Part 190

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AN: Start playing the music at the end of the first paragraph
   Maul charged in and Clara moved out of the way of his first swipe then blocked the swipe of his other blade. The force of the impact on her own blade made her stumble and fall down. Maul chuckled, "oh you stupid girl, only someone of immense skill can wield such a weapon" he then said mockingly while Clara stood up. "I'm a quick learner so this is nothing" she said back defiantly before she charged in. She slashed at a downward angle but Maul blocked it, along with her other slash before he attacked again. Clara struggled to block off his attacks and managed to lock blades with him a little at one point, yet he spun their blades at an angle  that made her let go of the saber, which flew away while deactivating and landed in a small patch of ground with no grass. Maul then thrust his hand out at her and Clara was pushed back by an invisible force off the ground and landed twenty feet away. "Foolish girl, you are no match for the likes of me". Then he deactivated his saber before he raised his hand up and the hilt began flying toward his hand.

    Suddenly, it flew past his hand and face then behind him entirely, Maul dodged this and ducked to the side. Clara could now see who was doing this, it was Shawn. The saber hilt spun around and around midair until it landed forcefully in his outstretched hand. An invigorated and surprised look was on his face now as he held the saber in both hands now. Maul looked back with surprise and menace now. Shawn ignited the saber, the blue blade lighting up his face and the surrounding area while Maul ignited his own saber. "Leave her alone" Shawn said forcefully before he charged in.

  The droid still choked Shawn as he struggled to get loose of its grip. He had lost his lightsaber and now was all but defenseless against the Magnaguards, yet he had one more trick up his sleeve. He let go of the staff with one hand and grabbed his blaster, he managed to shimmy his arm up enough to shoot the droid right through the head, which he subsequently did. The guard fell limp and he tossed the staff away before seeing a strange sight. Clara was wielding a blue bladed lightsaber against Maul, what the hell is she thinking?, he thought to himself then ran over just as the saber was thrown from Clara's hands. Maul thrust his hand out and set her flying away some distance. Shawn snuck in from behind as he now seized the opportunity to find a new weapon, since he'd lost his own. He was tempted to just shoot Maul in the back when he was stopped by a familiar voice, "no Shawn" Qui Gon said, "do not cowardly kill him, that lightsaber she wielded is your destiny, now take it and defeat him".

    Shawn holstered his blaster and raised his hand at the saber while Maul did the same. He focused and pulled the saber with the Force too, yet he put more of his focus into it than Maul did. It worked, the saber flew past Maul and landed right in his open palm. Right away Shawn felt an incredible sensation, he felt invigorated somehow, like the darkness that had surrounded him for so long was suddenly lifted off him, as if the saber was now letting him know it was his now. He now took the hilt in both hands and ignited it while Maul looked upon him with genuine surprise. "Leave her alone" he said while Maul ignited own blade. Shawn then charged in.

He raised the blade over his head and slashed down, Maul blocked then countered but Shawn managed to block the attack. "Impressive, but still weak as ever" Maul chided before Shawn attacked again and they locked blades, "and Sidious calls you his Hand". Shawn then let go of the saber with one hand and punched Maul across the jaw, which broke the lock they were in, "I didn't choose to be called that" Shawn said then spun the saber around once and held it horizontally out in both hands. Shawn then glanced to the side to see Clara stand up and swing her baton at one of the Magnaguards and struck it across the head. Then the Fourth Brother suddenly landed next to Shawn and leveled his saber with both blades spinning.

"I won't let a mere boy steal the glory of killing you Maul" the Fourth Brother said with menace. "Oh on the contrary, I welcome anyone to try killing me" Maul said before holding his saber in both hands and charging. The Fourth Brother slashed wildly and the clashing blades lit up the landscape. Maul then grabbed the Fourth Brothers arm and sliced it off before stabbing him through the chest and pulling his saber out, all under fifteen seconds. "Ah, it's a shame Vader doesn't teach them as well as he should" Maul said before shoving the dead Inquisitor away. Shawn then saw a glint in the grass and then realized it was his saber, he saw Clara was nearby too. He looked at her then swiped his hand at the saber, the hilt went off the ground and into her hands. Clara then ignited the saber and ran to Shawn's side.

    Maul smirked with satisfaction and then deactivated his saber, which surprised Shawn. "I have had my fun for now, but this is not over" Maul taunted before his speeder zipped over and he climbed on before speeding off into the distance. Shawn looked back and saw Maarek slice the last Magnaguard in half then lob its head off. "Here, you take this" Shawn said to Clara and handed her back the lightsaber, yet it still felt as though it had called to him. "Thanks, you better take this back and make it look convincing" Clara said while handing Shawn back his own saber, "make what look convincing?" He then asked but realized that she meant to make it appear to Vader as though they had been fighting. "Um ok, sorry about this Clara" Shawn said apologetically before thrusting his hand out at her and sent her flying back with the Force.

    Then Shawn saw Vader fighting Kanan and Ezra, yet the latter of the two appeared to be losing. "Everyone go!" Kanan yelled before blocking another attack by Vader. Clara then got up and ran to where the other Spectres had gathered near the base of the tower before into the Ghost. Ahsoka and Starkiller then disengaged from fighting Jerec before running to the Ghost. "Ezra go!" Kanan yelled at Ezra while shoving him away, "I'm not leaving you!" Ezra yelled back with distress, "forget about me, just go!" He said before Ezra ran into the ship too with Kota urging him on. Then just as the ship was taking off, Jerec threw his spinning saber at the entrance way. Kota ignited his saber and hit Jerec's saber away, which flew back to Jerec's hands.

    Vader then slashed at Kanans knees which made Kanan yell out in pain loudly before he fell to his knees. He tried to block Vader's attacks but his saber was hit away into the brush. Shawn had since gotten closer and now knew what was about to happen. Vader pointed his blade at Kanan's throat while his respirator slowed to its normal pace. "Tell me Jedi, did you really think you could run forever?, now you've come back once more to the place where you escaped me before, that isn't happening again, you failed Kanan Jarrus" Vader said menacingly at Kanan who simply chuckled and shook his head. "You really don't get it do you" Kanan replied, "killing me won't stop the Rebellion, nothing but the Emperor being defeated will stop it, you're the one who's failed Vader". "Have I?" Vader responded then lowered his saber and stabbed Kanan right in the heart. Shawn gasped instantly while Kanan groaned in agony before he fell limp to the ground. Vader then pulled his saber back before retracting it, "at last, the great Kanan Jarrus is dead" he said.

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