The Drums Of War, Quell

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December 26,2015
"In other news Russian troops are gathering along the borders of the Baltic's and Georgia for what President Viktor Riosovsky calls "military exercises" as was the same from the leaders of China,Iran, North Korea and Pakistan" a news person on the radios said but Shawn wasn't listening. He changed the station "hey that sounded interesting" Maarek said. "Sounds boring" Shawn said, "uh more like paranoia" Mara said from the back. "Hm more like intimidation" Roganda said.

Shawn stopped at the signal and scanned the area, "we're being followed" Maarek said, "what're you talking about?" Shawn asked then moved as the light turned green. "The black Mercedes it's been following us since we left the Air Force base" Maarek said,Shawn wasn't concerned but worried "maybe it's some of those nosy people with the cameras" Roganda said. "No didn't see any" Mara said, Then the Mercedes went off down another way. "Lost it damn it" Maarek said, Shawn decided to change the subject "so why're you guys always here when I'm here?" As that'd been in his mind for awhile "to study Earths ways" Roganda said, "more like get sidetracked and have to bullshit a lot when we report" Maarek said and Mara hummed in agreement,

The Kremlin, Moscow Russia
"<<gentlemen I'm sure you're wondering why I ordered our armed forces to mobilize" Riosovsky said, "<< well Mr President our Western colleagues are concerned by this and China is considering backing out>>" a Minister said, "<<China will not back down make sure of that>>" Riosovsky said, "<<as you're all aware the Americans seized those otherworlders on our border with Norway>>" he continued. "<<sir may we inquire as to why these people are so important>>" another minister said, "<< because two of them are able to manipulate an energy field around us>>" Riosovsky said earning expressions that read he was losing credibility.

"<< sir how do we know this,energy field exists" someone asked, Riosovsky rolled his eyes and said "<<because of this>>" pulling out a piece of paper from his folder,

"<<I'm sure you all remember the incident in May, well on that night I happened to be going down the hallway where my office office is and spotted a shimmering figure running down the hall, I spotted three drops of blood on the floor, when he wasn't looking I took my handkerchief and wiped it up and sent it to the university for analysis>>" Riosovsky said. Then he poked the paper and said with astonishment in his tone "<< and he told me it was human but was unlike anything he'd ever seen, you see he said that the mitochondria were different and acted as a sort of interlocker between a being and this energy, also that the DNA of this person had five strains not four" he said.

"<<you see gentleman Russia is under threat and we must strike before our enemies do, therefore we will compress these beings power into a weapon more powerful than the atomic bomb, the West will heed to any demands we make" Riosovsky added, "<<sir our agents in the city of Toronto have spotted the Imperial ones should we strike" another minister asked. "<<no do not but be watchful>>" Riosovsky said "<<hostilities will begin on New Years when the West is distracted by their exuberant celebrations>>".

Back in Toronto Shawn felt something, it felt like a premonition of sorts, he heard gunfire and people screaming. "Hey Shawn can you come here!" Mara called out, Shawn set his pencil down. He ran downstairs and Mara was looking off her phone and said "how so you work this Instagram thing?" Shawn laughed "that's why you called me?", "no I was looking through your channel" she said with a chuckle. "Wow stalker much" Roganda said "hey come on Ro you're scrolling through a bunch of random guy celebrities or whatever" Maarek said. "Hey they're fine as hell" Roganda said with a smirk,

December 31,2015
At ten o'clock Moscow Pact members relayed orders to their embassies in Europe and North America to burn their documents and leave for a neutral country if possible.

Two hours later Shawn was watching the New Years broadcast as it was less than a minute away, he sipped a soda and ten seconds later it was 2016. Mara was still up though but his parents and Aaliyah had gone to bed, Maarek and Roganda kept dozing off. "What's so important about this?" Mara asked, Shawn replied " celebrating a new year and coming up with- " suddenly he felt a tinge in the air as if something was wrong "do you feel that?" Mara said and Shawn nodded. The feeling was if something like a stack of books had fallen out of balance, "A tremor in the Force?" Shawn asked. "Most likely" Roganda said sitting up and rubbing her eyes, Maarek did the same "well we're gonna go".

"Reports are flying in of Russian troops crossing the Estonian and Georgian borders, all diplomatic contact has ceased with NATO and the Moscow Pact, we're now getting reports of Chinese,Iranian Pakistani and North Korean forces have begun full scale attacks on their Western aligned neighbors"- news broadcast. Shawn couldn't sleep at all the tremors in the Force gave him a overwhelming sense of dread and showed flashes of dead solders and fires, "it seems your world has gone to war" Malgus said.

January 1,2016
Every news outlet was on this war that'd begun at midnight for unknown reasons, no one really knew why it's happened. Shawn just felt the ripples in the Force as if they were a light breeze, however each one had the sounds of dying people in it. He tried to put it out of his mind even by avoiding reading anything on it,  Then three days later a message came through, Palpatine was going to visit with Vader and meet with various world leaders.

The shuttle touched down at the airport and the ramp descended, Palpatine strolled off with Vader and ten guards following, "what is wrong Hand Mendes I sense your gloominess" Palpatine said stopping, "well sir there's something going on you'll hear a lot about" Shawn replied, Palpatine looked around "yes I feel it the ripple, excellent your senses are honed". Then Leia stepped forward although she looked terrified and Shawn could feel it. "Uh sir welcome but not in the most peaceful circumstances" Leia stuttered, "I am aware princess it is of no concern" Palpatine said, "yet I will offer a solution on the side" he continued with a evil grin that made his yellow eyes glow a little.

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