Secret Help

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March 23,2016, Toronto,
The skirmish had changed the mood in the city, the Empire tightened their grip on the populace as stormtroopers routinely pattolled every neighborhood. Shawn was writing some lyrics and glanced out the window at two troopers marching down the sidewalk, they'd never come to his neighborhood before until now, his parents were constantly worried even before the occupation they were but now the very people that took Shawn from them now marched as arrogant conquerors down their street. Even at school things were different from what Shawn could tell,

instead of gossip about Internet feuds the talk was of the resistance and there were even some kids at school who were resistance fighters even without their parents knowledge, but that was their downfall, Shawn noticed a few faces here and there disappear many he'd seen since middle school. He couldn't imagine the sight of parents being presented a body bag in the middle of the night by an impatient looking ISB officer Even there he was still asked questions but more about demonstrating the existence of his "magical powers" to which he declined as Palpatine had forbidden the use of the Force to show off but Shawn knew everyone would jump like they'd seen a ghost of he moved a pencil or more. Also he found out the kid that'd been flogged was a Year 9 (Freshman) from his school,

As he drove home there was a checkpoint, "identification please" the trooper asked in his robotic sounding voice. For a second Shawn was tempted to mind trick him but knew any "mystic happenings" would be reported, he held his arm out and a droid scanned the bar code and beeped a green color " move along" the trooper said and Shawn continued driving.

City Hall,
Governor Adelhard overlooked more reports of recent attacks, he sighed contemplating what to do. His adviser Darien was a secret resistance member too but was more of an informant and double agent, "you believe this more attacks, Tarkin won't be pleased they've killed the Vaughan sectors magistrate" Adelhard said in his clipped voice "they're not helping they're harming" he said, "I agree but they should be destroyed at the right time" Darien replied "we just need to amplify their terrorist tactics nothing more" he said secretly playing Adelhard at the same time "what are you suggesting?" Adelhard asked, Darien said "make examples of them double the public flogging and executions kick the dust up more fear", Adelhard shook his head in dismissal "that will not work fear doesn't work on a populace as long as they have spirit these terrorists give them spirit", Darien said "that's the point, morning news terrorist attack, flogging in the square, evening news public firing squad, fear sow it up and shove it in their face". Adelhard nodded "that might work I'd hate to double the garrison however Lord Vader wouldn't be pleased and I'm sure Agent Kallus can deal with these insurgents",

Later that night Shawn heard the clink on the window and saw Clara standing there. He opened the window and said "what is it?", "Marcus wasn't happy you didn't show up and needs your help" she said, "sorry I can't my parents would flip if I left again". Clara crossed her arms "isn't sneaking in without being found your specialty", she was right and Shawn knew he could sneak out without difficulty "one second" he said closing the window putting both his shoes and jacket before heading downstairs, his parents were watching tv but not facing his direction. Shawn whispered a curse under his breath and quietly headed back upstairs this time simply going out his window and landing on the ground, "impressive" Clara said with a smirk "who taught you that?" She asked as they started walking "many people" Shawn replied thinking back a little. Getting around was a little difficult as they avoided several patrols and armored troop transports, at one point they turned a corner and found graffiti that said "we want our freedom back" with a maple leaf below it.

After about ten minutes they arrived at a old parking garage where a guy who seemed to be in his early twenties was stand job guard "who's there?" He asked, "Adam it's me dumbass" Clara replied. "Whose that with you?" Adam asked "the guy Marcus wanted to talk to" Clara replied as they headed in, Adam gave Shawn a death glare but he paid to mind. Marcus was looking over a map with several other men and women talking about whatnot "hit em hard their heads'll spin" Marcus said before looking up "aw Clara you've come back with the asset", Shawn was confused "asset?" He asked " don't ask" Clara replied rolling her eyes a little. "We will need your unrivaled skills tonight" Marcus said "alright people get your gear!" He announced and the others began loading their weapons, these were ordinary people, they were, bankers,doctors,construction workers but they all had the goal of fending off a foreign occupation.

