The Breakout

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Bast Castle,Vjun

The next day the castle was quiet interrupted occasionally by the sounds of stormtroopers marching past, Shawn thought the place creepier than the Imperial Palace it was darker,shadows clung to the walls which were lit up here and there by droids hovering around carrying lights. The purpose of this was so that if would embody the dark side more openly and allow Vader to sneak up on intruders should that ever occur,

Vader's respirator echoed loudly in the room, "so tell me why you two required my intervention to get the information needed" Vader said to Shawn and Maarek while Mara and Lumiya stood some distance away in the shadows feeling the Sith Lord's displeasure through the Force. "You've proven yourself useful and skillful Stele as for you Mendes your resilience is admirable but has made you defiant of my authority" Vader said, "the two of you are lucky the Emperor forbids me from disposing of you in the manner for incompetent officers. Neither one of them appeared timid but Shawn felt Maarek's apprehensiveness, "do not rely on me you're supposed be more than capable for these tasks", Shawn spoke up "sir we-" but suddenly Vader spun backhanding Shawn across the left side of his face the metal in his prosthetic hand practically rang.

Pain stung in Shawn's face stars floated in his vision but he used all willpower and made no efforts to put his hand up knowing Vader would see it was weakness, " did I say you could speak boy?" Vader disdainfully almost. Shawn slowly looked back at Vader giving him a death glare, "now you may speak" Vader said grabbing his belt with both hands, Shawn was tempted to just turn around and walk away but knew that wouldn't end well "we didn't know it'd be hard to get him to talk" he replied. "You didn't make him talk you pried the information from his mind" Vader admonished, "and to redeem yourselves you will come with me to Atollon and wipe out the rebel presence", "to draw them out the Jedi will act as leverage",

Suddenly there was an explosion that rocked the building, an officer ran in "Lord Vader a rebel strike group has attacked us they're heading for the detention level!", "they're heading for the Jedi lock down the detention level commander I will handle this myself" Vader said, "as for you four I suggest you make yourselves useful" he continued pointing at them then walking out his cape swirling behind him. Shawn relaxed himself taking a breath putting a hand to his cheek that was throbbing turning a bruised color, Mara quickly ran over with concern on her face "you ok?" She asked looking at the mark and his eyes, "I'm fine" Shawn reassured grabbing her hand. "You can look at it later let's go" Maarek said waving them over,

Smoke rose from the detention halls as they ran down, with the many halls it was impossible to figure out where the attackers came from. "Split up" Maarek said running off down one of the halls, Shawn went down another putting his arm in his face to filter out the smoke running quickly turning a few corners then found a squad of stormtroopers attempting to open the door which was jammed shut the control panel shot, slipping into the Force he sensed people were behind it. He approached drawing his lightsaber hilt "move please" Shawn said activating the saber diving it into the metal door carving out a hole which glowed as the metal slagged melting and crumbling to the floor.

Shawn held on tight focusing on the task at hand, the metal crumbled before a hole melted. Shawn sensed something was wrong and quickly moved aside as a laser bolt zipped in striking one of the stormtroopers, he stepped back retracting his blade then ran jumping and summersaulting on the floor reigniting his lightsaber. Around five rebel soldiers stood there in awe aiming their blasters at him, Shawn raised his blade deflecting laser bolts with one striking a rebel soldier in the neck, he blocked several more before the stormtroopers jumped in firing forcing the rebels to retreat.

" the Jedi's have escaped" the squad commanders comlink beeped, Shawn followed them though stayed behind looking around for any stragglers. He had intention to finish them off he couldn't being himself to do that he wouldn't want to have that swirling in his mind all the time, suddenly he felt a presence behind him then heard someone land on the floor their fall echoing on the metal grates. Shawn turned around holding his saber with both hands to see Ezra there, "I'm not gonna hurt you" Shawn tried reassuring putting as much authenticity in his tone. Ezra scoffed " that's what you said the last time and before that when you shot me in the back",

"I didn't do that someone else did" Shawn said, " why're you still with the Empire anyway? They took you from your home and still you work with em" Ezra said. Shawn felt hurt and his anger flared " I'm doing what I have to protect my family and home and everyone on my planet!" He said not sure what gave Ezra the right to accuse him of such things, "at least you have a family and parents mine were thrown in prison when I was eight lived on my own before Kanan showed up" Ezra said, Shawn's glare reeled slightly but still held tight, he was tempted to attack but also to let Ezra go yet Vader or the Emperor would be displeased.

"Oh and you punched me it hurt maybe I'll get ya back" Ezra said igniting his green saber and charged, what an idiot, Shawn thought. He blocked Ezra's attack which was aggressive but his own form was equally so, the blades clashed bright light flashed from each strike. Use your aggressive feelings let the hate flow Malgus whispered in his mind, Shawn ignored remembering what Qui Gon had said but he didn't know how someone could control their emotions so well. He was too distracted by his thoughts and loosened his grip on the saber hilt which flew from his hands retracting as it did,

Ezra swung but Shawn dodged and maneuvered around his strikes, with the Force he moved quickly grabbing Ezra's wrist twisting it sharply, Ezra groaned dropping his saber but swung at Shawn. He blocked with his forearms punching back not letting Ezra get an edge on him, Shawn was elbowed where Vader had struck him and the pain distracted him. Ezra swung but Shawn grabbed his fist then the other. Calling on the Force he let a burst of energy flow and Ezra flew into the wall with a CLANG, then he raised his hand closing his fingers choking Ezra lifting him off the ground slightly. Shawn felt powerful but cold like he'd stepped into an ice box the same feeling on Tython when Mara was hit or on Kuan, Ezra coughed and gagged tugging at his throat his face turning red.

What am I doing?,Shawn thought,this is wrong, he released his grip and Ezra fell to the ground reacalling his own saber back. Suddenly Mara ran in her purple saber humming. Lumiya did as well and with the Force pushed him to the wall, Ezra tried standing up but it was clear he was slipping, Shawn saw Mara had a cut on her right temple and a seared burn on her arm. He was concerned but focused. "Surrender" Mara said putting her saber to Ezra's chin, Ezra looked defeated bruised and tired,

Someone stumbled around the corner, Shawn looked and saw Maarek was dragging a wounded stormtrooper from another hallway then set the trooper up against the wall. "Stand up" Mara said, Ezra stood up looking angry now, Lumiya took his saber hilt and pushed him along the hallway "come on let's take a walk" she said. "Go to hell" Ezra gritted, Maarek retracted his blade drawing his blaster jamming the barrel into Ezra's back "move it" he ordered. Ezra sighed and went along as the smoke began to clear,

The main hanger was a mess half the TIE fighters were destroyed or damaged as fire crews went about putting the flames out. "Pfft should've gotten more of em" Ezra sarcastically remarked, Maarek struck him on the back of head with his blaster and Ezra groaned "shut it". Suddenly out of the smoke Vader appeared approaching them quickly, soon he stood in front of them hands on his belt but looked as of he'd been in a battle or something. "Sir we stopped this rebel from escaping" Shawn said, Vader took one breath peering down at them "perhaps you're not useless a useless boy after all Mendes" Vader commented. Two stormtroopers cuffed Ezra "take him to my shuttle we depart for Atollon" Vader ordered. " no!" Ezra protested struggling against the troopers, "your friends will die Jedi as will you once we're finished" Vader said, a stormtrooper officer ran over standing at attention as he stopped followed by two other troopers whose usually shiny white armor was blackened from battle, "Lord Vader the other Jedi escaped we suspect he fled with the rebel attack force to the target" the officer said. "No matter we leave for the planet" Vader said walking toward the landing shuttle.

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