Part 173

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Star Destroyer Avenger, June 15th, 2016
Shawn was glad to finally get away from everyone though he wasn't entirely alone as Vess had been told to tag along though Shawn knew he would keep to himself as usual unless an officer approached. Though there were two things on his mind, who was this mysterious uncle the Emperor spoke of and why was he so significant if no one on that world could use the Force or even knew what it was nevertheless even no mistaking it for magic, the second was he didn't wish to take an innocent life for no reason and hoped that if it came down to that it would be Vess who'd do it instead.

The ship exited hyperspace and Vess walked over, "come on Shawn let's get this over with" he said walking past. "Uh sir, what would your orders be if an enemy ship shows up?" Captain Needa asked Vess, "blast the damned ship if you must, and follow your engagement protocol captain" Vess said as Shawn followed him out.

-------, Winterfell
The shuttle landed outside the castle in the forest nearby using the low overcast clouds as cover. Shawn exited first and immediately felt the chill on his face and ears from the cold, as on Baridia the synthetic fabrics of his uniform adapted to climates and snowy conditions it kept him above room temperature though extreme cold in the negatives diminished its capabilities. Vess followed him, "alright, let's get in there find whoever this is and kill em" he said before starting off toward a more secluded part as there was a large clearing on all sides of the walled castle". Shawn followed him, the snow ground under his feet while the ice forming winds billowed in the trees like the grim reaper approaching ever so slowly, but he felt something was off, like they were being watched somehow.

Getting up the walls was tricky but luckily a low fog settled over the area allowing them to get right up to it without being seen. "I'll go first" Vess said kneeling a little then leaped up with the Force landing right on the rampart looking around a little then gesturing for Shawn. Then he felt it again the sense of being watched but stronger, Shawn kneeled slightly and with the Force leaped up as fast as a car landing beside Vess and then landing in a small forest like area inside the walls quietly. "Over there" Vess said pointing at a figure seated in what looked like a wooden wheelchair.

They quietly moved over behind the figure and Vess drew his saber hilt holding it in hand as they got behind the figure. Shawn looked in front of the figure to see a young man seated there with black hair but white glassy eyes like he was in a trance. Suddenly his eyes shut then went back to normal and he looked right at Shawn but didn't seem even slightly alarmed. "Hello" he said in a calm clipped voice, "why're you here?" He asked. "We're lookin' for Brandon Stark do you know him?" Shawn asked the young man, "yes, he prefers Bran to Brandon, and I'm Bran Stark" he said.

Vess put his saber hilt to Brans neck, "well listen up Bran Stark I'm going to kill you, my Emperor has commanded me to" he said. "Watch out for ghosts, they haunt the shadows" Bran remarked calmly, how's this kid not scared to hell? Shawn thought but then heard four fast paced footsteps. "What'd you-" Vess started but before he could react a large white wolf leaped out of the snowy brush and bit his arm making him yell out in pain and ignite his saber. Shawn thrust his hand out and pushed the wolf away with the Force sending it tumbling into the brush as Vess groaned in pain holding his already profusely bleeding arm. Now he heard men shouting and approaching.

Shawn saw the wolf charging again and thrust his hand out this time he froze it in place while several Stark soldiers drew swords or aimed bows and arrows at them. "Freeze the lot of ya!" One them shouted but Shawn spun around knocking them all down the Force as more charged in, Vess raised his saber to fight but Shawn knew it was pointless, "wait don't!" He pleaded though Vess didn't listen at first and swung his saber but Shawn dashed in and grabbed his wrist. "Don't hurt em" he said but Vess sighed deeply and retracted his saber, "fine, but if they behead us it's on you".

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