"You with me" Marcus said pointing at Shawn and he followed as the rest of the thirty or more slipped out into a small wooded area, the air had a wet mucky wooded smelled as well "I'm sure this had been a shock to you but not so much to me" Marcus said "when I was in Afghanistan it was me hunting down Taliban fighters and insurgents now it's reversed roles funny innit" with a slight chuckle, Shawn sensed something was off and said "wait" and Marcus held his fist up stopping the others. Two stormtroopers marched down a paved trail lit here and there by lampposts that cast a more orange light reflecting off the troopers armor.

"great call they would've been alerted" Marcus commended, "I'm guessing you used the Force? or magic whatever" He asked and Shawn nearly jumped, "how'd you know that?" He asked as they headed off again. "Well you might not know what I'm taking about but I'm a high ranking Freemason" Marcus said, "how high up?" Shawn asked. Marcus casually responded "high enough to know stuff that's been secret since the Middle Ages", "don't tell anyone that I'd get in huge trouble" he continued, secret since the Middle Ages?, Shawn wondered.Then ahead was a building and an Imperial banner was draped over the front of it, out front four stormtroopers stood guard. "I need you to lure them into a blind spot" Marcus said to Shawn screwing a silencer to his pistol "anything specific?" Shawn asked, "you figure it out" Marcus said and Shawn sighed before slipping off into the dark.

He quickly ran behind a bush without making a sound, he looked around for something to distract them. Spotting a glass bottle Shawn moved his hand a little and the bottle rolled around, the troopers looked curious and one of them said "what's that?" And approached, Shawn moved it by the bush where Marcus was until flinging it into the bush and the trooper followed, then there was a phew sound followed by the slump of plastic armor. The other three troopers approached but five resistance fighters stormed out of the bush and shot the troopers dead with silenced weapons, "go" Marcus ordered and the rest of them rushed out into the building silenced shots rang out.

"Come on" Clara said as Shawn followed her inside. He narrowly avoided tripping over the body of an ISB officer won't blood spilling out of a hole his back and on the floor, Shawn had a disgusted look on his face, Marcus was frantically typing away on a computer while some other people grabbed holoprojecters and other intelligence "what're you doing?" Shawn asked Marcus "well an informant got us a little footage of that kid being whipped and the Empire censors everything so I'm just getting it out for the world to see" Marcus explained clicking the mouse, "speaking of which did anyone follow Kristen after she got this?" Marcus asked looking at Clara "no she wasn't" Clara replied looking around at the exits in case any other Imperials showed up. "Alright it's out" Marcus said "let's go" heading out the door,

Shawn followed only to somehow involuntarily dodge the swing of a baton, he blocked the troopers attack but was elbowed in the face and kicked in the stomach, Shawn retaliated punching the trooper in the face but that wasn't the smartest choice as he felt a sharp pain in his hand. Suddenly there was a phew and Marcus lowered his pistol as a visible bloody spot in the troopers eyepiece appeared and he fell limp to the ground, Shawn regained his composure and seeing that made him freeze in place he felt that same fear as when that cadet fell dead on Lorrd. "You get home we'll take care of this" Marcus said to Shawn, but his words went unnoticed for a couple seconds, "Shawn I said get home" Marcus repeated with slight impatience in his voice. Shawn didn't respond and ran off quickly as fast as he could, The world seemed to spin now as he headed home. Shawn made it back home gasping for air not sure how far or long he'd ran.

Without thought he went to the door and gently tested to see if it was locked which it was, with a slight wave if his hand the door unlocked and he quietly slipped inside. Glancing at the clock it was around 12:35 in the morning, From what he could sense no one else wasn't downstairs so just as quietly he went up to his room glad to be alone. The brunt of what he'd seen at the front and more recently hit him like a brick wall, Shawn didn't know whether to feel sad, angry, depressed anything for that matter he missed Mara as there was just something about her presence that was reassuring and calming, the other thing he felt after a little was an uplifting feeling as if the Force was saying cut it out and get your head in the game which did help. With that he went to bed not sure what would happen the next day,

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