Part 160

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Imperial Palace, Coruscant, May 18th, 2016
Shawn woke up still feeling immense pain in his lungs and now it hurt to even breathe, he coughed this time but it didn't hurt as badly. He hated having to sit still for so long especially with all on his mind, Shawn stood up pacing a little but he nearly fainted from doing so, then he noticed two more vials of the medicine sitting nearby and downed one of them slightly gagging from the extremely bitter taste, the pain subsided yet lingered so he put his boots on then walked out wanting answers for what happened.

He quickly made to Vladimirs cell where the creature was scribbling on some paper, "what'd you do to me?" He demanded his voice slightly scratchy then coughed, "I did warn you and your friend, arrogance was your downfall" Vladimir replied then chuckled menacingly setting the pencil and paper down, "I afflicted you and your companion with infectious diseases by means of the Force, I'm surprised your Sith Lord superiors haven't seen what ails you" Vladimir said, "for you I gave tuberculosis". Shawn wasn't scared of the knowledge as surely it was far more treatable here without the need to keep medications for years afterward as it was on Earth for someone who caught TB.

"Your companion, a blood disease" Vladimir said, "go see how he fares, maybe your superiors can help" then he laughed manically but Shawn stormed out.

He made it to the common room where Roganda and Vess were along with Maarek, "Shawn you shouldn't walking around if you're hacking up a lung" Roganda said, "I don't wanna just be laid up all day Ro, did you check on Jallar?" Shawn replied coughing a little. "Yea, he's not doing good, let's go check on him" Roganda said getting up, Shawn followed her out but she stopped almost running into Vader, "uh hi sir" Roganda stammered, "what is the meaning of this Ismaren?" Vader asked then turned to Shawn who coughed some more. "Shawn and Jallar had something done to them by that creature, I'm checking in on Jallar now" Roganda said, "don't lie me, girl" Vader replied then stepped toward Shawn looking him over.

"What is afflicting you Mendes?" Vader asked, "tuberculosis" Shawn replied, " is it contagious?" Vader asked as a pair of droids hovered by, "I dunno" Shawn said, "if it is do not leave your room unless absolutely necessary, and do not think it an excuse to weasel out from under me, the Emperor was explicit in his command" Vader said coldly then walked away. "Ok then" Roganda said uneasily then went the opposite direction and Shawn followed.

When they got to his room Roganda walked in first, Jallar was laying down and looked very pale for some odd reason, "you ok?" Shawn asked him, "no" Jallar weakly replied. "Shawn you shouldn't be too close even if it's not contagious just in case" Roganda said, Shawn sighed a little, "ok, get better Jal" he said then walked out.

***** Undisclosed location, rural West Virginia.
Hammond watched as the Lambda shuttle landed in the clearing several yards away, the ramp descended and a junior Imperial officer walked down, "greetings Mr Secretary, I am Lieutenant Lyste the Grand Admiral wishes for me to escort you to him" Lyste said. "Alright then" Hammond said walking forward but his two secret service agents followed as well, "I'm afraid you just be alone" Lyste said stopping him, "this is our protocol" Hammond replied. "Very well" Lyste said walking back into the shuttle, Sorov was already there with his own security, "Minister" Hammond greeted, "Mr Secretary" Sorov replied with a slight glare as they took their seats and the shuttle took off.

----- Chimaera, low Earth Orbit
The shuttle landed in the bustling hanger bay on the Imperial command ship, Lieutenant Lyste exited first as several stormtroopers arrived, "this way gentlemen" Lyste said, Hammond and Sorov walked down following the young officer as the troopers surrounded them. "<<let's hope they won't stab us in the back>>" Sorov said in French, "<<no worries my friend they are fooled easily">>" Hammond replied in French.

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