Fight On Cato Nemoidia

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The star destroyer came out of hyperspace and the planet came into view. Watching from the bridge Shawn sensed Fett was close and was eager to deal with him but the voice said ,patient you must be, the captain approached and said "we've entered the system" Shawn said "alert governor Tarko" the captain said "yes sir" and walked away. Shawn then went down to the hanger and boarded the shuttle and was flown down to the planet.

As it flew to the city that was an arc over a canyon Shawn saw the massive arena with several people tied to poles. Then the shuttle landed and the ramp lowered, Shawn walked down the ramp and there were two lines of stormtroopers and a man with a mixed Imperial and Nemoidian coat on "welcome to Cato Nemoidia Hand Mendes" Tarko said with an accent that sounded like a Russian person speaking with a moderate French accent, Shawn replied "thank you governor" Then they walked back towards the arena with the stormtroopers marching in tandem beside them "what brings you here?" Tarko said and Shawn replied "I've been sent to track down a bounty hunter who's attempted to kidnap Princess Leia of Alderaan" Tarko said "those Organa's are trouble don't trust them".

In the elevator Tarko said "I was told it was the infamous Boba Fett who attacked you" Shawn said "yes do you know where he is" Tarko said "I've ordered the garrison to sweep the city if he's here we'll find him" then the elevator reached the top and it was a observation deck of some sorts, Shawn saw it was the arena and now saw there were two Rodians and a couple humans tied up "these brigands have committed treason against the Empire and will pay the ultimate price" Tarko said sitting down.

Shawn sat down in the chair adjacent to him as the execution animals were brought out and they were Nexu's. The captives restraints were undone and they picked up several swords and spears in the ground near them as the lion like creatures attacked. They stabbed the creatures but they still pounced and killed one. Shawn looked away and Tarko laughed and said "this is what a traitors death looks like" looking back he saw that the remaining captives had driven off the remaining Nexu's. Tarko ushered over an aide and said "try the Rancor" and the aide said "yes my lord". Then a larger gate opened and grotesque creature stepped out roaring and swiped its arms at the captives who were no match for its strength, then another aide approached and said "my lord" and was whispering.

Shawn could hear the words "the sector seven" Tarko gave a nod and said "we've located the bounty hunter he's in sector seven" Shawn stood up and said "then if you'll excuse me I must fulfill my task" and walked away out the door. The Imperial officer flew in on a small platform craft with two dark troopers at his side and said "I'm commander Keeda come with me" Shawn stepped on and the small craft went off. "The bounty hunter ambushed some of the scouts now we've stationed snipers on overwatch" Shawn saw the same ship nearby and said "wait here's good".

He jumped off and using the force braced his fall, he held his lightsaber ready as he skulked around the large crates. Then a Weequay walked in front and Shawn dashed behind a crate as the guard stepped past him. He ran down another way and saw two guards, using the force he choked them both at the same time and stepped past them and got closer to the ship "you've got some spirit kid I'll give ya that too" Shawn ignited his lightsaber and spun around and Fett shot at him. Deflecting many laser bolts Shawn used the force and threw a crate at Fett who hit it aside.

Shawn got closer deflecting more bolts and Fett took off and Shawn rolled to the side as more laser bolts hit the ground with thunderous booms that left small fires and burnt marks. Shawn looked around and held his weapon ready then Fett popped up from behind a crate and fired his grenade launcher at him, Shawn used the force and dashed aside as the grenade went off with a deafening boom. Then Fett landed and fired his rope at him, struggling with the rope Shawn then readied as Fett flew towards him. He jumped and kicked Fett in the head and landed on his feet.

Fett landed and his jetpack stopped working. Shawn managed to move his lightsaber and cut the rope and jumped and held the saber to Fetts neck and said "you're not going anywhere" then several more guards came in firing their blasters at some stormtroopers on a balcony nearby and Tarko was there firing a pistol. Fett suddenly kicked Shawn back then kicked his lightsaber away, then Shawn ducked as he fired a flamethrower at him.

Shawn used the force and crushed the flamethrower and threw a crate at the same time that pinned down Fett, summoning his lightsaber to his and Shawn held it up ready to strike but the voice said ,if kill him anger you do the dark side consume you it will, he held it there and then to his surprise he heard a distinct breathing sound and "stop this now!". Vader walked over and said "you've passed the test" Shawn retracted the blade and said "a test?" Vader replied "yes this was organized by the emperor to test your abilities as a warrior and since you just subdued the best bounty hunter in the Galaxy you've proven your worthiness" Shawn was angered,glad yet confused at the same time.

Vader lifted the crate off of Fett with gone force and threw him some credits and said "here's your money bounty hunter" Fett caught the credit chips and said "kid's got skills Vader you trained him well" then walked away towards his ship. Tarko landed and said "lord Vader I've received reports of a unknown operative wielding a lightsaber that's attacked both rebels and imperial troops" Vader said "a Jedi?" Tarko said "no the color of the saber was red" Shawn knew that this must've been the Starkiller Leia had told him about.

Vader said to Shawn "the emperor has called you back to Coruscant return at once" Shawn replied "yes lord Vader" and still wasn't entirely sincere. As the shuttle flew back to the star destroyer Shawn pondered one thing ,who's this Starkiller?,.

Coruscant Imperial Palace
Shawn entered the throne room and Palpatine said "excellent work you've done well as a reward for your first task you may visit your home" Shawn was happy and said "thank you my lord" Palpatine said "you may stay there until I call you back" and handed him and holopad.
Shawn said "yes sir" and  Palpatine said "the fleet will take you just outside the moon then you will fly a cloaked ship to wherever you'll be going" then he gestured and Shawn walked away happy that he was going home but knew everyone would be confused as to where he'd been since August and now it was the second week of November earth time but the galactic year 2BBY would end on November 20 due to the Galactic standard calendar of ten months

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