Separatists have left that system, but your focus shall be here" she said clicking a button and a hologram of a world came up. "This is the planet Takodana, to avoid any Imperial entanglement we've arranged to meet with an informant at the castle of Maz Kanata, a local known to be neutral, Captain Syndulla will oversee this meeting " Mothma explained.

"Who's the informant?" Ezra asked, "we are unsure, but we only know so far he's of Serenno and of nobility" Mothma explained. "How can you be sure this informant isn't just an Imperial spy?" Hera inquired crossing her arms. "Because his family was aligned with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, and we assuming the negative views of the Emperor run on Serenno" Mothma explained. "If he's from the nobility of Serenno what's his family name?" Sabine asked. "He is a member of House Dooku" Mothma said with a slight sigh at first. Clara deduced that name held significant prestige but knew not of its actual significance, she assumed that it was like Stark, and not the family of the infamous Separatist leader and Sith Lord, Count Dooku.

******* Windsor Castle, audience chamber
Edward walked into the room where over thirty elderly men of the Ascension Council stood with their aides. It was silent, very silent with his steps the only sound it seemed or the slight rattle of the metal on the aiguillette on his jacket combined with the ceremonial sword that hung from its sheath on his belt and clanked a little . He stopped before them holding the hilt of the sword in one hand and stood with his chest puffed out and head held higher. The men all nodded deeply at him almost simultaneously and the women aides curtsied for a second before one read from a paper, "Edward Mountbatten-Windsor" The man said in a voice that sounded strained from age. "Do you accept the duties before you as the sovereign monarch of this nation?". "I do" Edward said with authority but not eagerness.

"And the duties of the sovereign of Canada, Australia, New Zealand and all the nations and territories who hold loyalty to the Crown?" The man asked. "Yes sir" Edward said, "do you swear by god that you will remain ever loyal to the church as Defender Of The Faith?" The man asked, "I do Sir" Edward replied. "To be head of the armed forces of the United Kingdom and all its commonwealth members and territories thereof?" The man asked, "yes sir" Edward said but noticed that his mother was watching from the far side of the room alone. "Then it is on this day you are herein by invested to the throne as Edward Rex, the Ninth, King of England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, by the grace of God, Long may you reign " The man said and then sent down the paper.

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