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July 7,2015
Mara walked away and the Emperor approached "I have a task for you Hand Mendes" Shawn replied "what is it my lord?" Palpatine responded "you've been assigned to the super star destroyer Annihilator along with Admiral Fida to the Turkana system" Shawn said "at once my lord" and he walked away but Palpatine stopped him and said "Lord Vader will accompany you as well".

Shawn went to the hanger got in the Strings and flew to the fleet where the ship identical to the Executor was, upon landing and entering the turbolift Shawn was still shocked by what he'd just seen and suppressed it best he could. The door slid open and there standing by the holoprojecter was Vader,Fida and another Imperial officer, "ah Hand Mendes this is General Tagge" Tagge interrupted "that's Grand General admiral" Fida nodded in response.

" Set course for Turkana" Vader said and the fleet entered hyperspace, as Tagge was explaining the size of Rebel forces in the area Shawn was unable to focus and didn't hear what he was saying for a minute or two until Vader said "are you listening?" Shawn replied "yes Lord Vader" and Tagge continued.

Turkana System
The fleet exited hyperspace and there was a Rebel fleet above the planet "Lord Vader seven Mon Cala class cruisers" Vader replied "move the fleet into attack formation and launch fighters" the ships began exchanging lasers and green and red which crisscrossed the sky as they were in low orbit. One of the Rebel ships exploded but three star destroyers had been lost by then "admiral what is the meaning of this fiasco?!" Vader said sternly, " well I uh-" but Vader waved him off and said "pull the fleet out we're done here" then the massive ship slightly tilted along with what remained of the fleet "set course for Rhen Var" Vader said and the fleet entered hyperspace. Then Vader turned to Fida who seemed both nervous and afraid, "because your poor planning admiral you've cost us three of our ships" Fida replied "Lord Vader with all due respect we were-" but Vader had raised his hand pinching his forefinger and thumb, Fida coughed his face turning red then purple before slumping over dead. Vader gestured to two stormtroopers who dragged the corpse away,

Shawn knew that the news of the Rebel victory would spread through Imperial and CR space quickly. "General Tagge what forces are in the destination?" Vader asked, Tagge replied "our own Lord Vader", an hour later the fleet exited hyperspace over the ice planet Rhen Var. "there's an Imperial outpost below with a prominent Rebel prisoner there retrieve him and we'll regroup for a counterattack" Vader said to Shawn and he walked away to the hanger, Upon landing at the base Shawn felt the intense cold after stepping out of the shuttle. The commander said "bring the prisoner out!",

The doors slid upon and Senator Mon Mothma was escorted out. Suddenly Shawn's comlink beeped and Tagge said "a Rebel fleet just exited hyperspace we're under attack" then several X-wing fighters and Rebel shuttles flew down with the fighters destroying the turrets and the TIE fighters as well as the shuttle, Shawn jumped into the trench as the stormtroopers exchanged fire with the Rebel troops. Then Shawn sensed someone approaching from behind and spun around where a Rebel soldier was aiming their blaster at him,

He didn't want to kill any of the Rebels so he held his hand up crushing the blaster and pushing the solder back. He saw the Rebels escorting the Senator away to a shuttle, then he ran at the the shuttle jumping and grabbing onto it while igniting his lightsaber. He threw it at the engine cutting it causing the ship to spin and loss altitude, the door slid open and a Rebel solder kicked Shawn in the face and he fell just before his lightsaber made its way back to his hand which landed next to him as he landed on the ground outside the outpost.Shawn groaned as he hurt all over and also felt frozen, he lifted his head and saw the Rebels were landing more troops at the base but the last he saw before passing out,

Then he saw Maul and Grievous standing on a platform with a large hologram of Snoke "these rebels have proven to be quite a nuisance to the Empire if they prevail the new Jedi will rise" Snoke said, Grievous said "my lord I-" Snoke stood up "general! We must exercise caution and be patient" Grievous continued "we have all the viable resources to rebuild our army and navy but it'll take time" Snoke sitting down as Grievous spoke responded "go oversee preparations" Grievous bowed slightly before walking away, "Lord Maul there's something else something more that I've foreseen one standard year from now the Emperor will seek out a new pawn to add to his Force-sensitive agents a human boy from a planet far in the Unknown Regions Shawn..Mendes".

"He'll prove no obstacle" Maul said, "even you a former Lord Of The Sith have never faced such a test" Snoke replied, Maul said "I'll either tear the planet apart or observe from afar" Snoke said "we shall see" before the hologram ended and so did the vision.

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