Founding Of The Rebel Alliance

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Star Destroyer Avenger
The fleet exited hyperspace over Corellia and Vader's fleet was there and had descended into the atmosphere. Shawn went down to the hanger and got in the Strings and flew down along with the TIE fighters which were circulating around a snow covered mountain and landed next to the shuttle from Vader walked out of. Shawn got out and stood next to Vader as the stormtroopers blasted the door in and began firing their blasters randomly, following Vader Shawn walked in and Vader said "take them alive the emperor wants to execute them personally" then there standing around a stone table was senator Organa and three others one of whom was Starkiller.

"You've done well my apprentice" Vader said, apprentice? Shawn thought. Suddenly a Jedi with a green lightsaber attacked from the side. Shawn ignited his blade and pushed the Jedi off and Vader held them with a force choke and threw them away, then he lifted the table and threw it at Starkiller and he went flying outside. Meanwhile the stormtroopers restrained the others and led them away and Shawn followed and saw Vader was walking outside in the direction Starkiller had went,

The rebels were pushed onto the shuttle and Vader came back and said "the emperor is expecting us" and then Shawn got in the Strings and flew with the shuttle up to the fleet and boarded the Avenger which followed Vader's temporary command ship Devastator as the Executor was still being repaired in hyperspace.

Shawn feared that Palpatine would kill the rebel leaders yet he sensed that Palpatine would be stopped by someone else. He stared out at the blue vortex until he snapped out of his trance and because they'd arrived, as soon as it appeared he recognized it as the spherical space station he'd seen in the vision. Then Fida said "you've been summoned by the emperor to the station Hand Mendes" Shawn simply turned away and went to the hanger without saying anything.

As he landed in the hanger on this space station next to the shuttle there were lines of red guards along with stormtroopers also. The rebels were escorted off with Vader and Shawn following until they reached the elevator and stepped in, Shawn sensed their fear yet also their immense courage that while they might die they'd never give up. The door opened and the rebels were pushed off, passing through more doors the security of the place was quite heavy and Shawn knew no one would come after them, then they reached the throne room and Palpatine was sitting there looking displeased. Vader said "we've captured these insurgents as you requested" Palpatine said "excellent lord Vader but as for you radicals you will be dealt with severely".

He went on for about thirty minutes saying "you are all traitors to the Empire you will be interrogated tortured you will give me the names of your friends and allies and then you will die" Organa said "our deaths will only rally others" Palpatine sharply replied "your very public and painful executions will serve as an example to the rest of the Galaxy". Then an alarm sounded and the Jedi said "there may be a rebellion yet" and a hologram of a hooded figure running appeared, Palpatine said "lord Vader deal with the boy".

Vader unclipped his lightsaber and walked out. Palpatine continued "you conspired with the Confederate Remanent didn't you" Mon Mothma replied "we are not radicals trying to relive the glory days of the Clone Wars we want to restore freedom to the Galaxy" Palpatine replied "why would you trade the possibility of terrorists moving around freely when you could have order and security to prevent it" they traded political statements back and forth for ten minutes until something crashed through the window at the end of the throne room.

Shawn ran over and Palpatine followed and saw Vader at the bottom the top of his mask removed and his burnt skin showing on his head and arm. "Yes kill him he was weak" Palpatine said and Starkiller looked puzzled "kill him and you can take your rightful place at my side" then the Jedi yelled "no!" And used the force and pulled a lightsaber out of Palpatine's sleeve and ignited it and charged at him,

The Emperor swiftly blasted him with force lightning and he went flying back. Starkiller looked back and forth before charging at Palpatine, Shawn ignited his lightsaber and locked blades with him before being pushed back. Then his vision became pockmarked and he knew Malgus was trying to take control and resisted, Starkiller then unleashed force lightning at him to which Shawn blocked and redirected back at him. Shawn didn't want to kill Starkiller but knew he had little choice with the emperor right there watching,

Then his vision went dark and when he wrestled back control Starkiller was in a chokehold twenty feet in the air, he flung him back to the end of the throne room and he tumbled "hahah yes Hand Mendes kill him!" Palpatine said laughing with a sadistic tone. Starkiller then charged at him and they locked blades again and then he kicked Shawn in the leg and he fell down his saber rolling away. Shawn dodged his blade and blasted some lightning at him to which Starkiller blocked and force pushed him back, he flew back a little and summoned his blade to his hand and ignited it.

Shawn ran and swiped at him and Starkiller ducked and hit it aside until Shawn landed a cut on his right arm, Starkiller pushed him back and then Shawn's vision went black and he knew Malgus had full control now. The next time he wrestled control back he was on the ground his saber a few inches away from his hand and there was a pain in his side, then he saw Starkiller and the emperor with lighting bolts locked in and Starkiller was getting closer and closer while the rebels were escaping,

Several stormtroopers ran past him firing as they did. Then there was a massive explosion where Starkiller and the emperor were locked in and a low hanging cloud formed, as the dust cleared a figure walked up next to Shawn and there was the sound of a metal click every other step. Shawn got up and picked up his saber and saw it was Vader who'd walked past him and there Palpatine was looking over Starkiller who lay dead "he is dead" Palpatine said "then he is now more powerful than ever his sacrifice will only inspire them",

Shawn stumbled over a dead stormtrooper and stood next to Vader who said "but now we know who they are I will hunt them down and destroy them as you always intended master" Palpatine walked back to his throne before saying "you must be relentless lord Vader if even a single rebel survives this rebellion we've foolishly created will be our undoing" and walked back to his throne and sat down.

Shawn looked at Starkiller then walked away, "Hand Mendes come here" Palpatine said and Shawn walked over, "you fought with skill I've never seen before how'd you do this?" Shawn replied "Darth Malgus took control of me and guided my actions without me knowing" Palpatine replied "well then since this farce is over you will hunt down a Jedi with the Inquisitors before heading to Mygetto and defend then assault the CR forces in a massive counterattack"

Shawn stood up holding his side knowing he'd probably cracked a rib and said "yes my lord" and he walked away and Vader was still staring at the dead Starkiller on the ground. With that he sensed the rebellion had begun but wouldn't move until other matters were solved.

Star Destroyer Avenger
Back in his quarters Shawn was watching something that would shake the Galaxy forever as Leia had contacted him to witness this. The rebel leaders were all gathered around a stone table and senator Organa said "are we ready to finish what he started?" The others nodded and he said "then its settled the Rebel Alliance is born here tonight" Leia then said "we need a flag to rally behind a symbol" and brushed off a part of the table revealing a circle shaped symbol and said "a symbol of hope".

The symbol suited the rebellion as it was the Marek family crest, Shawn ended the transmission and now valued the freedom enjoyed in Canada and the US and elsewhere in the world with the highest regards and swore he'd do anything to keep the Empire from gaining influence over the world.

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